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Nine ways to use emojis in the English classroom

Nine ways to use emojis in the English classroom
Through trial, error and mild emoji-obsession, Colm Boyd, a materials writer and British Council teacher in Barcelona, has produced these tips for English language teachers. This article includes advice for using the internet in classrooms. We also recommend that teachers use the 360safe online self-review tool for a whole-school approach to online safety. There are over 2,000 emojis – ration them in your lesson These activities work best when the class has a limited selection of emojis – perhaps 20 to 30. To avoid confusion, this selection should include a name for each emoji (e.g., Face With Tears Of Joy). Here is a handout of emojis and their names, and here are a few ways to provide learners with an emoji selection: Decide on one area of language You can use emojis to practise many different areas of language, but some focus is required to pre-teach or elicit the target language for the activity. Write an emoji conversation Write an emoji translation Take your lesson online with Bitmoji

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