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Invisible Children – Home

Invisible Children – Home

About We believe in the equal and inherent value of all human life. We believe that a worldview bound by borders is outdated and that stopping injustice anywhere is the responsibility of humanity everywhere. We call this ethos Fourth Estate. Story Joseph Kony and the Lord’s Resistance Army have been abducting, killing, and displacing civilians in East and central Africa since 1987. Invisible Children focuses exclusively on the LRA conflict through an integrated four-part model that addresses the problem in its entirety: immediate needs and long-term effects. We create films to document LRA atrocities, introduce new audiences to the conflict, and inspire global action. We mobilize massive groups of people to support and advance international efforts to end LRA atrocities. Protection We work with regional partners to build and expand systems that warn remote communities of LRA attacks and encourage members of the LRA to peacefully surrender. Feed The Poor Phil is a painter who found himself out of work during the recession. It seemed that everything was against himks thinking they can get free labor out of a man in desperation. Every day after holding his sign or working a job, Phil walks to a local grocery store and purchases a large bag of cat food and walks the nine blocks back to his house stopping to feed local strays. When Phil comes walking down the streets homeless kitties from all over come running to find him. When he makes it back to his house he cares for his wife who suffers from numerous illnesses. Phil and his wife have lived in the same home for years and Phil has desperately fought to keep them in this home, giving up little luxuries and making big sacrifices, even going days without food, so his wife would not have to live outside, which would be extremely dangerous in her condition. Phil's landlord has told him that he can't be late on rent again or he'll begin the eviction process.

Crowdsourcing Friday, October 5th, 2012 This week on the Everyone Funding Startups podcast we spoke to Lukas Biewald, CEO of CrowdFlower, the leading microtask crowdsourcing platform and also the company behind the CrowdConf crowdsourcing industry events. CrowdFlower solves problems ranging from product categorization to business lead verification to content creation. With its crowd of millions of contributors CrowdFlower claims to make up the world’s largest workforce. We… Read more… Friday, January 27th, 2012 In this episode of the Grow VC Everyone Funding Startups podcast, we are joined by David Bratvold, Founder & CEO of The Daily Crowdsource, to discuss the current state of the crowdsourcing and crowdfunding markets and the ways in which entrepreneurs and investors can utilize these tools to manage and finance their ventures. Tuesday, November 30th, 2010 In my recent interactions with the entrepreneur, as well as the investor community I have found one thing increasingly common these days.

What’s Your Shoe Personality? Last Updated: 4/04/2014 16:08 PST “Why do you need so many shoes?” If you’ve ever been asked this question by a guy, you’re probably going to love a great new Web service called JustFabulous. Born from a deep appreciation of a woman’s relationship with shoes, the website is dedicated to the needs of the average shoe addict. Why are so many women addicted to shoes? But, there’s also something more about shoes—when you’re feeling down and need a pick-me-up, a great new pair of shoes often works wonders. JustFabulous seeks to provide shoe addicts exactly what they want when it comes to shoes--namely, their own personal stylist. But, shoe nirvana doesn’t just mean your own personal stylist suggesting new shoes that fit your look and style perfectly—it also means being able to actually afford these styles, and that’s what JustFabulous does. The JustFabulous experience starts with you taking a shoe personality quiz. Then comes the really fun part.

Wat is crowdsourcing -! Met de mogelijkheden van internettechnologie is het tegenwoordig om de hele wereld met elkaar te verbinden. Als indivdu (of als organisatie) heb je niet voldoende aan je eigen kennis en kunde, maar kan je alle talent uit de wereld inzetten. Deze vorm van externe verbinding wordt ook wel crowdsourcing genoemd. Crowdsourcen gaat over het benutten van de kennis, ideeën en creativiteit uit de samenleving om vraagstukken op te lossen. Historie Jeff Howe, schrijver bij Wired Magazine, gebruikte in 2006 de term voor het eerst. Hoewel de term nieuw is, werd crowdsourcing al in de 18e eeuw gebruikt. Stappenplan Twee succesfactoren voor crowdsourcing Crowds hebben een leider nodig. Blijf altijd rekening houden met je marketingstrategie. Voorbeelden Er zijn talrijke voorbeelden. Het logo van! Jan-Willem Alphenaar maakte zelfs een hele film via crowdsourcing, DSB The Movie. Verder lezen Wil je meer weten over crowdsourcing, lees dan onderstaande boeken.

