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The OpenBTS Project

The OpenBTS Project

Online : Open source hardware 2009 - The definitive guide Welcome to definitive guide to open source hardware projects in 2009. First up – What is open source hardware? These are projects in which the creators have decided to completely publish all the source, schematics, firmware, software, bill of materials, parts list, drawings and “board” files to recreate the hardware – they also allow any use, including commercial. Similar to open source software like Linux, but this hardware centric. Each year we do a guide to all open source hardware and this year there are over 125 unique projects/kits in 19 categories, up from about 60 in 2008, more than doubling the projects out there! – it’s incredible! This year, I am asking for your help – the Open source hardware page on Wikipedia is missing more projects that it actually has total at the moment. 3D printing – Open source hardware is now making things. A great year for OSH, have fun reading the guide! Phillip Torrone Editor at large – Make magazine. Related

Wireless Sensor Solutions for Building Operations - Monnit Corp. Operating a building efficiently, yet cost effectively is challenging. In large and small buildings there’s plenty to worry about without having to expend precious (and costly) human resources manually monitoring areas in the building that could be monitored by sensors. Monnit has developed a wireless sensor solution for building managers who need to know instantly when a problem starts. For example: Measureable ROI As a building manager, knowing instantly if there is a water leak or excessive temperature could mean the difference between a quick fix and clean-up or a costly repair or replacement. Using wireless sensor technology allows you to respond immediately to any incident, especially in areas not frequented daily by maintenance personnel. A more efficient and cost effective way to manage operations is through remote monitoring with wireless sensors and Monnit’s online service. View Available Sensors Monnit makes it easy for you to get started.

Repenser l’internet des objets (3/3) : Industrialiser l’internet Par Daniel Kaplan le 07/05/09 | 8 commentaires | 14,127 lectures | Impression Il n’existe pas aujourd’hui d’”internet des objets”, mais tout au plus une connexion en silos d’objets conçus et régis selon les règles les plus classiques de l’économie industrielle. La connectivité des objets et des espaces pourrait même signer la fin de la “parenthèse internet”, celle d’un réseau sans tête, sans finalité et totalement ouvert. Ca commence comme une conversation Que fait donc un capteur, se demande en substance l’enseignant et designer Julian Bleecker dans son “Manifeste pour les objets en réseau” (2006) ? Matière à réflexions Il ne faut donc pas grand-chose pour franchir cette première étape : juste partager les données que captent les objets et les rendre exploitables par d’autres. Un autre designer, Usman Haque, a d’ailleurs décidé de les y aider. Des objets habitables Entrons un peu plus profondément dans la nature même de l’objet. On peut émettre des réserves sur la vision de Sterling.

TinyOS Documentation Wiki MakerBot Industries Steps to Success Every now and then we’re reminded 3D printing is not science fiction, but a real technology used every day to make amazing things in homes, studios, schools, and businesses. At MakerBot we’re proud to be leading this Next Industrial Revolution with the MakerBot 3D Ecosystem, which makes desktop 3D printing and 3D scanning affordable and reliable for everyone, and includes a variety of products and services to help unleash your creativity. One of the newest members of our family is MakerBot Desktop, a complete, free 3D printing solution for discovering, managing, and sharing your 3D prints. 1. – Did you design your own model? – Want to browse through free designs? – Looking for high-quality, original prints? 2. You may also want to change some settings before printing. You can also choose your resolution: low, standard, or high. 3. – If you’re printing via USB stick, MakerBot Desktop will slice your file when you click Print. Now you’re all set to start printing.

Hardware - JN3 - JeeLabs Home » Product codes » See JeeNode. The Revolution will be Caramelized - The CandyFab Project Linux Home Automation Linux HomeAutomation (Last updated: Wednesday January 15, 2014) Home automation and home control (HA) Software (source code and links mostly) for the home automation devices like Insteon PowerLinc V2, CM11A, CM17 (Firecracker), LynX10, WM918, HCS II, UPB and CPUXA. Links to other hardware/software packages can be found on these pages also. If you know of any additional links please contact me at: Note: These pages are being (slowly) moved to Disclaimer: None of the opinions expressed on these pages are paid for . Index Update, the current update Personal Interests Linux HA Software HA Documents Other Software Links Hardware Links, links about hardware Projects, Open Source and otherwise Other Links, links that just don't fit elsewhere Commercial links, links to commercial products for Linux and HA hardware. NJ Hackerspaces The Institute of Exploratory Research FUBAR Labs Hoboken Makerbar Linux Smart Homes My Book Error addendum CD Contents Update:

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