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Cubify - Express Yourself in 3D

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UBS On The Importance Of 3D Printing Over a year ago we discussed the "next Industrial Revolution" and where it might appear from. 3D printers were envisioned among Goldman's top disruptive themes earlier this year and as UBS notes, 3D printing – or additive manufacturing – has been catching investors’ imaginations in recent months. Some commentators have suggested the technology has the potential to literally transform the world economy and dismantle global supply chains; while UBS points out that, others have suggested the technology is hyped and has little promise beyond a few niche product areas in manufacturing. The truth, Andrew Cates believes, probably lies somewhere in between but he is nevertheless more sympathetic to those who champion the technology’s disruptive – even revolutionary - qualities. Via UBS' Andrew Cates, For those readers who are not yet aficionados on this technology we start with a brief explanation. The technology has not yet generated a major impact on the world economy.

Rafts, Skirts and Brims! This tutorial will help you understand the differences between rafts, skirts and brims. All three techniques provide a starting point for your model, but they have different uses and advantages. Rafts A Raft is a horizontal latticework of filament that is located underneath your part. My technique for snowflakes shooting This article on other languages: Фотографирование снежинок (russian version), Chinese version translated by Hung Li. My main hobby is taking closeup snowflake pictures. Real snow crystals are amazing objects for macro photography, thanks to their beauty, uniqueness and unlimited diversity.

Express Yourself in 3D Axon 2 Version Printer Compatibility Link 3.0 alpha 3* 3D Touch / Rapman 3.2 Download 3.0 alpha 2* 3D Touch / Rapman 3.2 Download 3.0 alpha 1* 3D Touch / Rapman 3.2 Download * Firmware V5.4.0 or later required. Heart of Glass: The Art of Medical Models inShare0 This model, known as Mrs. Einstein, is the most complete vascular system from the head to the toes that FSG makes. It's used to demonstrate the path that catheters make. Photo: Garry McLeod This model shows the main arteries of the brain, including the Circle of Willis and Basilar artery. The measurements of a cadaver casting were used to make this model.Photo: Garry McLeod This model includes the trachea and the detailed branches of the bronchial tree.

Nouvelles applications d'impression 3D feront leur apparition, un marché de 7 milliards de dollars en 2025 Jun 3, 2014 The global market for 3D printing is set to reach $7 billion by 2025, which includes a conservative estimate of $3 billion for bioprinting, as forecasted by IDTechEx. IDTechEx released a report on May 22nd that outlines how 3D printing processes are being used in various industries today and how industries will be using the technology in the future. The report points out that traditional applications such as prototyping continue to grow but many emerging applications will also be commercialised. "The sudden growth in 3D printing was driven by the expiration of key patents that allowed dozens of small companies to start producing cheap desktop 3D printers for consumers.

Design Sprints — the Secret to Rapidly Developing Products Customers Actually Want This post will teach you the process of running a design sprint — a method developed by Jake Knapp, a partner at Google Ventures — to solve big problems and test new ideas in just five days. Most teams often invest months, even years, in developing a product or service, only to discover they've built something that no one wants. Jake developed a method that helps teams make better use of time and resources by simulating the entire product development process in just five days. A design sprint helps teams filter ideas and gain clarity as to which of them are best to pursue.

Retro Computers Travel back to the days when digital music synthesis was in its infancy – to an era when 8 bit was king and digital bleeps emanated from every living room. Retro Computers is a collection of digital instruments sourced from old-school classics like the Commodore 64, Nintendo NES, Apple ][ and Atari 2600. The Computer Libraries My Mini Factory – An Augmented Online Model Repository? Next month, the 3DP-following world is going to witness yet another opening of an industry related web-based company — a 3D model online repository called My Mini Factory. Differentiation-wise My Mini Factory – apparently — doesn’t use the business model that is emerging as the industry standard – the upload for free, download for fee -concept. Instead, they offer users free downloads, category and catalogue extensions by request, yet still offer suitable monetary incentives for the uploaders. At first glance then, this might seem like a project that has been just quickly thrown together to ride the growing tidal wave of 3DP – and the simultaneously greater potential of online ad revenues – but there’s a name in the bottom of the invitation page at Meetup , which pushes those initial thoughts aside.

One Man, 1,200 Hours, and Over 100 Pencils: City Band, A Monumental Drawing by Chris LaPorte Two weeks ago I was fortunate to spend a few days in Grand Rapids, Michigan at ArtPrize 2012, a sprawling international art fair featuring over 1,500 installations by more than 1,700 artists in venues throughout the city including the Grand Rapids Art Museum, the Urban Institute for Contemporary Arts, as well as countless art galleries, cafes, sidewalks, and even smack dab in the middle of a river. The entire affair centers around popular vote that determines ten winners (a maximum award of $200,000) as well as several juried awards. You can see the 2012 winners here. It was a great trip and I saw more art three days than I’ve seen in person in the past year.

3D Basics impression: Le Guide du débutant gratuit - Impression 3D industrie Welcome to 3DPI’s Beginner’s Guide to 3D Printing. Whether you are new to 3D printing technology or just looking to close a few knowledge gaps, we’re glad you stopped by. By now, most of us have heard, at some level, about the potential of 3D printing. But with this guide we are offering insights into the history and the reality of 3D printing — the processes, materials and applications — as well as measured thoughts on where it might be heading. We hope you’ll find this to be one of the most comprehensive 3D printing resources available, and that no matter what your skill level is, there will be plenty in here to meet your needs. Are you ready?

Download our ebooks about 3D Printing and Digital Manufacturing Sculpteo is not only the leading provider of digital fabrication services on the market today, we also have wide-ranging expertise that we love to share. So if you’re looking for some light reading on the 3D Printing and Laser Cutting happenings of the day check out our eBook Collection! To date Sculpteo has released twelve eBooks (listed below), this article will give you a quick summary of each – but for the complete thing go ahead and click on it directly! The State of 3D Printing The largest study on the impact of 3D printing in the business The Complete Metal 3D Printing Guide

Dark Synth With Dark Synth’s 2048 independently-controllable partials (sine wave oscillators) it’s possible to create everything from classic waveforms such as sawtooth and square, to complex custom waveshapes. But this is only the beginning – with direct access to each partial, you can take total control of your sound. Within minutes of using Dark Synth you’ll be crafting complex and dynamic sounds; from rich Detroit-style techno pads to lo-fi chillwave soundscapes, Dark Synth will give you amazing sonic flexibility with the most precise control. Dark Synth excels when it comes to generating strange and otherworldly sounds. Filtering and distorting waveforms at the spectral level will open up a world of experimental possibility. Spectral transformations can be accessed directly from the hands-on interface.

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