Top 18 Household Plants To Purify The Air, According To NASA [Infographic]
Household plants are for more than just decor: they brighten a room and filter toxic particulates and pollutants from the air. And, when one lives in the city, being in an environment full of oxygen-producing flora is essential for vibrant health and well-being. Thanks to NASA, there are no more questions when it comes to knowing which plants are best for your health and your home. Following is a great Infographic which explains the top 18 plants you should add to into your house to experience better health and cleaner air: What are your thoughts? This article (Top 18 Household Plants To Purify The Air, According To NASA [Infographic]) is free and open source.
Kefir extracts suppress in vitro proliferation of estrogen-dependent human br...
Selon la médecine chinoise, le choc émotionnel serait à l'origine de toutes les maladies
Le 30 Janvier 2018. Image crédit : Pixabay Même dans la Chine ancienne, les médecins savaient que les émotions avaient un fort impact sur le corps humain. Selon la médecine chinoise, la cause sous-jacente de toutes les maladies sont les émotions, et chaque organe possède ses propres émotions. On appelle l’énergie Chi et elle est codépendante du sang, donc les médecins chinois disent que les sang est la mère de l’énergie et que l’énergie est le maître du sang. Les reins sont l’un des organes les plus importants selon la médecine chinoise, car ils représentent la base du yin et du yang et sont l’un des centres énergétiques les plus importants de notre corps. Le foie est lié au sang, il filtre le sang et est généralement traité en cas de troubles du cycle menstruel chez les femmes. Certains des symptômes de la dysfonction hépatique apparaissent sous forme de démangeaisons, de maux de tête et de vertiges. Voir également : LES CAUSES ÉMOTIONNELLES (OU INTERNE) EN MÉDECINE CHINOISE (MTC)
Can food change your mood? | Life and style
In medieval times people believed that what they ate affected their mood. If they wanted erotic stimulation it would be eggs, beef, pomegranates or peacock. Feeling down? They’d reach for quince, dates and elderflowers. Research carried out by a team led by Lina Begdache, assistant professor of health and wellness studies at Binghamton, New York, found that young adults (under 30) who ate fast food more than three times a week scored higher on levels of mental distress. For adults over 30, the study found that eating less carbohydrate and more fruit reduced anxiety and depression. Studies point to a Mediterranean diet being as good for your brain as your body.
How To Improve Your Eyesight Naturally
[Note: This is Part IX in a series of articles adapted from the second Children’s Health Defense eBook: Conflicts of Interest Undermine Children’s Health. The first eBook, The Sickest Generation: The Facts Behind the Children’s Health Crisis and Why It Needs to End, described how children’s health began to worsen dramatically in the late 1980s following fateful changes in the childhood vaccine schedule.] The vaccine industry and its government and scientific partners routinely block meaningful science and fabricate misleading studies about vaccines. They could not do so, however, without having enticed medical journals into a mutually beneficial bargain. Journals are willing to accept even the most highly misleading advertisements. An exclusive and dependent relationship Advertising is one of the most obviously beneficial ways that medical journals’ “exclusive and dependent relationship” with the pharmaceutical industry plays out. Industry-funded bias Debased and biased results
How to increase serotonin in the human brain without drugs
Papillomavirus : un champignon guérit les femmes au bout de 6 mois !
Autres articles Papillomavirus : un champignon guérit les femmes au bout de 6 mois ! Chère lectrice, cher lecteur, En écrivant ces lignes, je pense aux 368 725 personnes (!) qui ont eu le courage de signer la pétition du Professeur Joyeux contre la vaccination massive des petites filles contre les papillomavirus. En ajoutant leur nom à la liste, ces personnes ont du faire face au mépris, aux railleries, aux agressions verbales parfois, des partisans de la vaccination d’enfants à tout prix. Pourtant elles n’ont pas eu peur de leur dire : Que ces vaccins (appelés Gardasil et Cervarix) ne protègent pas du tout à 100 % contre le cancer du col de l’utérus.
The Blessings And Destruction Wrought By Lead Over Millennia
Everyone one of us is likely aware of what lead — as in the metal — is. Having a somewhat dull, metallic gray appearance, it occupies atomic number 82 in the periodic table and is among the most dense materials known to humankind. Lead’s low melting point and malleability even when at room temperature has made it a popular metal since humans first began to melt it out of ore in the Near East at around 7,000 BC in the Neolithic period. Although lead’s toxicity to humans has been known since at least the 2nd century BC and was acknowledged as a public health hazard in the late 19th century, the use of lead skyrocketed in the first half of the 20th century. Lead saw use as a gasoline additive beginning in the 1920s, and the US didn’t abolish lead-based paint until 1978, nearly 70 years after France, Belgium and Austria banned it. In this article I’ll examine the question of why we are still using lead, and if we truly must, then how we can use this metal in the safest way possible.
How to Increase Dopamine Levels: Foods to Eat and What to Do
Dopamine is the brain’s feel good chemical, sending feelings of well-being and pleasure into your body. In addition to simply making you feel good, dopamine helps control weight, energy levels, and supports brain and heart health. Without it, we would be more fat, unhappy, and tired. But if you know how to increase dopamine levels, you can take advantage of this feel good chemical on command. The best part? Fat, unhappy, and tired—those words seem to fit many Americans quite well. But, how can you boost dopamine levels naturally? Another solution for how to increase dopamine levels and flood your brain with this feel-good chemical is exercise. Alternatively, you could also take supplements to boost dopamine, although foods and exercise may be the two best and most beneficial options. What you put in your body and how you use your body determines how you feel. Additional Sources: RaySahelian Medhelp Reuniting NaturalNews PsychologyToday