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Crocodile Stitch

Crocodile Stitch I came across a lovely pattern on that included using, what they called, the Crocodile Stitch. Firstly, I have no problem paying for a pattern that someone has created and posted on the internet. I have no problem paying for an item that I don't want to make myself, from the internet. BUT, I don't think there is any reason to have to pay to learn a stitch. So I really loved this "Crocodile Stitch", but couldn't find it anywhere in an This video, however, only shows how to create the first row, and not the second row and so forth. So to be a good citizen, I will share my method with you, so that you can have a lovely scarf for yourself and your loved ones. Crocodile Stitch Scarf Medium: Crochet Tools: You can use whatever yarn/hook combination you want. l Hobby Lobby. Gauge: Whatever you want! Abbreviations: ch - chain, DC - double crochet Create slip knot. * For the scarf I made above, I chained 18. DC in 3rd chain from hook. Ch 1. 5 DC in first DC Ch 1. 5 DC in second DC. Related:  Knitting and Crochet Techniques

Tunisian Crochet How-To… Basic Tunisian Crochet Stitch Welcome friends! This is my first How-To blog post and I am excited to share with you. I am going to show you how to Tunisian Crochet. Some of you may have heard of it and others maybe not. Either way, you will learn how to do it today! Tunisian Crochet is a fabulous way of mixing crocheting and knitting. To start off, you need a Tunisian Crochet hook. As you can see, it’s a long crochet hook… … with a stopper at the end like a knitting needle. If you can’t get your hands on one of these, you can use one of your regular crochet hooks. As far as yarn, feel free to use whatever you have on hand that will work with your hook. Stitches Ch– Chain Yo– Yarn over Sts- Stitches Sk– Skip Sl St– Slip Stitch Did you notice there’s no single, double, treble (etc.) crochets? A big thing you need to know and keep in mind as you do this is that you will go back and forth on your work and never turn. The Forward Pass you will be working right to left and The Return Pass you will work left to right. Chain 15

Zobrazit téma - Realizace mého 576L akvária - [Kapitola 2] Pozadí a Dekorace Kapitola 2 : POZADÍ A DEKORACE Velmi dlouho jsem rozmýšlel, jak udělám pozadí v akváriu, jaký zvolím substrát na dno akvária a jaké vybrat kameny. Příprava Z několika možných způsobů výroby pozadí jsem si vybral výrobu řezáním z extrudovaného polystyrenu a poté jeho natření barvou zdravotně nezávadnou. Velikost akvária měla být 160x60x60cm a podle toho jsem si sehnal extrudovaný polystyren. Očekával jsem, že extrudovaný polystyren nebudou prodávat na každém rohu, ale nakonec byl velký problém v Brně tento sehnat. Obrázek č. 1 - Zámky u polystyrénu Při výrobě jsou zámky zčásti zbytečné a proto jsem je ze tří stran oříznul (viz. Obrázek č. 2 - Oříznuté zámky ze tří stran Na bocích desek jsem zámky ponechal, aby se daly k sobě lépe přilepit (viz. Obrázek č. 3 - Zapadnutí dvou desek do sebe pomocí zámků Ještě je potřeba desku obrousit ze strany, do které budeme vyřezávat. Obrázek č. 4 - Broušení hladných ploch polystyrenu Obrázek č. 5 - Lámací modelářské nože Obrázek č. 7 - Schéma pozadí Písek

How To Make A Crochet Magic Ring There is definitely a benefit to using a magic ring, or magic circle, over the traditional beginning chain that you slip stitch into a ring. What is it? There will be no space in the center of your project. It will completely “seal” and leave no hole. Here are the steps to making the magic ring. It may take some practice, so don’t give up! Step 1: Begin by making a backwards “J” with the end of your yarn. Step 2: Cross end of yarn behind your yarn coming from the skein. Step 3: At this point you will need to pinch/hold the yarn together where they cross. Step 4: Let yarn from skein fall behind loop. Step 5: Pull loop all the way through, and up to top of ring. Step 6: Using your middle finger (or any finger that is comfortable) continue to hold the loop you just made, to the top of the ring. Step 7: Chain 1 for sc & hdc patterns. Step 8: Crochet as many stitches in the ring as your pattern calls for. Step 9: Pull yarn end to seal circle. Happy Crocheting!

Upcycle Tin Can Indulgy Login or Sign up Upcycle Tin Can Upcycle To The Max Also: chenbeg Under The Table and Dreaming: 50 Crafts and Projects Using Recycled, Repurposed, & Upcycled Cans {Saturday Inspiration & Ideas} ...and 2 more. StarMeKitten 50 tin can upcycle projects Domestic Hacks Lailah How to make tin can #Halloween decorations! Brilliant Ideas! hootowlholler tin cans upcycle stuff to make keaw Upcycle tin cans into planters recycle idea victoriamajor88 Cookie tea tin upcycle Christmas Ideas I love Procookie upcycle tin planter garden chris188 tin can upcycle mam tin can jars Kaisha Hart tin can something that I like cynlouannsue tin can tiny trailers Cindy Louise Crafting with Tin Cans | #upcycle #repurpose #tincan jeanne Upcycle an Altoid tin into a solar powered USB charger! Geek MarylinJ Altoids tin and tin can with cork Crafts diyforever DIY Upcycle Can Organizer DIY Upcycle Can Organizer therese.whitesievers Tin can Alley Flowers sherri Tin can Alley

