WebElements Periodic Table of the Elements
Doc Brown's (chemistry teacher) GCSE Science Biology Physics HOMEPAGE Revision Notes Quizzes e-learning website free to use online
Leicester Grammar School - Chemistry
Biology For Kids - KidsBiology.com
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The Biology Corner
Reigate Grammar School
This page contains the resources currently available via the Infonet for AS Scheme B students. Essential: These resources are essential throughout the AS Scheme B course and should be used often. Student Scheme of Work - [download] (Scheme B specific) This file contains a breakdown of the topics covered during each term of the course, detailing key learning points, skills developed and textbook references. Homework Booklet - [download] (Scheme B specific) This file contains the AS Scheme B Homework Booklet, which provides written exercises for each topic that may be set for weekly 2 hour homeworks. It also contains a self-assessment checklists and some revision questions for each topic. Periodic Table - [download] This file contains the Periodic Table that we use: it lists the symbols, group numbers, atomic numbers and relative atomic masses of all known elements. Independent Learning: These resources are available for students wishing to engage in independent learning. Revision: Past Papers:
Science Clips Definitely one not to be missed! Fabulous interactive Flash science activities for primary-aged children matched to curriculum requirements throughout the UK. Brilliant for use on interactive whiteboards too. Planet Under Pressure BBC News Online explores our planet's most pressing environmental issues. ReThink Super Flash games and animations which can help you with the 3 R's - Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. Energy Home Do you know what energy is and what uses energy? Practical Chemistry A growing site for chemistry teachers and technicians. Super Science A fantastic, free resource which comprises of 12 online science experiments. Free Absorb Content on Yenka 800 free interactive classroom resources aimed at 14+ age group and perfect for use on interactive whiteboards. Cool Creations All about Autumn Find out about autumn in simple, illustrated text for children by Topmarks. ExpeRimental - Simple Science Experiments
Organic Nomenclature
The nomenclature of substituted benzene ring compounds is less systematic than that of the alkanes, alkenes and alkynes. A few mono-substituted compounds are named by using a group name as a prefix to "benzene", as shown by the combined names listed below. A majority of these compounds, however, are referred to by singular names that are unique. There is no simple alternative to memorization in mastering these names. Two commonly encountered substituent groups that incorporate a benzene ring are phenyl, abbreviated Ph-, and benzyl, abbreviated Bn-. When more than one substituent is present on a benzene ring, the relative locations of the substituents must be designated by numbering the ring carbons or by some other notation.
HyperPhysics Concepts
About HyperPhysics Rationale for Development HyperPhysics is an exploration environment for concepts in physics which employs concept maps and other linking strategies to facilitate smooth navigation. For the most part, it is laid out in small segments or "cards", true to its original development in HyperCard. The entire environment is interconnected with thousands of links, reminiscent of a neural network. The bottom bar of each card contains links to major concept maps for divisions of physics, plus a "go back" feature to allow you to retrace the path of an exploration. Part of the intent for this exploration environment is to provide many opportunities for numerical exploration in the form of active formuli and standard problems implemented in Javascript. New content for HyperPhysics will be posted as it is developed. A resource that was initiated as a resource for local high school physics teachers whom I had taught has expanded into an intensively used website worldwide. HyperPhysics
The Virtual Lab Series
BioInteractive’s virtual labs have won several awards, including top honors in the Pirelli INTERNETional Award competition, which recognizes the best multimedia products designed to use the Internet to educate about science and technology. Designed in close consultation with educators and scientists, these virtual labs are fully interactive biomedical laboratory simulations and provide students with skills and techniques used in scientific research. BioInteractive’s series of virtual labs allows students to examine heart patients, analyze DNA sequences, probe the nervous system of a leech, use human antibodies to diagnose disease, and measure physical traits of stickleback fish and anole lizards to examine key concepts in evolution. Each lab provides an interactive environment in which students perform experiments and collect their data, and answer questions to assess their understanding. The labs can be accessed by clicking the icons on the right-hand side of the page.
Calculators for Kids!
Figuring out fun things like a how old your cat is in human years or how many calories you just burned is possible using the World Wide Web. Calculators are a very important part of life today and the web offers many free activities and games using calculators. Some websites provide you with a free, online calculator while other sites require you to use your own calculator. Either way, calculators are fun. What is a calculator? A Decimal to Binary Conversion Calculator is one of the more confusing types of calculators. Many health-related calculators can be found online. Calculators are even available to determine radio activity and atmospheric pressure. The links that are provided with this article are all kid-friendly websites that will help you to have fun with calculators of all kinds. There are math games, puzzles and worksheets that all involve the use of a calculator. Small children can be introduced to calculators by using calculator toys. Dr. Math Worksheets Go!