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Five Google tools journalists don't use but should

Five Google tools journalists don't use but should
Google logo via You may think you know Google, but here are lesser-known tools that can help journalists with everything from reporting on natural disasters to hunting for new sources. Google featured these tools in a recent digital media training session for Pakistani journalists hosted by the International Center for Journalists. The session was led by Sean Carlson, global communications manager, and Robert Boorstin, the director of public policy for the global search company. IJNet found these five tools that can simplify reporting and give stories a dynamic approach: Google Moderator – It’s the perfect tool for crowdsourcing story ideas. Public Data Explorer – After browsing through available stats found online, use this data visualization tool to find a story in the numbers. Fusion Tables – When you’re dealing with intense heaps of data that took months to independently gather, you can use this tool to visualize and publish your data to find clear patterns. Related:  oneneverends

Making search more secure: Accessing search query data in Google Analytics As search becomes an increasingly customized experience, particularly for signed in users, we believe that protecting these personalized search results is important. As part of that effort, today the Google Search team announced that SSL Search on will become the default experience for signed in users on (see the Official Google Blog post to learn more). Protecting user privacy is important to us, and we want to take this opportunity to explain what the Google Analytics team is doing to help you continue measuring your website effectively in light of these changes. How will this change impact Google Analytics users? When a signed in user visits your site from an organic Google search, all web analytics services, including Google Analytics, will continue to recognize the visit as Google “organic” search, but will no longer report the query terms that the user searched on to reach your site. What is Google Analytics doing about it?

New Developer Contest: Power Up Conferencing with Twilio | | Twilio Developer ContestsTwilio Developer Contests It’s easy to create simple conference calls using Twilio’s . For this week’s developer contest, we’d like to see how you could take conferencing to the next level. For example, used Twilio to create “impossibly simple conference calling”—just add a meeting in your Google Calendar and all the participants get called automatically when it’s time for the conference, no need to remember conference PIN numbers. Lucid Meetings is another example of conferencing taken to the next level. They used Twilio’s conferencing features to create a service that helps people hold effective meetings using parliamentary procedures. This week, be creative and show us how you’d power up conferencing. Learn more and submit your contest entry... It’s easy to create simple conference calls using Twilio’s . Lucid Meetings is another example of conferencing taken to the next level. This week, be creative and show us how you’d power up conferencing. Learn more and submit your contest entry...

Aaron Ruell | iGNANT - StumbleUpon Aaron Ruell darf sich viele Berufe auf die Visitenkarte schreiben. Der Amerikaner ist Fotograf, Regisseur, Werber, Drehbuchautor und Schauspieler – dazu in jedem Gebiet ungemein erfolgreich. 2004 debütierte er als Kip Dynamite in dem erfolgreichen Indiemovie „Napoleon Dynamite“ und begann daraufhin mit dem Fotografieren. Seine Werke wurden nur wenig später in Galerien von Paris bis New York ausgestellt und 2008 veröffentlichte er sein erstes Buch Namens „Some Photos“. Als Werbefilmmacher arbeitete er schon für Kunden wie Nintendo, Coca Cola und Burger King und mit seinen Filmen „“Everything’s Gone Green“ und „Mary“ war er im Jahr 2005 einziger Teilnehmer des renommierten Sundance Film Festivals der gleich mit zwei Werken an den Start ging. Beide Filme schrieb er dabei nicht nur selbst, sondern führte auch noch Regie. All images © Aaron Ruell

The Dream Team In 1988, a pair of 24-year-old professional basketball players named Arvydas Sabonis and Šarūnas Marčiulionis led the Soviet Union to the gold medal at the Summer Olympic Games in Seoul. En route to gold, they beat a United States squad made up of overmatched college players. In the 10 Olympics prior in which the U.S. competed, only once had the Americans been beaten, that coming in the controversial 1972 Games that remains under protest. [ Slideshow: Classic Dream Team photos ] Embarrassed, USA Basketball, at the behest of FIBA, opened the door to using NBA players. Enter the "Dream Team" – the most dominating collection of talent ever assembled on a single roster: 11 NBA players, 11 future Hall of Famers. Michael Jordan, Magic Johnson, Larry Bird, Patrick Ewing, Karl Malone – just to name a few – and only one of them (Jordan) started every game. Sports & RecreationBasketballArvydas Sabonis

Getting Rankings into GA Using Custom Variables The author's posts are entirely his or her own (excluding the unlikely event of hypnosis) and may not always reflect the views of Moz. Gathering rankings is one of the most annoying and time consuming tasks of an SEO consultant's work. Because of search personalization, it can be near impossible to find accurate rankings for keywords to report to clients or to use to gauge our work's effectiveness. Michael King and I have found a way to get rankings for the keywords driving traffic to your site directly into your Analytics using Custom Variables. How Do I Get These Rankings Into My GA? Different people have come up with different ways to get rankings directly into GA. Mike and I decided that a custom variable would be a better way to go. 1) Insert the Javascript custom variable that I will provide you below into your section of your website below your normal GA code; 2) Insert a parameter into your <body> tag; 3) Be able to slice/dice your data in Analytics; and The Code Get the code here

