How to Write Articles and Essays Quickly and Expertly
Translations: Belorussian Introduction: Four Types of Discursive Writing From time to time people express amazement at how I can get so much done. I, of course, aware of the many hours I have idled away doing nothing, demur. It feels like nothing special; I don't work harder, really, than most people. Nonetheless, these people do have a point. Begin by writing - in your head, at least - your second paragraph (that would be the one you just read, above). But how do you write this paragraph? You have more options because there are four types of discursive writing. These are your choices of types of article or essay: Argument: convinces someone of something Explanation: tells why something happened instead of something else Definition: states what a word or concept means Description: identifies properties or qualities of things An argument is a collection of sentences (known formally as 'propositions') intended to convince the reader that something is he case. Organizing Your Writing Argument:
An Introduction to Connective Knowledge
Revised and Updated (minor corrections and typos only) and placed in MS-Word Document form, November 27, 2007. Click here. The version that follows below is the original (uncorrected) version). Yet another article, describing new forms of knowledge as probablistic, has crossed my desk today, and consequently it seems appropriate at this time to type a few words on the nature of distributed knowledge. It should go without saying that these are my own thoughts, and this discussion should not therefore be considered an authoritative reference on the subject. a. You probably grew up learning that there are two major types of knowledge: qualitative and quantitative. Distributed knowledge adds a third major category to this domain, knowledge that could be described as connective. This is more than just the existence of a relation between one entity and another; it implies interaction. This is why it is incorrect to represent distributed knowledge merely as a type of probabilistic knowledge.
Esther's Web Log
Warning: contains spoilers for the plot of both the book and the movie. I have finally gotten around to reading the copy of Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil that a friend lent me in 1997 just after we watched the film together (thanks Helen). The book is wonderful. For me it was an 8 hour book (a nerdy thing I do is work out how long a book is going to take to read by timing how long it takes to read the first couple of pages and then doing the math to work out approximately how long the whole book will take), and I whizzed though it in about 5 days (this indicates that I stayed up beyond my bedtime several of those 5 nights to keep reading). The book gently weaves the author John Berendt’s observations of the people he meets in the US city of Savannah, their stories, their biases, their gossip, around the major story, the murder of a young man by an older and very important member of Savannah society. I would like to ask John Berendt:
Connectivism as Epistemology
Responding to questions from Vance McPherson 1) What is your response to Rita Kop's suggestion that connectivism is a new epistemology but not a new learning theory? As I understand Rita, she understands the pedagogical aspects of connectivism to have already been present in constructivism, and hence, connectivism is not proposing something new when it comes to giving guidance to instructional staff. There are overlaps to be sure, however: - criticisms of a teaching practice, which may be grounded if working in a constructivist perspective, are not grounded in a connectivist environment. Connectivism is *definitively* a learning theory, or more accurately, incorporates learning theories (specifically, theories about how connections are formed in networks). But all of that said, whether connectivism is a *new* theory of epistemology or pedagogy is irrelevant to me and I don't spend any time worrying about it. Other aspects of the theory change over time. 3) M. -- Stephen
The Australian Index
Learning Networks: Theory and Practice
6 competencias pedagógicas para gestionar una clase online basándose en el conectivismo
La metáfora de la formación a través de la red es crucial porque pone de manifiesto los cambios que se están dando en la jerarquía de la organización, hacia los modelos descentralizados. La interactividad de los sujetos que utilizan la red contribuye a la autoorganización como sistema. ¿Qué significa esto para el proceso enseñanza-aprendizaje? El aprendizaje no existe de mano en la cabeza de los/las estudiantes o los/las profesores/as, pero sí que aumenta su variedad si a éstos los conectamos con las nuevas tecnologías. El conectivismo convierte la estática relación profesor/a-alumno/a en algo mucho más fluido, y así, el proceso de aprendizaje gana importancia frente al resultado final. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Conectivismo en acción: Aunque en teoría puede decirse que el conectivismo es algo difícil, existen algunas herramientas sencillas que orientan a la red la manera que tengamos de dar la clase:
eezblog: art
Marcus Hicks' Web Log
The truth about Israel pt. 1 Well, I feel certain that what I am about to say will earn me the label ‘Anti-Semite’ by the Jewish Lobby and their fan-club (if I was Jewish, then I would be labelled as a ’self-hating Jew’ ) Much has been made-in light of recent events-about how Israel is an ‘innocent nation’ simply ‘defending itself’ from foes who want to destroy it. Though I agree that their are organisations which want the destruction of Israel (a totally unrealistic attitude which I utterly condemn, btw) these statements are highly simplistic. The truth is that the 1st Century Diaspora left the nation of Judea with only a very small Jewish population (less than 10%). For those who want to know about the IR reforms Pt.2 OK, so I have pointed out how IR reforms won’t be good for us, but how will they be BAD for us? For those who want to know about the IR reforms Hiya guys. Marcus. Howard Sucks Pretty much says it all, doesn’t it? Yours, Marcus. Hi
The Dilbert Blog
Mantz's Mission