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A Magazine Is an iPad That Does Not Work.m4v

A Magazine Is an iPad That Does Not Work.m4v
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¿EL CAMBIO HA LLEGADO SIN PREGUNTAR? – Pepe Menéndez Doctor “cum laudem” en Ciencias de la Comunicación por la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. Especialista Senior en Políticas de Educación y Tecnología, investigador y autor. Fundó y dirigió el Centro de Estudios – Fundación Ceibal. (Los parráfos en negrita corresponden a Pepe Menéndez y los párrafos sin destacar, a Cristóbal Cobo) Yo antes pensaba que el cambio era solamente para los afortunados, para aquellos que contaban con un montón de condiciones. ¿Cómo entiendes este cambio del que hablas? La palabra cambio es uno de los términos más jugosos cuando pensamos, por ejemplo, en las campañas electorales. ¿Y cómo entiendes el cambio en la educación? El cambio es consustancial a los seres humanos para poder sobrevivir. Siempre has sido una persona conocida por tus investigaciones sobre tecnología, también la educativa. No hay nada más seductor que ver a un niño pequeño con un dispositivo digital en la mano para hablar del futuro. Tú antes hablabas de un matrimonio mal avenido.

Albert Bandura Albert Bandura (born December 4, 1925) is a psychologist who is the David Starr Jordan Professor Emeritus of Social Science in Psychology at Stanford University. For almost six decades, he has been responsible for contributions to many fields of psychology, including social cognitive theory, therapy and personality psychology, and was also influential in the transition between behaviorism and cognitive psychology. He is known as the originator of social learning theory and the theoretical construct of self-efficacy, and is also responsible for the influential 1961 Bobo doll experiment. A 2002 survey ranked Bandura as the fourth most-frequently cited psychologist of all time, behind B. In 1974 Bandura was elected to be the Eighty-Second President of the American Psychological Association (APA). Personal life[edit] Bandura was born in Mundare, in Alberta, a small town of roughly four hundred inhabitants, as the youngest child, and only son, in a family of six. Post-doctoral work[edit]

The man who hears colour 15 February 2012Last updated at 15:37 Artist Neil Harbisson is completely colour-blind. Here, he explains how a camera attached to his head allows him to hear colour. Until I was 11, I didn't know I could only see in shades of grey. I thought I could see colours but that I was confusing them. When I was diagnosed with achromatopsia [a rare vision disorder], it was a bit of a shock but at least we knew what was wrong. When I was 16, I decided to study art. I was allowed to do the entire art course in greyscale - only using black and white. At university I went to a cybernetics lecture by Adam Montandon, a student from Plymouth University, and asked if we could create something so I could see colour. If we were all to hear the frequency of red, for example, we would hear a note that is in between F and F sharp. I started using it 24 hours a day, carrying it around in a backpack and feeling that the cybernetic device, the eyeborg, and my organism were completely connected. Shades of grey

Company Builds a Face-Scanning Emotion Detector, Seeks Important Uses for It Last year more than 1,000 people in four countries sat down and watched 115 television ads, such as one featuring anthropomorphized M&M candies boogying in a bar. All the while, webcams pointed at their faces and streamed images of their expressions to a server in Waltham, Massachusetts. In Waltham, an algorithm developed by a startup company called Affectiva performed what is known as facial coding: it tracked the panelists’ raised eyebrows, furrowed brows, smirks, half-smirks, frowns, and smiles. (Watch a video of the technology in action below this story or here.) When this face data was later merged with real-world sales data, it turned out that the facial measurements could be used to predict with 75 percent accuracy whether sales of the advertised products would increase, decrease, or stay the same after the commercials aired. Although this was an incremental improvement statistically, it reflected a milestone in the field of affective computing.

Ungdomsforsker: Mange unge kæmper med motivationen Fakta Motivation En række aktuelle undersøgelser viser, at elevernes motivation falder fra og med de ældste klasser i folkeskolen, og at manglende motivation har betydning for elevernes faglige præstationer. Folkeskolens motivationsfald fortsætter på ungdomsuddannelserne, hvor mere end 40 pct af eleverne oplever, at undervisningen generelt er for ensformig, og mange angiver skoletræthed som årsag til fravær og frafald. Kilde: Fra bogen ’Unges motivation og læring’. »En del af de unge i grundskolen og på ungdomsuddannelserne mangler motivation for meget af det, der foregår på uddannelserne. Sådan kommenterer ungdomsforskeren Noemi Katznelson en ny Politikenundersøgelse, hvor studievejledere på ungdomsuddannelserne giver udtryk for, at mange unge på ungdomsuddannelserne er dårligere til at koncentrere sig end tidligere og ikke forbereder sig. Sammen med tre andre forskere har Noemi Katznelson netop udgivet en bog om de unges motivationskrise. Hvad er det, der er galt? Blå blog Noemi Katznelson

¿Quién sabe más sobre uno, Google o nuestra madre? Entrevista a David Buckingham En la entrevista con David conversamos sobre los medios digitales, su impacto en la educación y los aprendizajes ¿los medios digitales cambiaron algo? ¿son necesarias las escuelas? ¡Los invitamos a ver la entrevista completa! Video 1 -¿Los medios digitales modificaron la matriz escolar? Diría que en realidad los medios digitales no han hecho cambios en la escuela. Video 2 – A nivel latinoamericano, muchos países han dotado con tecnología sus aulas y alumnos pero no se ha registrado una mejora significativa en sus aprendizajes ¿a qué crees que se debe esto? Hemos visto que los programas para dotar de una laptop a cada niño grafica lo que hablábamos en el punto anterior. Video 3 – ¿Cómo formar ciudadanos críticos en el uso y producción de información? Necesitamos poder generar en los chicos un sentido crítico con respecto a la información que reciben por fuera de la escuela. Video 4 – ¿Quién sabe más sobre uno, Google o nuestra madre? Video 5 – ¿Qué te conecta con el futuro de la educación?

