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Teaching Digital Citizenship in the Elementary Classroom

Teaching Digital Citizenship in the Elementary Classroom
As elementary level teachers, we are charged not just with teaching academics, but teaching social skills as well. "Ignore bullies and tell an adult if you feel threatened," "Don't talk to strangers," "Treat people the way you want to be treated." You're probably familiar with phrases similar to these if you teach the younger grades. Young children are still learning the norms of social behavior and how to handle strangers. However, when was the last time you talked to your students about how to use good manners when leaving a comment on a blog post? These are the new social skills for our students. While we shouldn't stop teaching children how to say "please" and "thank you," and bullies still exist in the face-to-face world, it is vital that we treat online safety and digital citizenship with the same amount of seriousness and attention. Each year I spend at least a month reviewing digital citizenship and internet safety with all my classes. Lesson Resources Online Learning Tools

Modeling Constructive Online Behavior Plenty of students may know how to create digital media, but too few know how to produce engaging, high-quality content, the kind that makes them stand out not only to college admission officers, but also to potential employers. What does that kind of quality involve? We need to teach and encourage students to post original, outstanding content that will distinguish their unique identities in a sea of increasingly indistinguishable resumes -- which are going the way of the typewriter. To help accomplish this task, I model creating a positive digital footprint by making effective use of social networking and blogging. I owe my students that much -- after all, if they don't take control of their online identities, someone else will. Facebook Educators do students a tremendous disservice by demonizing Facebook, which can enhance a student's online presence and real-world prospects. Twitter LinkedIn Snapchat Blogging How should teachers go about modeling effective use of social networking?

Digital Citizenship in the Real World -- THE Journal Digital Citizenship | Feature Digital Citizenship in the Real World The Digital Driver's License is helping students navigate the hazards of the Internet. Every new driver takes a test before ever taking the wheel. With so much at stake, it would be reckless not to. So it's something of a mystery why, in the age of increased attention on cyberbullying and online predators, schools aren't doing more to prep students for the inevitable realities of the Internet. Too often, digital citizenship topics like student safety and proper research methods are reduced to brief lectures that get wedged between keyboarding and software tutorials in catchall computer courses. According to Marty Park, chief digital officer at Kentucky's Department of Education, 21st century topics require 21st century teaching methods. Park is a pioneer of the latter approach. In 2011, the program debuted in a handful of local Kentucky classrooms.

Nine Elements Nine Themes of Digital Citizenship Digital citizenship can be defined as the norms of appropriate, responsible behavior with regard to technology use. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Respect, Educate and Protect (REPs) These elements have also been organized under the principles of respect, educate and protect. Respect Your Self/Respect Others - Etiquette - Access - Law Educate Your Self/Connect with Others - Literacy - Communication - Commerce Protect Your Self/Protect Others -Rights and Responsibility - Safety (Security) - Health and Welfare If this was to be taught beginning at the kindergarten level it would follow this pattern: Repetition 1 (kindergarten to second grade) Respect Your Self/Respect Others Digital Etiquette Educate Your Self/Connect with OthersDigital Literacy Protect Your Self/Protect Others Digital Rights and Responsibility Repetition 2 (third to fifth grade) Respect Your Self/Respect Others Digital Access Educate Your Self/Connect with OthersDigital Communication

10 app per insegnare a programmare ai ragazzi Una selezione di app che aiutano i bambini a sviluppare competenze di problem-solving e di analisi critica Pubblicato *SupersizeContenuto forte: è lungo, ma vale la pena Tutti gli stickers Il coding è un’attività per bambini in rapida crescita non solo per chi sogna di essere un programmatore da grande. Per stimolarli a iniziare ci sono una serie di app che insegnano come costruire da soli giochi e altre attività usando un’interfaccia visuale o stringhe di codice. Lightbot Jr 4+ Coding Puzzle (4+ anni) Leggi anche: iPhone, l’app di Facebook consuma troppa batteria Si presenta ai bambini sotto forma di un simpatico robot, insieme a blocchi disposti si più livelli e una manciata di icone drag-and-drop per la programmazione. Con il raggiungimento degli obiettivi di programmazione i bambini riusciranno a sbloccare nuovi livelli e imparano così concetti più avanzati. È disponibile anche una versione per bambini più grandi, Lightbot Programming Puzzles, dai 9 anni in su. The Foos (5+ anni) Segui
