Φωτογραφίες που σημάδεψαν την ανθρωπότητα και την Ελλάδα 5 Σεπτεμβρίου, 1972 Το πρωί της 5ης Σεπτεμβρίου 1972, κατά την διάρκεια των Ολυμπιακών Αγώνων του Μονάχου, ένας κομάντο της παλαιστινιακής στρατιωτικής οργάνωσης «Μαύρος Σεπτέμβρης», εισβάλλει στο Ολυμπιακό χωριό και κρατά 11 Ισραηλινούς αθλητές σε ομηρία, με αντάλλαγμα την απελευθέρωση 200 φυλακισμένων Παλαιστινίων. Δύο Ισραηλινοί αθλητές θα εκτελεστούν. Το βράδυ, ένα δράμα εξελίσσεται στο αεροδρόμιο του Μονάχου όπου οι τρομοκράτες προσπαθούν να διαφύγουν με τους ομήρους για το Κάιρο. Με την επέμβαση της γερμανικής αστυνομίας σκοτώνονται οι 9 Ισραηλινοί όμηροι, καθώς και τα 5 από τα 8 μέλη της οργάνωσης. Στην φωτογραφία από το μπαλκόνι των διαμερισμάτων της ισραηλινής ομάδας, πιθανολογείται ότι είναι το νεαρότερο μέλος της οργάνωσης, ο Afif Ahmed Hamid, ο οποίος βρέθηκε αργότερα ανάμεσα στους νεκρούς Παλαιστίνιους.
theGatesNotes Bill Gates I don’t often get to say that I toured Europe with a rock star, but that’s what happened last week when I spent time in London and Paris with Bono. In our meetings with government officials, our message was this: Europe’s support of overseas development assistance is saving thousands of lives and is a tremendous example for other donor countries. In Paris, we met with France’s new president, Francois Hollande and his senior ministers for finance, foreign affairs, and development. It was fantastic to hear President Hollande affirm his dedication to continuing France’s leadership in aid. In London, we met with the new secretary of state for international development, Justine Greening, who oversees the UK’s Department for International Development, which has been a great development partner. It was energizing spending time with Bono, who has such a great way of thinking about challenges and communicating with people.
Flood Recovery Too Slow; Buyout Too Low for Some CEDAR RAPIDS - Much of the criticism surrounding flood recovery and buyouts surrounds the slow pace. But there are others who say they are willing to wait even longer. It all comes down to money, and a well-known phrase for disaster victims, "duplication of benefits." The federal government won't pay twice for any disaster loss. That means people who had flood insurance will have to deduct that amount from any buyout payment. The federal government runs the flood insurance program and also funds the two buyout programs- and none can overlap. Many are realizing a buyout won't be what they expected. You can still see the high water mark on the backboard, denoting the low point of Dennis Ades life. "I lost all my personal possessions, I got out my cat, my cars, two weeks of clothes," said Time Check flood victim Dennis Ades. He had flood insurance. He cleaned out the inside, repainted the outside, and the boarded up windows match the trim. He won't even get half its value
Turning Policemen Into Soldiers, the Culmination of a Long Trend Ferguson, Mo. police watching over their city (Reuters) The images from Missouri of stormtrooper-looking police confronting their citizens naturally raises the question: how the hell did we get to this point? When did the normal cops become Navy SEALs? What country is this, anyway? There will be more and more mainstream coverage of the modern militarization of the police, a phenomenon mainly of the post-9/11 years. 1) The Book on this topic: Rise of the Warrior Cop, by Radley Balko. 2) "Lockdown Nation," a Peter Moskos review of Balko's book last year in PS magazine. 3) "How the War on Terror Has Militarized the Police," an Atlantic dispatch by Arthur Rizer and Joseph Hartman three years ago. 4) "Tanks in Small Towns," a web item I did in 2011 on signs of this trend, including this photo of a police force in South Carolina: And this one from a small town in Virginia: And this from Florida: 5) Some other Atlantic coverage here, here, here. "Self-damage"?
