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31 Extremely Impressive Web Icon Sets for Free
31 Extremely Impressive Web Icon Sets for Free 13,185 views In Freebies by Sheila Mahusay Sep 28th, 2011 2 Comments Icons are one of the fundamental components of Graphical User Interface (GUI). In web applications, icons serve as an intuitive representation of hypertext links and quick navigation from a web page to another. You may also want to read the related article below. Don’t forget to Subscribe to our RSS-feed and Follow us on Twitter — for recent updates. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 10 Free Useful Icons for Designers 11. iPad 2 Icons 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. iCandies Icon Set 19. 20. 48px Web Icon Set 226 icons 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 16px Glyphs 31. You like this post? Author Sheila Mahusay Posted 69 articles already → Sheila is a new freelance writer based in the Philippines. 2 Responses Nora Reed October 4, 2011 / Reply Brilliant sets of web icons, really found it useful for me. Leave a Reply
Best Color Tools For Web Designers
Determining the core color for a web project could be easy but finding the right alternatives to match the core can sometimes be difficult. That’s where the color tools play its roles. Color tools help you determine matching color or even suggest sets of matching color palette when you are totally clueless. Amongst are some of the best color tools web service on the internet any web designers should bookmark, or at least know. Adobe Kuler Colr.org Colour Lovers 4096 Color Wheels Color Schemer Color Palette Generator Web 2.0 Color Palette Color Scheme Generator ColorJack Color Harmony Color Blender Color Schemer Online v2 ColorDB Accessibility Color Wheel Color Hunter GenoPal Pic2Color Author: Hongkiat Lim
5 outils Web 2.0 pour créer un site pédagogique
Skoden, portail de la Formation ouverte à distance en Région Bretagne, propose un dossier à destination des formateurs qui fait le point sur 5 sites Web 2.0 pouvant être utilisés pour ouvrir et alimenter un espace pédagogique sur Internet : Yola, Lifeyo, Jimdo, Weebly et Wix. La présentation de Skoden indique des liens vers des tutoriels en ligne pour favoriser la prise en main de ces outils qui peuvent revêtir un aspect pédagogique dans une utilisation spécifique. Des exemples de réalisations en mode apprentissage sont mis en avant afin de montrer concrètement le potentiel des 5 solutions en ligne Web 2.0 sélectionnées. Ce type d’outils Web 2.0 peuvent être mis en place pour des dispositifs d’apprentissage en espace public numérique. Licence : Creative Commons by-nc-saGéographie : Bretagne Tags: FOAD, outil en ligne, pédagogie, présentation, web 2.0
New Approaches To Designing Log-In Forms - Smashing Magazine
Advertisement For many of us, logging into websites is a part of our daily routine. In fact, we probably do it so often that we’ve stopped having to think about how it’s done… that is, until something goes wrong: we forget our password, our user name, the email address we signed up with, how we signed up, or even if we ever signed up at all. These experiences are not just frustrating for us, but are bad for businesses as well. How bad? To top it off, visitors who are not logged in do not see a personalized view of a website’s content and recommendations, which reduces conversion rates and engagement. Is This You? Gowalla’s sign-in form (below) looks pretty standard: enter your user name or email address and your password, and then sign in. The sign-in form on Gowalla. But Gowalla has taken the time to include a few more components to help people log in with more confidence if their first attempt hasn’t worked. A log-in error on Gowalla. Instant Sign-In Quora’s one-click log-in page. (al)
15 Useful Color Mixers For Effective Designing
I wanted to create this list, because there are times when I struggle choosing my design colors - for me it’s not always easy task to just play with the colors and choose the right ones – of course, there are few favorite colors for everybody, but finding new great color combinations are not so easy task. That’s why there a lot of helpful resources to ease this task, and I am here to show You those! Hopefully this will help You to create new designs and the process will become a little easier. 1. This is a great resource that monitors different color trends. New color schemes are regularly created and examples of the way colors are used in the real world – and there are rating system to give You a chance to find out the most popular ones. 2. Kuler is nice place created by Adobe company, where You can browse popular created color themes and create Your own from colors, images and get really advanced options and possibilities to create something really great! 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.Color Combo 8.
5 ressources incontournables pour tester et améliorer un blog
« SEO, temps de chargement, référencement, testes ». Si tous ces mots ne vous sont pas indifférents, alors ce qui suit va vous plaire ! En effet, chaque Webmaster se doit d’améliorer son blog de la meilleure manière qu’il soit. Et lorsqu’on y connait que dalle, il est parfois dur de sortir de la masse. 1. Déjà présenté sur Autour du Web, Woorank permet de tester votre site Web ou blog en terme de SEO. 2. GTmetrix est une application en ligne gratuite qui offre aux utilisateurs la possibilité d’exécuter un test sur la vitesse de chargement des pages. 3. Un service Web facile à utiliser dont la fonction principale est de vous faire essayer toutes les résolutions d’écran d’ordinateur et d’appareils mobiles avec un simple clic de souris. 4. SEO Grader est un puissant outil qui vous permet d’évaluer le niveau d’optimisation de votre site pour le référencement naturel et d’obtenir une note globale (que vous pouvez afficher sur votre blog). 5. Etiquettes : améliorerBlogressourcesTester
Why Rounded Corners are Easier on the Eyes
by anthony on 08/17/11 at 10:17 pm Designers use rounded corners so much today that they’re more of an industry standard than a design trend. They’re not only found on software user interfaces, but hardware product designs as well. So what is it about rounded corners that make them so popular? Indeed they look appealing, but there’s more to it than that. Rounded Corners are Easier to Process Anyone can appreciate the aesthetic beauty of rounded corners, but not everyone can explain where exactly that beauty comes from. Some experts say that rectangles with rounded corners are easier on the eyes than a rectangle with sharp edges because they take less cognitive effort to visually process. Scientific research done on corners by the Barrow Neurological Institute found that the “perceived salience of a corner varies linearly with the angle of the corner. Which object is easier to look at? We’re Conditioned for Rounded Corners Which object would you trust with your child? Conclusion References