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In the United States, only one bank implemented ecash, the Mark Twain bank and the system was dissolved in 1997 after the bank was purchased by Mercantile Bank, a large issuer of credit cards.[2] Similar to credit cards, the system was free to purchasers, while merchants paid a transaction fee. In Australia ecash was implemented by St.George Bank, but the transactions were not free to purchasers. In June 1998, ecash became available through Credit Suisse in Switzerland. "ecash" was a trademark of DigiCash, which went bankrupt in 1998, and was sold to eCash Technologies, which was acquired by InfoSpace in 2002,[citation needed] currently know as Blucora. Plaintiff sued alleging trademark infringement and unfair-competition claims. The court rejected defendant's argument in denying plaintiff's motion to dismiss defendant's counterclaim. See also[edit] References[edit] Jump up ^ Chaum, D., Fiat, A., and Naor, M. 1990. Literature[edit] Schneier, Bruce. External links[edit]
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