Desktop - Free file manager for increasing 4shared productivity 4shared Desktop is free application for Windows, Linux and Mac PC’s expand 4shared functionality. Speed up the routine process of uploading hundreds files to your account and make it much easier. Friendly well-known, easy to use interface and perfect usability of 4shared Desktop will increase productivity of your work and greatly lighten performance of tasks. This easy to use software is designed specifically to help manage multiple file uploads. On this window you should fill in the login and password of your account that you were using during the registration to 4shared service. Tick the "Remember me" check box if you want the application to remember the login and password and log in your account automatically when it starts. Once you felt in the fields click the "Login" button to open your account. After the program log in successfully and receive data of your account the main window is shown. Select the directory where you want to upload files to. Resume uploading is available!
“The Great Feast” – TEDxOxbridge | Ed Dowding This is the transcript from my talk at TEDxOxbridge last weekend. If you a have a phone, take it out and hold it up. This device makes us magicians: At any time, from any where, we can know almost ANYTHING that is known to mankind. Ok – hands down. But what is truly extraordinary about this device… … is that this man has one too. He uses his to get stock updates – but his reminds him when to check his cows for diseases. He also tweets questions to the regional vet, shares tips and information with other farmers, knows the local and international market prices for his produce, and when you buy from him… you can pay him by SMS. There are 650 million people with a mobile phone in Sub-Saharan Africa, and even though only half of them have access to clean water or sanitation, they all have better mobile access to more information than Bill Clinton did when he was President. The world is changing quickly. Everything is secondary to food. That’s true of society, too. Food is one of these multipliers.
FEMA Explains Why Some Cedar Rapids Residents May Need Flood Insurance | KCRG-TV9 | Cedar Rapids, Iowa News, Sports, and Weather | News CEDAR RAPI DS -- More than 300 Cedar Rapids property owners might have to get flood insurance. The Federal Emergency Management Agency met with the city council Wednesday night to explain why. FEMA's standards have changed, and Cedar Rapids' current levee system just doesn't meet the government's new requirements. One way to solve that problem is to ask those 300 property owners to get flood insurance.Cedar Rapids levees need to be about three feet higher to meet federal standards. Otherwise, FEMA officials say these neighborhoods could end up underwater. So, FEMA plans to expand the city's floodplain about two-years from now to include new homes and businesses. "Just because a new map is drawn doesn't mean the flood risk has changed. The government's standards have become more strict since Cedar Rapids built the levees decades ago. FEMA officials say if property is in a floodplain, there's always a chance of a disaster. The city also has the option of improving the levy system.
At G20, Politicians Push the Same Neoliberal Agenda That Got Us Into This Mess President Barack Obama at the G20. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais) Earlier this month, world leaders at the G20 Summit in St. Petersburg, Russia were promising to develop proposals to regulate big banks and international tax heavens. Meanwhile, an international group of activists in the same city were proposing a striking alternative. About the Author Alec Luhn Alec Luhn is a Moscow-based journalist who has written for The Guardian, The Independent, Slate, GlobalPost and other... Also by the Author Ukrainian officials and pro-Russian insurgents trade accusations as details of crash remain unclear. Tens of thousands have fled in the wake of ongoing fighting between government forces and pro-Russian rebels in the Donetsk and Lugansk regions. Participants in the G20 Counter-Summit spent two days discussing ways to solve the intertwined financial and environmental crises that the G20 has been unable or unwilling to seriously address for five years now. Why Protest in Russia?
WikiLeaks Study finds link between political corruption and FEMA money Where natural disasters strike, political corruption is soon to follow, say the authors of a study in the Journal of Law and Economics. But it's not the wind and rain that turns good folks bad; it's the money that floods in afterwards from the Federal Emergency Management Agency. "We find each $100 of FEMA-provided disaster relief increases the average state's corruption by nearly 102 percent," write Peter Leeson (George Mason) and Russell Sobel (West Virginia U.). "Our findings suggest that notoriously corrupt regions of the United States, such as the Gulf Coast, are in part notoriously corrupt because natural disasters frequently strike them. Leeson and Sobel base their conclusions on a statistical model that measured the relationship between FEMA allocations and corruption in each U.S. state. Hurricane-prone states like Florida, Mississippi and Louisiana, which receive large amounts of FEMA money, tend to have more corruption convictions per capita.
not_available Δίκτυο Ανταλλαγών και Αλληλεγγύης Μαγνησίας ΑΓΑΝΑΚΤΙΣΜΕΝΟΙ ΣΤΗΝ ΠΑΡΑΛΙΑ ΤΟΥ ΒΟΛΟΥ