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Apprendre à coder et programmer : 100 ressources pour les enfants et les ados Voici plus de 100 ressources, mises à jour, pour apprendre à coder, découvrir la robotique et l’électronique avec des cours en ligne, applications, ateliers, livres, robots, kits, jeux, vidéos Youtube… L’offre de ressources pour découvrir la programmation informatique et approfondir ses connaissances sur le sujet est de plus en plus riche. Les enfants, adolescents mais aussi les parents peuvent s’exercer désormais de multiples manières, grâce à des jeux, à des robots programmables, dans des ateliers ou en ligne, seul ou à plusieurs. Cette liste a été mise à jour le 21 janvier 2021. Pour ceux qui se posent la question sur l’intérêt de découvrir les joies de la programmation, voici un article utile : Pourquoi apprendre à coder et devenir un as de la programmation ? Et si tu veux savoir ce qui t’attend en primaire et au collège, concernant le code en classe, on fait le point dans cet article. Sur le web Les applications pour smartphone et tablette Les robots programmable En régions En Belgique

Banque d'Images Libres de Droits - 11,2 Millions de Photos, de Vidéos, d'Illustrations et d'images libres de droits. Une Photothèque et une Vidéothèque disponibles pour votre Recherche. Free Pictures - Serenity Tigabeatz, who was my assignment for this secret mixter, doesn’t have a huge library of samples just yet, but I was immediately drawn to use his fantastic collection of percussion samples as the primary remix element. The fact that the samples were in 3/4 time narrowed my focus tremendously and led me to finally finish a song (with lyrics!) that I had started writing several years ago. All the pieces are there, but my ears are exhausted and I’m out of time, so I suspect the mixing of the track is a bit sloppy. Stems and pella included. Serenity Lyrics: [ Verse 1 ] I bought a brand new car today I drive it 45 miles each way To a place that is not my home And a life that is not my own But I like the pay Nobody dreams of responsibility Or holding down a 9-5 eternity Of incorporated slavery [ Chorus ] But I… Won’t worry about The things that I can’t change But the things I can I pray that I Can find the strength to modify And compromise Is the future still unlimited? [ Chorus ]

Clic images - Réseau Canopé Star Wars: Building a Galaxy With Code (Blockly) - Your browser is not supported. Please upgrade your browser to one of our supported browsers. You can try viewing the page, but expect functionality to be broken. App Lab works best on a desktop or laptop computer with a mouse and keyboard. Game Lab works best on a desktop or laptop computer with a mouse and keyboard. You may experience issues using Web Lab in Private Browsing mode. CS in Algebra curriculum and content is being deprecated. Image Gratuit et Moteur de Recherche d'images Sélection de moteur |- Fotosearch fournisseur de banques de photographies, illustrations, cartes géographiques, vidéos et audio. |- Picsearch Recherche le web pour des images, un des moteurs de recherche d'images le plus précis. >>>>Vous disposez d'un moteur de recherche d'image de qualité? : royalty free photography project - a public domain stock photo collaboration FREE PowerPoint Twitter Tools WARNING: From March 5th, 2013, Twitter will progressively drop support for RSS feeds, breaking the tools below (except the AutoTweet plugin, which I have updated to the new API). I will try to find a solution, but no guarantees, I’m afraid… Ever wanted to make presentations a more interactive, Web 2.0 experience? The PowerPoint Twitter Tools prototypes are now available. There are currently eight tools – you can easily cut and paste them into your own PowerPoint decks: PowerPoint Twitter feedback slides PowerPoint AutoTweet, PowerPoint Twitter voting — bar charts and pie chart PowerPoint Twitter ticker bar PowerPoint Mood meter PowerPoint Crowd meter PowerPoint Zoom text PowerPoint Twitter update bar Download the PowerPoint presentation with embedded PowerPoint Twitter Tools as a .zip file (Office 2007) Download the PowerPoint presentation with embedded PowerPoint Twitter Tools as .ppt file (Office 2003) NOTE: Windows Only . Display a feedback slide with questions and comments from Twitter

Banque d’images - BNF Une source d’images d’une extraordinaire richesse Elle a ainsi pour vocation de rassembler l’ensemble des collections iconographiques de la bibliothèque qui comptent parmi les plus importantes au monde : estampes, photographies, manuscrits enluminés ou autographes, dessins et gravures, Unes de presse, cartes et globes, objets d’art et monnaies entre autres. Au sein de cette considérable variété d’œuvres et de supports, issus du patrimoine mondial de toutes les époques, la Banque d’images rend également visible de nombreuses œuvres sous droits des plus grands artistes et écrivains du XXe siècle qui n’étaient accessibles auparavant que dans les salles de lecture de la bibliothèque. Aux centaines de milliers d’images déjà disponibles, viennent s’ajouter chaque jour de nouvelles numérisations issues des différents départements de collections. Un service pensé pour les usages professionnels

The 5 Models Of Content Curation Curation has always been an underrated form of creation. The Getty Center in Los Angeles is one of the most frequently visited museums in America – and started as a private art collection from one man (J. Paul Getty) who had a passion for art. Aside from a few well known examples like this one, however, the term curation has rarely been used outside of the world of art … until now. One of the hottest trends in social media right now is content curation – thanks in no small part to the leading efforts of several thought leaders actively promoting the idea. What Is Content Curation? Back in 2009 I published a blog post called the “Manifesto For The Content Curator” which predicted that this role would be one of the fastest growing and most important jobs of the future. Content Curation is a term that describes the act of finding, grouping, organizing or sharing the best and most relevant content on a specific issue. The 5 Models Of Content Curation Additional Posts About Content Curation:

Free Stock Photos | - Free Photos - Free Images Free for All: NYPL Enhances Public Domain Collections For Sharing and Reuse Today we are proud to announce that out-of-copyright materials in NYPL Digital Collections are now available as high-resolution downloads. No permission required, no hoops to jump through: just go forth and reuse! The release of more than 180,000 digitized items represents both a simplification and an enhancement of digital access to a trove of unique and rare materials: a removal of administration fees and processes from public domain content, and also improvements to interfaces — popular and technical — to the digital assets themselves. Online users of the NYPL Digital Collections website will find more prominent download links and filters highlighting restriction-free content; while more technically inclined users will also benefit from updates to the Digital Collections API enabling bulk use and analysis, as well as data exports and utilities posted to NYPL's GitHub account. We've made it easier than ever to search, browse, and download public domain items in Digital Collections.

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