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DutchSpirit bhava studio - SPRING 2013 Workshop: Creating Sustainable Change but Maintaining ‘Fashion’ KonsumentInnen - Ökotextilien 07.04.2014 Gesünder essen Ostereier tragen heuer Rot Eierfärben mit Beeren, Gemüseabfällen und Gewürzen: Damit lassen sich wunderschöne, natürliche Farbtöne erzielen. Unsere neue Videoanleitung hilft Ihnen dabei! weiterlesen 04.04.2014 Chemie Aus der Dose! In Österreich werden immer mehr Getränke aus Dosen konsumiert. weiterlesen 24.03.2014 Chemie Frühjahrsputz: es darf ein bisserl weniger sein! Lieber noch einen Spritzer mehr Putzmittel in den Kübel? weiterlesen 19.03.2014 Energie sparen Wir gratulieren den ersten energie-coaches! "die umweltberatung" freut sich über die ersten 14 AbsolventInnen des Kurzlehrgangs energie-coach. weiterlesen 14.03.2014 Grüner Daumen Torffrei und bio in die neue Gartensaison Wenn die Sonne im Frühling den grünen Daumen kitzelt, haben die Gärtnereibetriebe Hochsaison. weiterlesen 10.03.2014 Grüner Daumen Hackeln ohne Buckeln: Gemüse im Hochbeet Ein Beet in Hüfthöhe ermöglicht rückenschonendes Arbeiten im Gemüsebeet. weiterlesen 06.03.2014 Gesünder essen weiterlesen

Alchemist Gucci launches 'zero-deforestation' handbag March 07, 2013 Green Gucci handbags. Courtesy of Gucci Gucci has rolled out a collection of 'zero-deforestation' handbags. Each handbag comes with a "passport" that provides the history of the product's supply chain going back to the ranch that produced the leather. The line emerged out of concerns that leather in the fashion industry is contributing to deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon, where roughly two-thirds of forest destruction is for cattle production. "This is a breakthrough moment for sustainable style," says Livia Firth, the fashion designer who launched the Green Carpet Challenge, an initiative that pushes the fashion industry to design more eco-friendly products. The handbag is Gucci's first product under the initiative. "Today more than ever before customers want to be associated with brands that are thoughtful and responsible," said Frida Giannini, Gucci's Creative Director, in a statement. Deforestation for cattle pasture in Brazil Related articles

Historic Futures The greatest component of the environmental impact of a product is often not its use, but its production. In some cases the global value chain can account for up to 80% of the total impact. While it is clear that this will vary significantly from one product to another, it seems logical that the process of making something can use more resources and affect more systems than using it. Take bread. Much work has been done to estimate the environmental impact of products, perhaps most significantly on the energy required throughout the product life-cycle. Anyone who has an electricity meter can attest to the inaccuracies of estimation by the periodic balancing bill they get to make the estimates more closely reflect real life. And what if we are interested in the effect of our purchases on other systems: water, people, forests, marine life, soil and so on (and so on)? It sounds like common sense, but in reality the majority of organisations are unable to do this.

Grüne Mode – Kirsten Brodde – Blog Okimono Les jeans en plastique de Levi's Levi’s dévoile sa nouvelle gamme de denim, baptisée Waste<Less (« gaspillez moins » en anglais), qui incorporent des déchets de post-consommation, soit des bouteilles en plastique recyclées et des plateaux repas. Chaque article de la gamme contient au minimum 20% de matériel recyclé, ce qui correspond à environ huit bouteilles plastiques. La ligne pour homme comprend le Levi's 511 Skinny, le Levi's® 504 Straight Fit et la célèbre veste Trucker. Les déchets en plastique PET (polyéthylène téréphthalate) ont été récoltés grâce à des programmes municipaux de recyclage à travers les États-Unis. La gamme Waste<Less est disponible dans les magasins Levi ® à l'échelle mondiale et sur depuis janvier 2013.

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