25 Crochet Techniques to Learn Cro-tatting – learn more Continuing on with the series, here is a list of 25 crochet techniques to learn to help jumpstart your crochet creativity. Some of them are specific techniques for traditional crochet and others are variations on traditional crochet. I’ve included seom information on getting started with learning each of these things. 1. Do you learn better from words and still photos than video? Many people prefer to use the magic ring to start their in-the-round project. 2. I like the tutorial from Stitch Diva that shows the anatomy of crochet stitch and explains where to put the hook to crochet in either the front or back loop only. 3. The best resource for getting started is the WonderHowTo page that shows a variety of different variations of two color crochet including how to crochet using two threads at once. 4. The most common crochet motif is the granny square so you can always start there but there are tons and tons of other motifs out there. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

my cool caravan I made one purchase during a girls weekend trip to the beach a few weeks ago. It was this book. And, a new little obsession began. On the beach? I just love this mini green one. This one reminds me of Uncle Rico. Oh, and the interiors. We had a VW Westfalia when I was a youngster. This one is by far my favorite. How about a caravan for the backdrop of an outdoor soriee? So fun. I could spend a week in this on the islands of Hawaii. This is small, I admit, but look how thoughtfully the space is used. Could this be Wes and I, sans the overalls? I admit I've been poking around Craigslist for one of these diamonds in the rough.

Crochet Sphere Pattern Calculator This is a crochet sphere pattern generator. It's easy to crochet a rough approximation of a sphere, but for mathematically inclined people this is the only method that gives real satisfaction. I'm far from being an experienced crocheter but I've been able to make some quite satisfactory spheres this way (picture on the right). If you have comments or suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact me. To get a customized pattern, simply enter the circumference of the sphere and press the button. NEW: Try the Crochet Lathe: Simply draw the outline and the program will generate the pattern. АНГЕЛОЧКА СОШЬЕМ? Подборка с выкройками и мк Цитата сообщения МарриэттаАНГЕЛОЧКА СОШЬЕМ? Подборка с выкройками и мк Как вы заметили, очень люблю делать подборки и терпеть не могу короткие посты) Конечно, на все это уходит много времени, но зато тема получается раскрытой и обширной) Сегодня предлагаю вам сшить ангела из ткани. Для работы вам понадобится ткань, наполнитель, принтер для распечатки выкройки (ее нужно будет увеличить на определенный процентаж), нитки, иголки и пряжа. А сшить вот этих ангелов - проще простого. Итак, смотрим пошаговый мастер-класс по самому простому способу пошива ангела из ткани. Бюро переводов «SOLT» приглашает Вас к взаимовыгодному сотрудничеству! Итак, распечатать выкройку, при желании увеличить Для работы вам понадобится хлопчатобумажная ткань: бязь или лен для головы и в клеточку для туловища. При развороте вот так должно получиться Далее кладем выкройку и выкраиваем. Заполняем наполнителем, пришиваем пряжу к голове ангела Выкраиваем руки Украшаем ангела кружевами и вышивкой с пуговичками

The Thumb Trick: Sometimes called an afterthought thumb, I first read about it in Elizabeth Zimmermann's Knitter's Almanac. I really like this method because it's seamless; sometimes when patterns have you place stitches on a holder and then cast on the top stitches you can get an odd seam right in the crease where your thumb meets the hand, and that can be uncomfortable. The only trouble that some people may have with this method is that you cannot immediately try on your mitten in progress, as you can with mittens where the stitches are put on holders. But if you want to you can just knit a few more rows and then pick up the stitches instead of waiting until the mitten is done, threading the waste yarn through them so you can try on your mittens as you knit. The trick: Knit to where you want to place the thumb hole, and take a length of contrasting yarn, and knit the thumbhole stitches with it instead of your working yarn: (see the working yarn, still on the right-hand side of the work?) Ta da!

КОРОБОЧКИ Друзья, сегодня мы будем делать эксклюзивные коробочки из картона для мыльных пирожных и кексиков. Мыло ручной работы этой формы является, пожалуй, самым обездоленным в плане картонной упаковки – найти для него коробочку, подходящую и по размерам, и по конструктивному дизайну в сети практически невозможно. Во всяком случае, так было до сегодняшнего дня. Как обычно, нам потребуются: - линейка, - канцелярский нож, - инструмент для биговки (вязальная спица, циркуль, исписанный стержень шариковой ручки и т.п - ножницы, - двусторонний скотч, - подложка, на которой будем резать картон, (лучше – макетный (самовосстанавливающийся) коврик). Здесь нам понадобятся 2 листа картона: один для развёртки коробочки, второй – для вспомогательного шаблона, необходимого для биговки по дуговым линиям). Набор шаблонов для первой модели (на фото слева) можно скачать здесь: 1. 2. 3. Штриховые линии довольно заметны. Коробочка для кекса (модель-2) keks-2.pdf Процесс сборки этой коробочки из картона в целом аналогичен.
