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13 ESL Speaking Activities to Give Adult Students the Gift of Gab

Ah, to be young again. Younger ESL students know what’s up. They treat being in ESL class like being on the playground. Got a couple of bumps and bruises on the jungle gym? Brush yourself off and keep playing, kid. Made a few English mistakes? And that’s how it should be! That being said, speaking out loud in front of other people—especially in a second language—can be nerve-wracking for anyone. Youngsters are often less inhibited than adults, so when teaching English speaking lessons to adults, there are some things that we need to bear in mind. 1. 2. Those are a couple of big ones, but there’s still more. Download: This blog post is available as a convenient and portable PDF that you can take anywhere. Important Considerations for Teaching Adult ESL Students If you’re teaching a class overseas (rather than a class with mixed nationalities in your home country), you need to be aware of local sensitivities, especially to appropriateness in mixed gender situations. What can you do about it?

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