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The Great pyramid - When was it Built Archaeo-astronomy at Giza: The coordinates of the stars as viewed from earth gradually change over the course of time, an observation which has enabled us date the construction of several ancient structures. One of the main causes of this is the precession of the equinoxes, a cycle lasting an average of 25,920 years, which results from the fact that the earth's axis slowly sweeps an approximate circle around the poles of the ecliptic (the places in the heavens to which the ends of the axis would point if it was perfectly upright instead of being tilted). At present the tilt is 23.5 degrees, and scientists have established by observation that it is steadily decreasing by about a hundredth of a degree (47 arc-seconds) per century. (More about the Precession of the Equinoxes) The Orientation of the Polar Passage. Extract from the Edgar Brothers - The line of the Descending passage is not directed upward to the very pole of the heavens, but to a point which is 3° 42' below it. The Sun.
UVB-76 Live Stream Blog Ted the Caver Mystery « John's Blog Well, I guess it’s time I add my two cents to the topic. My name is Ted and I am the author of the story you have been discussing. I am the original author. I created the story on my own and copied no one. I will explain the details of the creation of the story in a moment, but first let me just say — WOW!! I am still thrilled and amazed by all of the discussion that my story has generated. I want to thank everyone who took the time to read the story. The recent events leading up to this post are as follows: I was contacted by my friend Brad (the ‘B’ in my story) a few weeks ago concerning an email he received from Yvonne. I’ll begin by giving everyone an outline of the creation of my story. Between December 30, 1999 and February 24, 2000 Brad and I worked on a passage in Freeway cave. The thought then occurred to me: It sure would be fun to embellish the story a little! When I learned about the discussion on this forum I did some digging and found other sites discussing the story. 1.
I believe I know who was behind the "Max Headroom Incident" that occurred on Chicago TV in 1987. A bunch of people have been asking me about this lately, so, I figured i'd do a coredump AM(almost)A.:IAmA What is a mystery that creeps you out the most? I'll start...:AskReddit Message Forums - CONSPIRACY !!! Anyone wanna know a REAL one??? quote:Originally posted by shootuadealSolved maybe?Read this article today and made me think of this thread, actually one of the most interesting threads we've ever had on hereHeres the article: .Russia reveals shiny state secret: It's awash in diamonds 'Trillions of carats' lie below a 35-million-year-old, 62-mile diameter asteroid crater in eastern Siberia known as Popigai Astroblem. The Russians have known about the site since the 1970s.By Fred Weir | Christian Science Monitor – 20 hrs ago. Russia has just declassified news that will shake world gem markets to their core: the discovery of a vast new diamond field containing "trillions of carats," enough to supply global markets for another 3,000 years. The Soviets discovered the bonanza back in the 1970s beneath a 35-million-year-old, 62-mile diameter asteroid crater in eastern Siberia known as Popigai Astroblem. How much do you know about Russia?
Satellite map images with missing or unclear data Some locations on free, publicly viewable satellite map services have missing, incomplete, or unclear map data. In some cases, these regions have been intentionally digitally obscured or blurred.[1] Westchester County, New York, for example, has asked Google to blur potential terror targets (such as an amusement park, a beach, and parking lots) from its satellite imagery.[2] In some cases, censorship of certain sites has been removed. When Google Maps was launched, images of the White House and United States Capitol in Washington, D.C. were blurred out; current versions of Google Maps and Google Earth show these sites uncensored, but with out-of-date imagery.[3] Countries in official contact with Google Maps[edit] During talks with the Indian government, Google issued a statement saying "Google has been talking and will continue to talk to the Indian government about any security concerns it may have regarding Google Earth List of map locations with missing or unclear data[edit] Iraq[edit]
A blurred / blacked out area in Chukotka, page 2 posted on Nov, 12 2009 @ 08:23 PM The name of the airbase was Zaliv Kresta, named after the nearby "Krest Bay". I have carefully studied the evidence and I conclude that SOMEBODY is going to great lengths to hide the existence of this area. I discovered from that there is an air base in the area at 66° 16' 0? There is a tiny runway there that basically goes north-south, about 1.3km long. Zaliv Kresta (US) it says. It doesn't surprise me, the Russians practically advertise their ICBM capability so nobody messes with them, whereas the American Jews are all a bunch of paranoid sketchy twats who dont like anyone to know anything about them. I agree that Chelsea's Football Manager Roman Abramovich is probably involved seeing as he is the governor of the whole of Chukotka. The Americans are behind all of this, I am sure of it. The only other way anybody could get an image of this place is by paying a private satellite company to take a snap during the next flyby.
Залив Креста : Эгвекинот • Просмотр темы - Что у вас в 69 км на Западе ? Дмитрий Дмитриев писал(а):Я вот думаю что там нет никаких дорог.... да и не рассмотрел. Возможно это и мои фантазии, но мне показалось, что в распадке восточнее зоны есть что-то похожее на дорогу 66/16/56,05 северной, 179/48/25,34 восточной, хотя это могут быть какие то остатки одной из попыток сделать дорогу на Анадырь или на Уэлькаль. Да и если внимательно присмотреться, то по ручью, который идёт вверх от зоны местами просматриваеться что-то похожее на дорогу, хотя учитывая разрешение... Дмитрий Дмитриев писал(а):Ещё вопрос. Название скорее всего из-за бурых медведей, предположение, что белые медведи живут на море совершенно верно, хотя они и забредают достаточно далеко в глубь материка. Дмитрий Дмитриев писал(а):Кстати поход в Зону , по идее можно озвучить и найти спонсора . Фигасе прогулочка, по гуглу померял, если идти по распадкам 150 км получаеться, а это не близко, а учитывая, что в тундре проблематично найти палку, чтобы от медведей отмахиваться, становиться совсем грустно