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We've searched shelves, shops and sites across the universe to bring you some really great comics. Shannon Wright for NPR hide caption toggle caption Shannon Wright for NPR We've searched shelves, shops and sites across the universe to bring you some really great comics. Summer's the time for comics — Marvel and DC blockbusters are in movie theaters, fans are preparing to descend on San Diego for its epic annual Comic-Con, and if nothing else, your friendly local comic store or library is there to provide an air-conditioned Fortress of Solitude where you can escape the steamy streets. So it's a perfect time for our super summer reader poll — a few months ago, we asked you to tell us all about your favorite comics and graphic novels. This isn't meant as a comprehensive list of the "best" or "most important" or "most influential" comics, of course. So poke around to find old favorites — and discover some new ones. Related:  Book ListsSERIER sve+engGraphic novels

Activist OKAY. Let’s address the elephant in the room. The world is really crazy right now! You know it, we know it, we all know it! There has been A LOT of stuff going on, and sometimes it’s easy to feel alone, helpless, or even tired. We can’t help but notice that our entire twitter feed is filled with conversations about things happening in the real world. 1. We said it once, we said it twice, we’ll say it again. 2. All American Boys!!! Add All American Boys to your Goodreads shelf! 3. When we finished this book we were waving our feminist flag SO high. 4. Into White gives its reader a chilling experience and a much-needed perspective. Add Into White to your Goodreads shelf! 5. This. Add X to your Goodreads shelf! 6. This first person of Nazi-era Germany is horrifyingly powerful. Add Night to your Goodreads shelf! 7. Ahhh The Hunger Games. Add The Hunger Games to your Goodreads shelf! 8. If you haven’t heard of Malala yet, you are REALLY missing out. Add I Am Malala to your Goodreads shelf! 9.

Editorial Cartoons The Society’s collection of editorial cartoons was started in 1946 with an important donation of works by Pulitzer-prize-winning artist Daniel F. Fitzpatrick. The collection continues to grow, with over 8,000 works from Bill Mauldin, Tom Engelhardt, and many others. The works graphically and often poignantly reflect the attitudes and opinions of the artists and the citizens of Missouri from the early days of the twentieth century through World War I, the Great Depression, World War II, and later events that saw the United States develop into a world leader. Keyword Search Search by Date Enter in YYYY-MM or YYYY-MM-DD format Browse by Cartoonist

The best science fiction, fantasy, and horror novels of 2017 2017 was a hard year for a lot of people. With climate change, haywire politics, and tech companies running amok, there are lots of reasons to put the year in the rearview mirror. But through it all, a run of great books shined a light in the darkness. Here are the best books of 2017. The Power by Naomi Alderman In the near future, teenage girls begin spontaneously developing electrical powers, thanks to a small muscle called the "skein" that's found only in women. Naomi Alderman is a protégé of Margaret Atwood, and her latest book is often compared to Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale. The Bear and the Nightingale by Katherine Arden Reinterpreted folklore is popular in fantasy literature, and Katherine Arden’s debut novel is a great example of the genre. In The Bear and the Nightingale, Vanya Petrova has a particular gift: she can see the fantastical creatures that inhabit her home and village. The City of Brass by S.A. Persepolis Rising by James S.A. Strange Weather by Joe Hill Joe M. R.E.

Graphic Novel Resources Gothic I’m Katisha, the wizard behind Reel Literature. As a longtime book nerd, I hate to see an amazing book spoiled by a lackluster movie. Join me as I read the books that have definitely been watered down and most likely ruined by Hollywood. August 30, 2017 marks the 220th birthday of Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley. Bellefleur by Joyce Carol Oates The first book in Oates’ Gothic Saga, Bellefleur is a novel with themes of magic realism about the lives of seven generations of an unusual and wealthy family, the Bellefleurs. Beloved by Toni Morrison Sethe, a runaway slave, is haunted by the ghost of the 2-year-old daughter she killed to keep from being recaptured and sent back to Sweet Home, the Kentucky plantation from which she fled. The Color Purple by Alice Walker The southern gothic novel of four black women living in rural Georgia in the 1930s and dealing with the issues that stem from their low positions in American society and culture. Fledgling by Octavia Butler Flowers in the Attic by V.C.

Seriealbumet: Sofia Z-4515 Seriealbumet Sofia Z-4515, berättar om Sofia Taikons upplevelser från 2:a världskriget och under efterkrigstiden. Ena delen är skriven i serieform och vänder sig direkt till elever i årskurs 4-9 och andra delen innehåller en kort faktabeskrivning om perioden 1933-1945. Det är en berättelse som ställer många frågor om vad som har hänt i historien, om romer, mänskliga rättigheter, demokrati och tolerans som ni kan samtala och fördjupa er kring i klassrummet. Till seriealbumet finns en lärarhandledning med kopplingar till kursplaner och centralt innehåll och förslag på olika sätt att arbeta med seriealbumet i klassrummet. Sofia Z-4515 är skriven av Gunilla Lundgren med illustrationer av Amanda Eriksson och finns att ladda ned kostnadsfritt i formaten iBook (för iPad/mac) och som PDF. Här kan du ladda ned seriealbumet Sofia Z-4515 i formaten iBook (för iPad/mac) och som PDF.

The 11 Best Travel Books I Read in 2015 My 2015 New Year’s resolution was to read more, and I can say, for the first time in my life, that I kept that resolution (I swear, next year, I will go to the gym more!). I’ve read over 80 books this year on topics ranging from travel to business to history to self-improvement, as well as biographies! I’ve fallen in love with reading all over again. Growing up I was an avid reader (not many 15-year-olds read the unabridged Les Misérables for fun), but in the last few years, I focused more on Netflix than books. And so, with another year coming to an end, I wanted to share the books that inspired wanderlust in me the most: 1. A reader recommendation that made my must-read list a few months back, this book examines the why of travel. 2. This book recounts Mark Adams’s tale of roughing it through Peru in search of little-visited Inca ruins and ancient cities while following archaeologist Hiram Bingham’s original route. 3. 4. 5. Flying gives me a lot of anxiety. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. P.S.

Teaching Graphic Novels Female Comics The first feminist superhero arrived way back in 1940 when Wonder Woman left her all-female island to join future super friends Batman and Superman to complete DC Comics' holy trinity. The Amazonian princess will soon be flying her invisible plane into another glass ceiling as she lands the first female-led film of the current superhero blockbuster boom. (Yes, we forgot about "Elektra" and "Catwoman" in the early-2000s. Haven't you?) But while sexism remains a villain to be defeated on the big screen, that's no longer the case on the comic book pages that birthed all this in the first place. Superhero diversity has been increasing by leaps, bounds and Nazi-punches over the past few years. Back in 2010, Marvel had no ongoing female-led comics. So we've put together a list of incredible, amazing and uncanny comic books for kids (yes, this includes boys) featuring female leads, and increasingly female artists and writers as well. America Ms. Moon Girl And Devil Dinosaur Invincible Iron Man
