Music Theory for Musicians and Normal People by Toby W. Rush This page includes links to each of the individual Music Theory pages I've created in PDF form. This is a work in progress; I am writing new ones regularly and fixing errors and omissions on existing ones as I find them. If you find them useful for your theory studies, you are welcome to use them, and if you find errors or have suggestions, I invite you to contact me. Click the thumbnails to view or download each page as a PDF for free! These pages are available for free under a Creative Commons BY-NC-ND license. This collection is a work in progress, but if you would prefer, you can download all the current pages as a single PDF. Each and every one of these pages is available is an 18" x 24" poster. These pages are available in multiple translations and localizations! Interested in helping translate these pages to your own language? What is Music Theory? And why are all these cool and attractive people studying it? Notation: Pitch Notation: Rhythm Notation: Meter Beaming Triads
Base de données lexicographiques panfrancophone - Accueil Encyclopædia Universalis – Site officiel Laboratory of Humanities Thomas de Aquino Byzantinus (cod. Metochii Sancti Sepulchri 415 (XVI s.), f. 1r; Thomas de Aquino, Summa contra Gentiles, Lib. I, cap. 1, translated by Demetrios Cydones) Object and Aims Scholastic thought in Late Byzantium is an area that remains largely unexplored. Host Institutes Laboratory of Theoretical Studies, Faculty of Humanities and Social Studies, . Collaborating Research Institutes (in alphabetical order) Fundación Tomás de Aquino, Navarra Hellenic Institute, Royal Holloway, Institut für mittelalterliche Philosophie und Kultur, ‘St Kliment Ohridski’ University of Sofia Thomas-Institut, Universität zu Köln Sponsors Hellenic Ministry of Culture (2009-10) Hellenic Ministry of Finance (2007-08) Senior academics (in alphabetical order) Professor Linos G. Advisory Board (in alphabetical order) Professor Juan Nadal-Cañellas S.J. Editor Dr John A. Research team (in alphabetical order) Contents Series prima: Thomas de Aquino Graecus Vol. Vol. Pars 1: Pars Ia (ed. Vol. Vol. Vol. Vol. Vol.
Bases de données - Liste alphabétique A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K, L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U, V | W à Z | 0 à 9 Date de la dernière modification: 4 février 2020 Books and Titles Art | Economics | History | Law | Literature | Music | Philosophy | Political Theory | Religion | Science | Sociology | War and Peace Alphabetical List of all Titles | Liberty Fund Books online These are places to go to if you are looking for books, articles, pamphlets, audio, and other titles: Title search by key wordSee the 20 most recently added booksView an alphabetical list of all titlesTitles are organized into “collections” such as: Subject Areas or Disciplines [see below for a list]Topics of a more specialized nature, for example Free TradeSpecial Collections of high scholarly note, such as the Ludwig von Mises Library and the Toronto University Press edition of The Collected Works of John Stuart MillOther Collections, such as Primary Sources and the works of the Founding fathers of the American Republic and the U.S. More Information about the Collections Topics: Many titles are assigned to more specialized Topics such as, Free Trade, Freedom of Speech, or Natural Rights.
About us | Eurydice Mission and activities The mission of the Eurydice Network is: To provide those responsible for education systems and policies in Europe with European-level analyses and information which will assist them in their decision making. The Eurydice network primarily focuses on the way education in Europe is structured and organised at all levels. • Detailed descriptions and overviews of national education systems • Comparative thematic reports devoted to specific topics of Community interest • Factual reports related to education, such as national education structures, school calendars, comparison of salaries and of required taught time per countries and education levels. All reports are available free of charge or in print (if in stock) upon request. The Eurydice network's work programme highlights the work to be carried out in 2017/18. Organisation • a coordinating unit based in the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency in Brussels Cooperation with other partners
Bibliotheca Palatina – digital: A Virtual Reconstruction of the Former Crown Jewel of Germany's Libraries One of the consequences of the Thirty Years' War was that the most important collection of books in the 17th century Holy Roman Empire, the Bibliotheca Palatina, was divided between two principal locations: Heidelberg and the Vatican. Since 2001, Heidelberg University Library has been working on several projects that aim to digitize parts of this great collection, the final goal being a complete virtual reconstruction of the 'mother of all libraries'. ‘A unique treasure is digitally reconstructed’ – the digitization of the Palatini latini in Rome is successcully completed. (Press release of Heidelberg University, 09.02.18) Here you will eventually be able to access more than 2,000 Latin manuscripts, as they are added one-by-one to the database. The origins of the Bibliotheca Palatina date back to the year 1386, and in the 17th century it was the most famous library in the world.More The Codex Manesse is the world's richest anthology of mediaeval German song.
Persée est une plate-forme répertoriant des milliers d'articles scientifiques issus de revues de sciences humaines. Une mine d'informations, la plupart en libre accès. by aurelienchevalme Mar 30