Blog On February 19th, I amicably parted ways with IBM Research, where I had spent over 6 years fiercely manning a very small tiller on a very large ship. For the 4 weeks following, I joyfully hacked on Ben Fry’s and Casey Reas’s Processing project. I spent a couple of those weeks trying to stabilize the tooling around their nascent support for the Android mobile platform, and then dove into some of the guts of the language itself, adding support for most of Java 5’s new features. Finally, I fixed all open bugs around the “auto formatter”, which is supposed to neaten up your rat’s nest of code, but had been mangling and eating it under certain circumstances. I spent a lot of time with my family, and a lot of time at various public libraries. This past Monday, March 29th, I showed up at 5 Cambridge Center for my first day as a Noogler, which is what new Google employees are officially called. Right now, I’ve got my lips to the fire hose. Wordle will continue to be freely available.

Evolution: People And the Fish They Look Like This is an innocent enough looking fellow who happens to look like a catfish because he let his facial hair grow like he should spend time in freshwater. Nothing wrong with that. Evolution is a interesting photo series (and at times a little funny) where Ted Sabarese finds people that look like fish and photographs them with their respective doppelganger. Says Sabarese, "With all the recent, fiery controversy between evolution, creationism, intelligent design, science, religion, the political left, right, etc., I thought it might be provocative to throw my visual two-cents into the ring. The images beg the question, is it really so difficult to believe we came out from the sea millions and millions of years ago?” via TCR

7 Day Detox Plan By Dietitian, Juliette Kellow BSc RD Rather than following an extreme detox plan that limits just about every food except fruit and veg while at the same time getting you to down a nasty ‘detox’ drink every day, this plan is safer and more sensible and shouldn’t leave you short on nutrients if you follow it for just one week. Foods to include in the plan Your plan can include: Fruit – your plan can include any fruit including fresh, frozen, dried or canned in natural fruit juice. Foods to avoid during your detox Detox Plan Breakfasts Banana porridge Porridge made with water and topped with natural yoghurt, banana, raisins and sweetened with honey. Detox Plan Lunches Vegetable soup and oatcakes Large bowl of vegetable or lentil soup (either homemade or supermarket ‘fresh’) with oatcakes. Detox Plan Dinners Chinese vegetable stir fry Stir fry a selection of vegetables such as bok choi, spring onions, mushrooms, bamboo shoots and beansprouts in a little olive oil with garlic and ginger.

"Sam Spratt Illustration" What, in your opinion, has been the biggest effect of the internet on art?How do you get noticed in the contemporary art scene when there are so many artists on the internet and social media? With so much plagiarism and emulations of artworks, how do you keep your artworks so original? How do you make sure you style is distinct so that people know it is yours?How different is it selling art online then in a gallery? 1-2. The Internet has allowed more people to discover art, do so easier, and thus enabled more people to be and aspire to be artists — and I think that’s neato burrito. 3-4. Well, not plagiarizing other people’s work is really the key here. It should be made having referenced the source material, materials beyond that source, references created on your own, and tied together through a technical understanding and personal treatment. 5-6. Very. 7.

POV-Ray - The Persistence of Vision Raytracer Telepolis The 29 Hardest Ab Exercises Slideshow Travis McCoy/ Overview Think you’re hardcore -- or that you have a hard core? 1. Don’t let this one fool you: It may look and sound a little silly, but it’s hard work. The Science of Amazing Abs 2. While this exercise doesn't target your abs, per se, it does target other core muscles like the glutes and hips. 20 Best Muscle-Building Foods 3. No list of advanced core moves would be complete without an example from the “300” workout. The 15 Toughest Do-Anywhere Workout Moves 4. Holding a plank -- especially on your forearms -- is probably a piece of cake by now. Sign Up to Receive the FREE Weekly Newsletter! 5. To get the form right on this move, imagine you’re the Karate Kid: When he punches his right arm, he rows his left toward his waist. The Cardio Abs Workout 6. Keeping your hips stable and body aligned gets a whole lot tougher when the ground can roll. How to Stay Motivated to Get Six-Pack Abs 7. Food Tips for Six-Pack Abs 8. How Eggs Get You Lean and Flat Abs

Hey Google, check out my 301s | RagePank SEO Dec 18, 2008 Every so often, you need to change the domain name for a website. This isn't something to be taken lightly as there are several implications. One of these implications is having stale pages lingering around in Google's index from the old domain. The issue here is that due to dupe content issues, Google may not be willing to index your new content until the old content is gone. Without any links to those old redirected pages, Google won't be revisiting those pages anytime soon. My solution to this problem is simple - write an open letter to Google. Hey Googlebot, long time no see mate. Thing is, the site has had dupe content issues in the past and we are only now doing something about it. So Googlebot, could you be so kind as to check out our 301s on the following pages, and do the decent thing and update your index? Cheers mate. Cheers, Harvey. You don't post the letter - you just place it on a page somewhere that Googlebot will find.
