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American Revolution Center : Collections Timeline // Yippy's Benjamin Franklin Portal America: A Narrative History, 8e US History Tours powered by Google Earth. This new format traces historical developments across time, touching down on locations vital to our nation's heritage and development. Points of interest in each tour launch primary and multimedia sources. Download Tours: To download: Windows users: right-click, "save link as"; Mac users: ctrl+click, "save as". If you haven’t done it already, download Google Earth™ and install it on your computer.

Ellis Island — Articles, Video, Pictures and Facts 1630-1770 Ellis Island is little more than a spit of sand in the Hudson River, located just south of Manhattan. The Mohegan Indians who lived on the nearby shores call the island Kioshk, or Gull Island. In the 1630s, a Dutch man, Michael Paauw, acquires the island and renames it Oyster Island for the plentiful amounts of shellfish on its beaches. During the 1700s, it is known as Gibbet Island, for its gibbet, or gallows tree, used to hang men convicted of piracy. 1775-1865 Around the time of the Revolutionary War, the New York merchant Samuel Ellis purchases the island, and builds a tavern on it that caters to local fisherman. Ellis dies in 1794, and in 1808 New York State buys the island from his family for $10,000. Meanwhile, the first federal immigration law, the Naturalization Act, is passed in 1790; it allows all white males living in the U.S. for two years to become citizens. Nearly 5 million people will arrive from northern and western Europe over the next 45 years.

Manifest Destiny - The Story of The US Told In 141 Maps The United States Constitution came into effect, forming the new nation. Note that the states ratified at different times, but to simplify the map, the final result is shown here. The United States achieved independence from the Kingdom of Great Britain with the Treaty of Paris on September 3, 1783, which established that the thirteen colonies were sovereign and independent states. The borders were established by Article 2 of the treaty, but with a couple of issues. First, it stated that the border would run west from the Lake of the Woods to the Mississippi River - at the time, it was not known that the headwaters of the Mississippi lay south of such a line, so the border has since been taken to run south from the lake to the river. West Florida claimed a border further north than what the United States said it had. The Wedge, disputed since the 17th century, remained a point of contention between Delaware and Pennsylvania.

Manifest Destiny - The Story of The US Told In 141 Maps The United States Constitution came into effect, forming the new nation. Note that the states ratified at different times, but to simplify the map, the final result is shown here. The United States achieved independence from the Kingdom of Great Britain with the Treaty of Paris on September 3, 1783, which established that the thirteen colonies were sovereign and independent states. The borders were established by Article 2 of the treaty, but with a couple of issues. First, it stated that the border would run west from the Lake of the Woods to the Mississippi River - at the time, it was not known that the headwaters of the Mississippi lay south of such a line, so the border has since been taken to run south from the lake to the river. West Florida claimed a border further north than what the United States said it had. The Wedge, disputed since the 17th century, remained a point of contention between Delaware and Pennsylvania.

1940 U.S. Census Release | Federal Census Data The first federal census was conducted in 1790, when America was beginning to grow as a country just after having gained independence from the British Empire. Over the course of the next 220 years, 23 censuses have collected tons of data and statistics giving us a tremendous look into the evolution of American life. As the American family has changed, so has the actual census. For instance, a total of 5 questions were asked in the 1790 Census as opposed to 42 questions in the population section of the 1950 Census. The timeline below gives you access to all these incredible insights. Simply click on each decade in order to understand what has changed and what has stayed the same. Most of all have fun learning about what life might have been like for your ancestors and uncover The American Family Through Time! For more resources, search our extensive census database and easily view 1940 Census images free! Data and information provided by the U.S.

American Treasures of the Library of Congress The American Treasures Gallery closed in August 2007. The online exhibition will remain a permanent fixture of the Library’s Website. Of the more than 130 million items in the Library of Congress, which are considered “treasures”? Of course Thomas Jefferson’s handwritten draft of the Declaration of Independence is a treasure, not only because of its association with Jefferson but also because of what it reveals about how one of the founding documents of America was written and rewritten and finally agreed upon by dozens of men in the midst of a political crisis. But what about Jelly Roll Morton’s early compositions? Thomas Jefferson, whose personal library became the core of the Library of Congress, arranged his books into three types of knowledge, corresponding to Francis Bacon’s three faculties of the mind: Memory (History), Reason (Philosophy), and Imagination (Fine Arts).
