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Enfin des données statistiques sur Twitter | Médias sociaux Après plusieurs mois de surchauffe médiatique, la société Sysomos nous offre enfin des données statistiques complètes sur Twitter : An In-Depth Look Inside the Twitter World. Une étude qui tombe à pic pour prendre du recul sur LE phénomène de cette année 2009 et surtout pour définir un plan d’action. L’étude complète est disponible au téléchargement ici : Inside Twitter 2009 (fichier PDF). Pour résumer l’étude, voici les chiffres-clés significatifs à retenir (sur une base de 11,5 millions d’utilisateurs) : 72% des utilisateurs ont créés leur compte dans les 5 derniers mois ; 85% des utilisateurs publient moins d’un tweet par jour ; 21% des utilisateurs n’ont jamais rien publié ; 50% des utilisateurs n’ont rien publié dans les 7 derniers jours ;94% des utilisateurs ont moins de 100 followers ; 5% des utilisateurs génèrent 75% de l’activité (10% en genère 86%) ; Plus les utilisateurs ont de followers et plus ils publient ; Mes recommandations seraient donc les suivantes :

comscore-top-eu-smartphone-oem-jul-10-sept-2010.JPG Consumer Attitudes to Local Search Reveal Problems and Opportunities for Brands A study from ConstantContact last year found that 1 in 2 small businesses failed to ever update their online listings, and that an equal share have seen inaccurate listings for their businesses online. Now, new research [download page] from Placeable reveals the extent of the damage inaccurate listings can have on a brand: some 73% […] Read more » African-Americans and Hispanics Combine For One-Fifth of Estimated National Discretionary Spending Together, African-Americans (9%) and Hispanics (11.3%) combined to account for one-fifth of national discretionary spending during the Fall of 2013, according to new data from Experian Marketing Services’s Fall 2013 National Consumer Study. Read more » 2013 Rich Media Ad Benchmarks, by Vertical Source: PointRoll [pdf] Notes: Rich media click-through and interaction rates were higher when including video. Read more » Online Video Ad Views, Dec. 2011 – Feb. 2014 Read more »

The top 100 sites on the internet Explore this interactive graphic to find out which are the biggest sites on the internet, as measured by the Nielsen company. This feature is part of SuperPower, a season of programmes exploring the power of the internet. About this data The data used to generate the interactive treemap visualisation were collected by the Nielsen company and covers the UK, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Switzerland, Brazil, US and Australia. The figures represent unique users for the month of January 2010. The categories - such as retail, social networks, search/portal - were defined by the BBC. The maps were produced using the Prefuse Flare software, developed by the University of California Berkeley. Did you find this graphic useful? uSwitch your advertising …and your “expert” : Insiders View One of the newest entrants to the online insurance aggregation game is uSwitch. Now, they’ve already come in for some criticism on this insurance blog, so I’m not going to dwell on their failings in that respect…however tempting that may be. What I am going to do is expose them for being so extremely amateur in their communications to customers. I’m not talking about text to image ratios, inline styles in html code or links hidden behind images. No, not that level of communications quality. Firstly, they’re one step behind the game before they kick off. Then, I take a look through the actual email they sent …and I can’t believe my eyes. …namely, it’s pants. Finally, I look to see if there’s anything which can be salvaged from the rest of the communication …oh dear …he’s not going after the smug ‘Head of Insurance’ with all of his seven years experience in the insurance game? Come off it. So, all-in-all, a pretty poor effort from uSwitch.

Popular Social Networking Websites Around The World 25 Feb 2008 (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Like the Internet World Maps, this picture illustrates the popularity of various social networks across different countries of the world. couch mode print story Like the Internet World Maps, this picture illustrates the popularity of various social networks across different countries of the world. Credit: tutorials — how-to guides — charts — data visualization — popular social networking websites around the world

Sur Twitter, on se suit sans trop comprendre Avec ces 1382% d'augmentation d'audience en un an, Twitter, le service de microblogging (rappel et mode d'emploi sur Ecrans par ici ), fait figure de carton absolu du Web 2.0., à tel point que les médias en font leur coqueluche, parfois jusqu'à la frénésie (cf la récente couverture du Time , avec ce titre : «Comment Twitter va changer notre manière de vivre »). La success-story de Twitter a tout de même quelques bémols. Récemment, nous évoquions les chiffres de Nielsen selon lesquels 60% des nouveaux membres cessent d’utiliser le service dans le mois qui suit leur inscription. Début juin, l'école de commerce de Harvard publiait une étude intéressante sur le comportement des utilisateurs de Twitter . Plus de 80% des utilisateurs postent en moyenne...zéro tweet par jour Evidemment, il est trop tôt pour tirer des conclusions hâtives et définitives (à la Lefebvre, justement) sur le sort de Twitter dans le monde et en France en particulier. Lire les réactions à cet article.

comscore-uk-ad-jul-10-sept-2010.JPG Consumer Attitudes to Local Search Reveal Problems and Opportunities for Brands A study from ConstantContact last year found that 1 in 2 small businesses failed to ever update their online listings, and that an equal share have seen inaccurate listings for their businesses online. Now, new research [download page] from Placeable reveals the extent of the damage inaccurate listings can have on a brand: some 73% […] Read more » African-Americans and Hispanics Combine For One-Fifth of Estimated National Discretionary Spending Together, African-Americans (9%) and Hispanics (11.3%) combined to account for one-fifth of national discretionary spending during the Fall of 2013, according to new data from Experian Marketing Services’s Fall 2013 National Consumer Study. Read more » 2013 Rich Media Ad Benchmarks, by Vertical Source: PointRoll [pdf] Notes: Rich media click-through and interaction rates were higher when including video. Read more » Online Video Ad Views, Dec. 2011 – Feb. 2014 Read more »

Smartphone sales doubled in Q3, Android boomed Worldwide smartphone sales almost doubled to 80.5 million units in this year's third quarter, with Android coming from nowhere to take 25.5% of the market with 20.5m sales, according to Gartner. In the same quarter last year, smartphone sales were 41.1m units, and Android sold 1.4m units for a market share of 3.5%. Android has now overtaken Apple's iPhone and looks likely to overtake the market leader, Symbian. In 21010 Q3, Gartner credits Symbian with 29.5m units and a market share of 36.6%, down 8 percentage points on last year. Sales of Windows Mobile smartphones fell from 3.26m to 2.25m units and market share collapsed from 7.9% to 2.8% while Microsoft prepared to abandon the system for Windows Phone 7. Android is benefiting from global adoption of different models by different carriers, and from its extending price range. Roberta Cozza, principal research analyst at Gartner, says: Smartphone sales still accounted for just 19.3% of overall mobile phone sales.

moneysupermarket banned by Google for spamming? : Insiders View As commented in the uswitch post, moneysupermarket have been dropped by Google for the term [car insurance]. Have Google finally realised that moneysupermarket are spamming the index and manipulating the results? Moneysupermarket (also seen as insuresupermarket) have occupied a top ten spot for the coveted term for as long as I can remember. I’ve got a feeling some heads will roll over this. We’ll post back updates as soon as we find out more… Update #7 23rd May: 16:00: They’re Back! Update #6 23rd May 11:50: The UK Press has Picked this up:The Daily Mail, SEOChat, mortgagestrategy, searchenginewatch, marketingchat,evilgreenmonkey and ioun Update #5 16th May 16:20: Moneysupermarket Look for a New SEO Team: Moneysupermarket are looking for an SEO Analyst and a Link Builder!  Principal Responsibilities Include: Approaching third party websites and obtaining links Update #4 16th May 10:30: Traffic Levels are Hit Hard:
