Digital Atlas of the Roman Empire
Comment réactualise-t-on un ouvrage de relations internationales contemporaines ?
Même pour un historien, les relations internationales ne sont pas une science exacte. Retracer le proche passé, réactualiser et classer les tendances, insérer les événements dans leur propre perspective, évaluer les principaux aléas, toutes ces précautions méthodologiques sont presque un art. De fait, il y faut de la clairvoyance, de la mesure, une certaine forme de prescience aussi. D’où le plaisir mais aussi la difficulté de réactualiser un ouvrage de relations internationales. Déjà, lors des bouleversements internationaux de 1989-1991, on avait parlé d’ « accélération de l’histoire », formule discutable, et plus simplement de « précipitation des événements » : les rapports Est-Ouest, en quelque deux ans, s’écroulaient sur eux-mêmes. Bref, sans pour autant dire qu’on est le nez sur la vitre, il y a quelque peine à ajuster sa focale. Conférence donnée par Maurice Vaïsse au Musée de la Grande Guerre du pays de Meaux, à l'été 2014 :
7 maps that will change how you see the world
A Japanese architect has won a prestigious award for creating a new map, because it shows the world as it really is. The AuthaGraph World Map angles continents in order to show their true distance from one another. Hajime Narukawa won the Good Design Award, beating over 1,000 entries in a variety of categories. “The AuthaGraph World Map provides an advanced precise perspective of our planet,” explain the organizers of the award. Not only that, but the map can then be transformed into a globe. Why is this news? Ever since we first set sail to explore the world, humans have wanted to record what they saw and experienced. The map we are used to seeing depicts the world as flat, but it distorts the sizes of the continents, as this interactive map shows. For example, this still from the interactive map depicts the United States of America superimposed onto Brazil, and shows that the US barely covers it. Africa is a lot bigger than we think It’s a similar story with the African continent.
The Best Geography Sites For Beginning & Intermediate English Language Learners
As I mentioned earlier this week, because of an unexpected substantial increase in our student enrollment and the resulting scheduling challenges, I volunteered to convert one period of my Beginning and Intermediate English Language Learner class into a Geography class. I think Geography is a great tool for language acquisition. I have a more expansive The Best Websites For Learning & Teaching Geographylist, but I thought readers might find it useful to see the sites I plan to primarily use in this class. I’ll be expanding the number of sites, but these are a good start: Let me know if you think I’m missing any…. If you’ve found this post useful, you might want to consider subscribing to this blog for free and checking out the 975 other “The Best” lists. Related The Best Geography Sites For Learning About Greece - Help Me Find More December 3, 2015 In "best of the year" The Best Resources For Geography Awareness Week November 11, 2013 The Best Resources For Geography Awareness Week
40 maps that explain the Roman Empire
by Timothy B. Lee on August 19, 2014 Two thousand years ago, on August 19, 14 AD, Caesar Augustus died. The rise and fall of Rome The rise and fall of RomeIn 500 BC, Rome was a minor city-state on the Italian peninsula. The rise of Rome Rome's military Rome's powerful maniple formation Rome's powerful maniple formationIn the early years of the republic, the Roman infantry used a version of the Greek phalanx. The republic becomes an empire Julius Caesar conquers Gaul Julius Caesar conquers GaulIn 58 BC, Julius Caesar took command of Rome's northern frontier and set out to conquer Gaul, which corresponds roughly to modern-day France. The lost city of Pompeii The eruption of Mount Vesuvius The eruption of Mt. The culture of Rome The journey of Aeneas The journey of AeneasVirgil, who lived from 70 BC to 19 BC, was one of ancient Rome's greatest poets. Roman Britain and the Roman economy The decline of Rome Rome's legacy Correction: The article originally stated that Constantinople fell in 1452.
Antonio Guterres, nouveau secrétaire général de l’ONU, veut faire de 2017 « une année pour la paix »
L’ancien premier ministre socialiste portugais Antonio Guterres succède à Ban Ki-moon à la tête des Nations unies. Le nouveau secrétaire général de l’Organisation des Nations unies (ONU), Antonio Guterres, veut faire de 2017 « une année pour la paix », a-t-il lancé dans un message diffusé à l’occasion du Nouvel An et de son entrée en fonctions. M. Guterres succède dimanche 1er janvier à Ban Ki-moon à la tête des Nations unies et hérite en particulier du lourd dossier de la guerre en Syrie. « En cette première journée à la tête des Nations unies, une question me pèse sur le cœur : comment venir en aide aux millions d’êtres humains pris au piège de conflits ? Lire notre portrait : Antonio Guterres, futur secrétaire général de l’ONU « La paix dépend de nous » Pour le nouveau secrétaire général, « tout ce que nous valorisons en tant que famille humaine – la dignité et l’espoir, le progrès et la prospérité – dépend de la paix ». « Mais la paix dépend de nous, poursuit-il.
Antipodes Map - Tunnel to the other side of the world
Wikijunior:Ancient Civilizations
About the Wikijunior Ancient Civilizations[edit] The target age of this title is 8–12 years old. Section titles will include major groups of people or substantial empires in ancient times. The print version will focus only on answering a specific series of questions about selected civilizations. There will be an introduction and a basic discussion of archaeology. When working on this project, remember that it's aimed at children. If you have made contributions to this Wikibook and would like to have formal credit for being an author, please add your name to this list: Wikijunior Ancient Civilizations Authors.