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Lower Left Back Pain from Internal Organs

It is possible for left-sided back pain to be caused by a problem with one or more internal organs, such as from the kidney or colon. See Lower Back Pain Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment Several common internal causes of lower left back pain include: Kidney Stones Lower left back pain from a kidney stone may be felt when a stone moves inside the left kidney, or moves through the ureters, thin tubes connecting the kidneys to the bladder. Other symptoms include pain with urination, difficulty urinating despite a persistent need to do so, blood in the urine, and nausea and/or vomiting. Kidney Infection An infection in the left kidney can cause dull or intense lower left back pain. advertisement Gynecological Disorders Fibroids and endometriosis, two common conditions in women, can cause lower left back pain. Ulcerative Colitis An inflammatory bowel disease, ulcerative colitis is marked by persistent inflammation mostly in the large intestine, also called the colon. Pregnancy Pancreatitis

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Professions most prone to back pain Professions known for causing back pain problems among people Every job has its advantages and downsides and this is obvious, although there are some jobs that can trigger or aggravate back pain. Usually these professions involved carrying heavy weights most of the time, sitting with your spine bent, or sitting down at a desk for most of the time. Also, in the case of people that suffered from back or neck injuries, things can get even worse, as the risks associated with developing chronic back pain at their job is significantly higher. The Bureau for Labor Statistics discovered a staggering number of non-fatal occupational injuries, from which a considerable number were related to juries causing back pain. But, even if you don’t suffer an injury that can cause back pain, you can develop this problem in time, if you maintain your profession.

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