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Giant Vortex Cannon

Related:  Frequency and Energy Weapons

Omega-News: Electro-Magnetic weapons: Today's Newest Military Development Interesting slant on our problem: Sylvia Electro-Magnetic (EM) weapons are one of the newest and most serious military developments in the world today. Enormous secrecy surrounds their development, which is helped by the fact that they rely on the complex physics of non-ionizing radiation and on bio-electromagnetics. In the case of the environment, very large quantities of energy can be literally 'broadcast', like radio, to create certain special environmental effects - radical changes in the ionosphere to affect communications, and possibly even the weather, as well as reflection to earth to perform such feats as x-raying the earth to find underground installations, possibly large transfers of energy to power equipment, or to apply destructive forces anywhere on earth, including EMP effects (Electro-Magnetic Pulse, associated with nuclear explosions), and simpler tasks like submarine communication, using very long waves.

Watch this bead chain loop defy gravity and bend physics | Science! Science is unendingly cool because it can consistently confound the expectations of researcher and layman alike. Case in point, what do you figure would happen if you had a bead chain coiled up in a small container, then pulled one end out? You probably didn’t guess that it would leap up and uncoil like a tiny metallic snake, but that’s what happens. This demonstration is sometimes called Newton’s Beads. The effect seen above in slow motion is a function of momentum. It’s not a smooth arch like you might expect, even after coming to terms with the fact that it’s happening.

E-Weapons: Directed Energy Warfare In The 21st Century LOS ALAMOS, New Mexico -- There is a new breed of weaponry fast approaching--and at the speed of light no less. They are labeled "directed-energy weapons" and may well signal a revolution in military hardware--perhaps more so than the atomic bomb. Directed-energy weapons take the form of lasers, high-powered microwaves, and particle beams. Their adoption for ground, air, sea, and space warfare depends not only on using the electromagnetic spectrum, but also upon favorable political and budgetary wavelengths too. That's the outlook of J. After more than two decades of research, the United States is on the verge of deploying a new generation of weapons that discharge beams of energy, such as the Airborne Laser, the Active Denial System, as well as the Tactical High Energy Laser (THEL). "History has shown that, without investment in high-technology, fighting the next war will be done using the last war type of technique," Beason told Ripe for transformation? Unknown unknowns U.S.

Students use giant balls to build omnidirectional motorcycle Riding this bike takes balls. Gigantic balls. Quite possibly the largest pair of balls you've ever seen in one place. Round wheels are out and spherical wheels are in with this project from students at San Jose State University, the end result of which will be a rideable electric motorcycle that uses balls instead of wheels. If this concept looks familiar, that's because you've seen it before. It's a little hard to see in the pic, but this Audi RSQ from I, Robot uses spherical wheels instead of round wheels. Outside of the movies, you may have also seen something like this as the drive system for a self-balancing, omnidirectional robot called Rezero: Essentially, this project is taking two of those ballbots, sticking them together, and adding some handlebars and a seat in the middle. Currently, the SJSU students have finished the bike's frame and have gotten themselves a pair of huge rubber-coated carbon fiber and fiberglass balls. Spherical Drive System Bike, via OhGizmo

Think EMP attack would only cut power? Text smaller Text bigger Carlsbad aftermath You’ve seen the warnings about an EMP attack, how it would shut down electronics so you couldn’t manage your bank account, fill your car with gas or go through the fast lane at the grocery store, but you’re prepared. After all, you bought a generator, have a couple cans of gasoline, a few weeks’ worth of food and a plan to make sure your family is safe. But what would you do when the explosions start? Yes, explosions, as in the 1980s eruption of flames from a 36-inch natural gas pipeline in the Netherlands, the Bellingham, Wash., blaze in the 1990s when 250,000 gallons of gas leaked into Hannah and Whatcom Creeks and ignited, or the New Mexico blaze that killed 12 and left an 86-foot-long crater in the ground. That danger would be very present should an electromagnetic pulse event or attack strike, according to experts on the issue. In the 1980s, there was a large explosion at a 36-inch natural gas pipeline in the Netherlands.

Twelve Things You Should Know About Scalar Weapons by Christi Verismo from ChristiVerismo Website 1 - A POSSIBLE SCALAR WAR SCENARIO The following seems like science fiction, but scalar beam weapons were invented in 1904 by a American immigrant genius called Nicola Tesla (1856 or 57 -1943) from Yugoslavia. Since he died in 1943, many nations have secretly developed his beam weapons which now further refined are so powerful that just by satellite one can: If either of the major scalar weapon armed countries e.g. Alternatively invisible moving barriers and globes made of plasma (produced by crossed scalar beams) could destroy any nuclear missile easily while it moves towards the target and failing all these, it could be destroyed by entering the target's territory by passing through a Tesla shield which would explode anything entering its airspace. To begin with, defense using scalar technology could intercept it before it even landed. Time flows like a wave-form river in hyperspace in a grid pattern. Bearden writes:

23Aug2013 – MAYDAY: WWIII and the SILENT WEAPONS FOR QUIET WARS | THE GOVERNMENT RAG BLOG “I do not know with what weapons World War 3 will be fought, but World War 4 will be fought with sticks and stones.” - Albert Einstein (Stephanie Sledge) – In a shocking interview on The Power Hour with Joyce Riley on the Genesis Communications Network, Deborah Tavares, from reveals more about the secret leaked documents outlining extremely disturbing realities as well as an ‘assumed’ Declaration of War against the world populous. The discovery of a policy for total enslavement and genocide. The ultimate plot against humanity has been operating behind the scenes for decades. We, the People of this nation can no longer sit back and be silenced about such horrific atrocities. What is behind the scenes? There are silent assaults with silent weapons being inflicted upon the nation as well as the world. The document can be viewed as proof the sovereignty of this nation is absolutely gone and the US is no longer under a constitutional government. as well as, In 1903, John D.

Scientists Use Sound Waves To Levitate, Manipulate Matter A team of researchers in Switzerland have developed a way of levitating and transporting small objects using nothing but sound. Using ultrasonic waves – that is, sound waves whose frequency is too high for humans to hear – scientists at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich have made water droplets, instant coffee crystals, styrofoam flakes, and a toothpick, among other objects, hang in midair, move along a plane, and interact with each other. It is the first time that scientists have been able to use sound to simultaneously levitate several objects next to each other and move them around. Research published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences describes how objects placed between two horizontal surfaces, the bottom one emitting high-pitched sound waves and the top one reflecting the waves back, can be levitated and manipulated. As anyone with a subwoofer and a teenager knows, sound waves exert pressure. Full Article Related:

What’s With the Weather and Chemtrails? Catherine J. FrompovichActivist Post There’s an aphorism about the weather that goes something like this: “Everyone talks about the weather but no one can do anything about it.” Weather modification has been one of the ultimate prizes for technology to capture, especially those who want to use it as a weapon of war. In December of 2007 Professor Michel Chossudovsky, Founder and Director of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG), published an extraordinary paper titled “Weather Warfare: Beware the US Military’s Experiments with Climatic Warfare” wherein he discussed such things as “HAARP was developed as part of an Anglo-American partnership between Raytheon Corporation, which owns the HAARP patents, the US Air Force and British Aerospace Systems (BAES).” [2] Readers will note that two nations’ government-war-machinery-branches are involved: the US Air Force and the British Aerospace Systems. According to Alaska Conservation Foundation Dispatch, Notes:

U.S. Unveils New Weapon System; Gravity Craft with Pulsed Plasma Weapons (VIDEO) May 8, 2014 — (TRN) — The United States has deployed and used a new Anti-Gravity-Attack Craft armed with Pulsed-Plasma Weapons and used it against a Taliban stronghold in Afghanistan during this past March. We have video of the craft, and its silent, devastating, weapons attacking a Taliban stronghold in Afghanistan. TRN has obtained footage from the United States Marine Corps showing the first combat use of a new US weapon system: The Anti-Gravity Craft (AGC) with Pulsed-Plasma Weapons (PPW) In the video below, you will clearly see the triangle-shaped AGC, silently moving over a Taliban camp, silently hovering there, then unleashing totally silent Pulsed-Plasma Weapons from BENEATH the craft. The Taliban saw the craft overhead and opened-fire on it with at least one rocket-propelled grenade. This is just some of the latest weapons technology available to the United States, and it is utterly immune from enemy attack.

The Tom Bearden Website Historical Background of Scalar EM Weapons by Lt. Col. T.E. Bearden (retd.), 1990 Copyright Colonel Bearden is a nuclear engineer, wargames analyst, and military tactician with over 26 years experience in air defense systems, tactics and operations, technical intelligence, antiradiation missile countermeasures, nuclear weapons employment, computerized wargames and military systems requirements. [This was a paper hastily whipped together, some years ago, to be able to send an abbreviated background paper to correspondents. We begin our history in 1939 at T.H. Thus in 1939 the Soviets obtained the secret, detailed drawings for a 29-stage electromagnetic device far ahead of its time. In short, Moray had produced a "Prigogine" transistor, still slightly more advanced than the transistors of today. So in 1939 detailed drawings of Moray's unit were obtained and forwarded to Russia, along with details of experiments that the Soviet agent performed with the device in Moray's laboratory. *Dr.

Directed-energy weapon Type of weapon that fires a concentrated beam of energy at its target A sonic directed-energy weapon (LRAD) deployed in a civilian context in the US, 2014. The LRAD is the square assembly mounted on the Lenco BearCat’s roof. A directed-energy weapon (DEW) is a ranged weapon that damages its target with highly focused energy without a solid projectile, including lasers, microwaves, particle beams, and sound beams. Operational advantages[edit] Directed energy weapons could have several main advantages over conventional weaponry: Directed-energy weapons can be used discreetly; radiation does not generate sound and is invisible if outside the visible spectrum.[34][35]Light is, for practical purposes, unaffected by gravity, windage and Coriolis force, giving it an almost perfectly flat trajectory. Types[edit] Microwave[edit] Active Denial System[edit] Active Denial System is a millimeter wave source that heats the water in a human target's skin and thus causes incapacitating pain. Laser[edit]

C.I.A. releases document on Nikola Tesla on Scalar Waves, formerly TOP SECRET | (Verborgen) nieuws ( Scalar waves are a purported type of electromagnetic wave that works outside physics as we know it. The central conceit is that scalar waves restore certain useful aspects of Maxwell’s equations “discarded” in the nineteenth century by those fools Heaviside, Hertz and Gibbs. Nikola Tesla was also interested in them, in his more-than-a-little-odd period. C.I.A. releases document on Nikola Tesla on Scalar Waves, formerly TOP SECRET: T. (In real physics, in the terms “scalar wave theory” or “scalar wave equation,” the adjective is “scalar”: treating the quantity you’re dealing with as a scalar rather than a vector — it’s just a quantity without direction or co-ordinates. The main proponent of scalar wave pseudophysics is zero-point energy advocate Thomas E. You can apparently make scalar waves with a bifilar coil (one wound with a pair of wires instead of a single wire) and pushing opposing currents through the wires (join the far ends together).

Forbidden technology part II, Project Looking Glass - Auricmedia - Blogman's Wonderland This post is about technology which allows you to watch in the past or in the future and it also works as a stargate to another planets… or this is what it’s claimed to be. So here we go again and dive in the world of Project Looking Glass: I have posted this guy before and he talks about this technology too and here is the Dan Burisch take on Project Looking Glass: Stargate Secrets : Dan Burisch revisited – Part 1 A video interview with Dan Burisch Las Vegas, June 2007Shot, edited and directed by Kerry Lynn CassidyDan Burisch: … because people will then target toward a date. And here is the video including incredible drawings about Looking Glass and Area 51 S4 facility described by Dan Burisch: Then we have MK-ULTRA super soldier James Casbolt who talks too about Looking Glass and have some photos of it: Difficult to find the info, but there you have it… STAY TUNED FOR MORE FORBIDDEN TECHNOLOGY!

.. et si .. Faudrra-t-il songer à repousser les autorités ? et si ce canon était utilisé PAR les manifestants ?... un "simple" canon à onde ... by sizolabarchitecture Jul 13