Crystal River - The most beautiful river on earth [Pics] Cano Cristales - Crystal River. River of five colors, as the locals call it, originates in the south of the mountain chain Macarena, Colombia, and flows eastward to its confluence with the Guayabero river. In the Cano Cristales found five colors: yellow, blue, green, black and red. All of them are waste product of many algae and, depending on time of year, color saturation, or weakened or strengthened. Share on Tumblr

Crowdsourcing Eis optredens van je artiesten! Gaat dat werken? Gaat ze dan komen? Nee, waarschijnlijk niet. Maar als platenmaatschappijen, organisatoren van events of filmbedrijven de vraag naar een product of dienst mede laten bepalen waar een unieke vertoning wordt gehouden, kan het wel een rol spelen bij marketing en klantenbinding. Live On Demand wordt 'crowdsourcing Mojo' Het nieuwe crowsourcing-platform Live On Demand van Thijs Sprangers wil binnen een jaar enkele honderden evenementen organiseren. Dat vertelde Sprangers gisteren bij Fast Moving Targets. Live On Demand , dat net van start is gegaan, peilt de belangstelling voor concerten en lezingen die bezoekers van de site zelf voorstellen. Bij voldoende aanmeldingen besteedt Live On Demand de organisatie uit aan bedrijven als Brand New Live (onderdeel van concertorganisator Live Nation) of Next Speakers. Live On Demand beperkt zich tot ‘fan finding’. De indieners van de verzoeken krijgen bepaalde privileges, zoals een plek op de voorste rij en meet & greets. Sprangers geeft toe dat hij niet weet of het concept levensvatbaar is. Sprangers heeft Live On Demand in september 2012 opgericht.

Altijd Wat Monitor | Onderzoeksjournalistiek | Zorg | Duurzaamheid | NCRV Cross of the Dutchman by Triangle Studios Update #11: Dawn of the final day, 24 hours remain. Update #10: Dawn of the second to last day, 48 hours remain. Update #9: Livestream: Pascal Brander, New Designer Pledge! Update #8: Reddit Invasion & Livestreams! Update #7: New Screenshots, Media update! Update #6: Official Gameplay Trailer Update #5: Updates & Final Stretch Preparations Update #4: Introducing Ate Grypstra, the writer of the novel! Update #3: New Screenshots, T-shirt design revealed! Update #2: News, Mo-cap and a new reward level! Update #1: Introducing a new reward level! What is Cross of the Dutchman? Cross of the Dutchman is an action-adventure game about our cultural heritage, the place where we come from (Friesland) and the language that the locals still speak (Frisian). What is the game about? Cross of the Dutchman is based on the folk legend of Pier Gerlofs Donia. How will it play? The game will have a 3rd person birds-eye perspective, similar to what you're seeing in the Animated GIF. Controls are kept clean and simple.

Magneet Festival » How it works Log in. Dit kan via Facebook. Geen Facebook? Maak bij ons een profiel aan. Plaats jouw idee. Ga naar ‘Submit Idea’ en geef een korte & heldere samenvatting van jouw idee en overtuig ons van jouw plek op Magneet Festival 2013. Verzamel stemmen. Promoot jouw idee zoveel mogelijk. Laat ons weten wat je nodig hebt: Na het posten van het idee op de website ontvang je per email een formulier met vragen waarin je aangeeft wat er nodig is om jouw idee te realiseren. Van idee naar project. Voldoende stemmen? Vergeet niet op andere ideeën te stemmen! Nog vragen? Het concept: Hoe een challenge werkt: Hoe promotie werkt: (met magneetbar-ondersteuning van THE KOOKS)

Introduction to Social Network Methods: Table of Contents Robert A. Hanneman and Mark Riddle Introduction to social network methods Table of contents About this book This on-line textbook introduces many of the basics of formal approaches to the analysis of social networks. You are invited to use and redistribute this text freely -- but please acknowledge the source. Hanneman, Robert A. and Mark Riddle. 2005. Table of contents: Preface1.
