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iPad Multimedia Tools

iPad Multimedia Tools
Keynote can do much more than simple slides with text and images! In this hands on session, we’ll explore new tools that let you draw, annotate, animate, audio record, and make videos. We’ll look at how students are using these tools to create animations, digital storytelling, clipart, and more. Finally, you’ll create your own cartoon self portrait. (For this session, you’ll need an iPad running the latest version of the free Keynote app. A few iPads will be available for you to use.) Lafayette Regional eLearning Conference - Lafayette, Indiana, Thursday, June 7 12:15 and 3:15 - Show What You Know: Illustrate and Annotate It! In this hands-on session, we will explore iPad strategies that help learners of any age visualize their learning. Book Snaps - post and tutorials using Pic Collage Edu to annotate text 1:15 - The Shape of Things to Come: Learning in 3D Room 148 Curious about getting started with 3D printing? MACUL Conference 2018 - Grand Rapids, MI Want to learn more? Atrium (Amway)

iPad As....use to address specific goals iPads have exploded throughout schools and classrooms. Their flexibility, versatility, and mobility make them a phenomenal learning tool. As teachers seek ways to integrate these devices, we recommend focusing on specific learning goals that promote critical-thinking, creativity, collaboration, and the creation of student-centric learning environments. In other words, begin with..... Bloom's Taxonomy for The iPad Langwitches has recently updated his phenomenal post on the The iPad Apps for Bloom Taxonomy. This post has an awesome aggregation of iPad apps organized according to Blooms HOTS ( Higher Order Thinking Skills). If you are a teacher or educator and have not yet read about Bloom's Taxonomy then let me tell you that you are missing out on a great resource of educational insight. As for the the apps Langwitches has suggested for each skill, you will find almost half of them are not free but they are not expensive anyway.

iPad As.... iPads have exploded throughout schools and classrooms. Their flexibility, versatility, and mobility make them a phenomenal learning tool. As teachers seek ways to integrate these devices, we recommend focusing on specific learning goals that promote critical-thinking, creativity, collaboration, and the creation of student-centric learning environments. In other words, begin with..... Essential iPad Hardware and Software for Teachers After two weeks with my iPad, I have sold my laptop and dedicated my mobile life to my iPad. I am an educator by trade. For teaching, the iPad is the perfect tool for 95% of what I need a computer to do, and it turns out that the other 5% probably isn't as important as I thought it was. Converting my lesson planning, teaching, and student accountability paradigms to the iPad took some careful planning and tools, but now that I have a system, I am loving it. Luckily, the iPad hardware is fantastic, and the user interface and experience are so welcoming, that I had zero learning curve and almost no problems with converting. The Apple iPad - The iPad hardware will set you back a few hundred dollars. The Apple Bluetooth Keyboard - I paid $59 for the a refurbished Bluetooth Keyboard directly from the Apple Store. They keyboard is essential because, as a teacher, I do a lot of typing. iPad Case / Skin - This is the one area that I splurged. 4 Essential iPad Apps for Teachers

EdTech Workshop: 5 Ways I'm Using Apps in the Classroom As I'm wrapping up week #2 teaching language arts in a 4/5 1:1 iPad environment, I thought I would try a "5 ways..." type of post. One of my many goals this year is to be a better sharer, so I am pushing myself to blog each week and to try different styles of writing. Let me know what you think, please! 1. We have experimented, thus far, with three apps for student blogging: Wordpress, Chrome and Safari. I'm amazed at how quickly the students are beginning to fluently use multiple apps to achieve a task. Note: Our student bloggers would love to connect with other student bloggers, and we would welcome readers and comments. 2. After carefully reviewing the features of Class Dojo, I decided against using it for behavior management. 3. The camera is a no-brainer. 4. I put Words With Friends on our app list, thinking that we would use it as part of Daily 5 word work. 5. What are students actually learning?

Códigos QR y uso del iPad en el aula Una de las tecnologías que cada vez más nos encontramos en la vida real, son los populares códigos QR ( ), creados en 1994 por la compañía japonesa Denso Wave . Para los menos entendidos, es un sistema de codificación 2D con capacidad de representar más información. Para que los dispositivos puedan leer los códigos QR, necesitamos que éstos tengan un cámara y una aplicación. En el mercado existen una gran oferta de App de lectura de códigos gratuitas para todos los dispositivos. En el ámbito educativo, los códigos QR, los profesores empiezan a utilizarlos en las aulas y fuera de ellas, con una finalidad de aprendizaje. Si nuestra intención es poder generar algún tipo de código QR, os recomendamos TrakQR , que es una nueva opción para compartir contenidos por medio de estos códigos, con la diferencia de que nos permite generar códigos QR dinámicos y tener acceso a los datos de consumo de los códigos creados.

Could Doceri be the IWB killer? Just before Xmas I reviewed a potential IWB killer app called Idea Flight. This was the first of a batch of iPad apps that I have found which attempt to replace the need for an IWB. Idea Flight attempted this by enabling the networking of groups of iPads and one of the primary criticisms that readers pointed out with this system is that it was limited to contexts in which students all had iPads. Doceri takes a very different approach though. The iPad app has all the normal software installed that would expect with your IWB, so you can use different modes such as a whiteboard mode that enables you to write on the board from your iPad using your finger or an additional stylus, or surf the internet and interact with the computer native software, or you can mix the two modes and annotate over web pages or software based applications. Here are just a few of the features of the Doceri app shown as iPad screen grabs. You can call up an onscreen keyboard for text input. What I like about Doceri

Projecting Your iPad Wirelessly - Without an Apple TV Important update: May 6, 2012 - Mirror to your Windows PC as well Shortly after the release of Relection a second mirroring solution called AirPlay was released - available at Reflection and Airplay both allow mirroring of an iOS device to a Mac. Many site members had asked about a solution that would allow mirroring to a Windows PC. In its latest update, Airplay has now added a version that will allow mirroring to a PC as well. When iOS 5 was released many of us were thrilled with its ability to allow projection (mirroring) of your iPad to a projector using Airplay and Apple TV. A wonderful new app called Reflection has just been released. Run the Reflection app on your MacBook and then switch to your iPad. Once you select your MacBook, you can now display your iPad on the laptop screen (as seen below ... and please don't remind me how many emails I still need to open...). When to use Reflection rather than an Apple TV: Sam Gliksman

40 Most Awesome iPad Apps for Science Students Posted on Wednesday June 15, 2011 by Staff Writers The iPad has found its way into hospitals, retail stores and homes across the nation, but it’s also making a big splash in the classroom, even with some of the best online colleges. With a great selection of apps focused on everything from word processing to keeping in touch with classmates, the tablet computer can be an invaluable tool for learning — no matter your age. Online science students haven’t been left out, of course, and there are a wide range of applications offering help with chemistry, biology, astronomy and even the math that comes along with certain fields. If you’re a college student looking to supplement your science studies, these apps are some of the best for learning, sharing, researching and just plain having fun. Chemistry Get beautiful photographs of the elements or explore what happens when you design your own molecules using these great iPad apps. Biology Astronomy Reference Tools Miscellaneous