Joichi Ito - Innovating by the Seat of Our Pants Almost 20 years ago, I installed on my computer a tiny piece of software called MacPPP, which connected the programs running on it to the Internet. The program immediately transformed my computer from a fancy telex machine to a device running a very early version of the graphical Web. I was working in entertainment at the time, and I remember thinking that this connection was going to change everything. I left to join the first commercial Internet service provider in Japan, PSINet Japan, as its first chief executive. Until then, large intergovernmental agencies had always gathered experts to work on the technical standards that would become the DNA of the telecommunications industry, the standards to which all companies would have to build their networks and products. The Internet, on the other hand, was designed and deployed by small groups of researchers following the credo of one of its chief architects, David Clark: “rough consensus and running code.”

Beautiful Places to Read in London Word recently reached us that the imposing Freemason’s Hall has a library in its belly. And thus, we began the day climbing a monumental marble staircase towards our appointment to view a poem about William Blake, enclosed in a book ‘bound in masonic ritual’. Alas, whilst the location is most beauteous, the librarians helpful, and there are many eccentric volumes to peruse, as a specialist library this repository of secret knowledge proved ill-suited for idle pleasure reading. William Blake by James Thompson, at the Library and Museum of Freemasonry Having taken our fill of Masonic memorabilia, my companions departed for their afternoon labours and I found myself ambling alone across Lincoln’s Inn Fields towards the Hunterian Museum. By appointment onlyMomentarily my unease dissipated: an empty, grand library of old books, the wooden desks still bearing holes for inkwells. Thrice thwarted, I found myself once again upon the High Street, when a friend’s recent suggestion sprang to mind.

neurocam wearable camera reads your brainwaves and records what interests you The neurocam is the world's first wearable camera system that automatically records what interests you. It consists of a headset with a brain-wave sensor and connects to an iPhone. The system estimates whether you're interested in something from the brain-waves captured by the sensor, and uses the iPhone's camera to record the scenes that appear to interest you. Just buy wearing the neurocam, the scenes you have shown an interest in are recorded automatically, and are added to an album which you can look through later. "Right now, the iPhone's camera is ready to record what's in my line of sight through a prism. "We're using the iPhone so that analysis and capture can be done with one device. The neurocam arose from the neurowear project, which is involved with items that use brain-waves and bio-sensors, like necomimi, which works using brain-waves.

Richard Gerver: Reportage: LiU-nytt: Linköpings universitet Om våra barn endast förväntas kunna det som skolan och samhället vill att vi ska kunna – ja, då kommer nyfikenheten och kreativiteten att dö ut och då får vi inga nya innovatörer och entreprenörer . Det var ”gurun” Richard Gervers budskap när Vecka 45 inleddes. Första huvudtalare ut på scenen under den intensiva Vecka 45 var Richard Gerver, en gång utsedd till Årets skolledare i Storbritannien, en gång rådgivare i utbildningsfrågor till Tony Blair och numera resande och föreläsande ”guru” på området. Något som ständigt ger honom nya spännande upplevelser. - På dagen för ett år sedan pratade jag inför 6500 människor i Pakistan. Före mig talade landets premiärminister, omgiven av alla sina säkerhetsmän. Under många år har Richard Gerver jobbat i några av de mer utsatta skolmiljöerna i England och han konstaterar att allt fler elever känner att de inte har makten över sina liv, än mindre sin utbildning. Text: Björn Stafstedt Foto: Asad Cero

13 películas y documentales sobre educación que puedes ver en Netflix ¿Tardas más tiempo en decidirte por una película en Netflix que en verla? Para facilitarte esta tarea, recopilamos algunas películas sobre educación que puedes ver a través de esta plataforma. Hay muchos más, ¿nos ayudas a completar la lista? Elinor Milchan dirigió en el año 2000 este documental de 51 minutos de duración. Estrenada en 2016, esta cinta traslada al espectador hasta una remota escuela de secundaria del desierto de Mojave (Estados Unidos) para contarnos cómo son las clases que allí imparten sus educadores. Netflix ha estrenado en su plataforma la primera temporada de esta serie de televisión de seis capítulos centrada en el desarrollo infantil. Independiente, siempre dice lo que piensa y querida entre sus estudiantes. Rebelde y con una gran capacidad intelectual. En 2008, Dennis Gansel dirigió esta película alemana. Ambientada en el año 1953, ‘La sonrisa de Mona Lisa’ es una crítica al papel de la mujer en aquellos días. ¿Estudios o deporte?
