Top 10 Examples of NAACP Racism The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) condemned the Tea Party movement last month for alleged bigotry within its ranks. The mainstream always seems extreme to extremists. As the following top-ten list demonstrates, the NAACP, a hotbed of political hotheads in recent years, isn’t the best organization to be lecturing others about extremism. 10. In March 2008, ABC News revealed that Barack Obama’s pastor had preached that African Americans should sing “not God Bless America, God Damn America,” that 9/11 proved that “America’s chickens are coming home to roost,” and that the U.S. government invented AIDS. 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. Rather than unnamed “racists” operating on the peripheries, or six-degrees-of-separation logic that lamely attempts to project X’s extremism upon Y, the above examples involve the NAACP’s official acts and duly elected leaders. Isn’t it time for the NAACP to accept responsibility for its own extremism?
Paralyzed Veterans of America You can make a difference in the lives of our paralyzed veterans. Please make a donation today! Spinal cord injury/disease clinicians: Register today for Summit 2015+EXPO in Jacksonville, FL, Sept 1-3, 2015 Service a vehicle at a Penske Automotive Group dealership, and you can donate $1 in support of Paralyzed Veterans of America. Leave no fallen hero behind. Paralyzed Veterans' G.I.V.E. American Civil Liberties Union EEOC Home Page Who We Are About Us FairVote makes democracy fair, functional, and representative by developing the analysis and educational tools necessary for our reform partners to win and sustain improvements to American elections. We are a non-profit, non-partisan organization with a history of working with people from across the spectrum. To help promote FairVote's key reforms, download and distribute FairVote's Reform 2020 Vision two-page flyer. Who Funds FairVote? See our financial information and our year-end reports. Our Work "I love FairVote in that we're dealing with structural issues." - Marie C. As Americans, we elect representatives at all levels of government, from local school boards and state assemblies to Congress and the presidency. But American democracy today is not working. "The work that FairVote does on proportional voting is so valuable, because it's one of the most important ways we can improve how democracy works." - Anita Earls At FairVote, we think in structures. Our Successes Fair Access
Civil rights groups blast parents opting their kids out of high-stakes tests. Why they are wrong. Is high-stakes standardized testing helping students who live in poverty and students of color — or hurting them? A dozen civil rights groups have released a statement (see below) opposing efforts by parents and others to boycott high-stakes standardized tests aligned to the Common Core and similar standards, saying that the tests are valuable to students of color and those from low-income families. The statement says in part: The Network for Public Education, an advocacy group started by historian Diane Ravitch and others, released a response saying that it is the high-stakes tests themselves that are doing the harm, not parents who are opting their children out of taking these exams. Are high-stakes standardized tests really the only available, consistent and objective source of data about disparities in educational outcomes? Here’s the statement released Tuesday by the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights:
4 Ideas That Could Begin to Reform the Criminal Justice System and Improve Police-Community Relations SOURCE: AP/Elise Amendola A demonstrator holds his hands up on campus at Boston University during a protest to show solidarity with protesters in Ferguson, Missouri. By Michele L. Jawando & Chelsea Parsons | Thursday, December 18, 2014 PRINT: SHARE: Endnotes and citations are available in the PDF and Scribd versions.Download the report: PDFRead it in your browser: Scribd From the shooting death of unarmed teenager Michael Brown, to the heavily militarized police response, to the protests in the wake of Brown’s death, to the failure of the grand jury to indict Officer Darren Wilson for his role in the shooting, the events in Ferguson, Missouri, have turned up the heat on a long simmering debate over the persistent inequalities in our criminal justice system. These are excellent steps, but they are not a panacea. 1. In recent weeks, the role of the prosecutor and the grand jury system has come under intense scrutiny. Some states have established permanent special prosecutors’ offices. 2.
Antiwar and Radical History Project Aquatic "invasion" of Fort Lewis, July 13, 1969, copyright (c) Steve Ludwig Antiwar movements have never been separate from movements for civil rights, union recognition, and social change. In the Pacific Northwest, labor unions and socialists played a large part in the movement against World War I, while civil rights activism paved the way for the growth of the antiwar movement during the Vietnam era. The Pacific Northwest Antiwar and Radical History Project is a multimedia web project that aims to chronicle the social impact of war and the rich history of antiwar activity in the Northwest. Tour the Project Northwest Antiwar Activism: A Brief History: The story of antiwar activism in the Northwest, beginning with the anti-preparedness march against World War I, through resistance to Cold War repression and GI organizing during the 1960s, and ending with the anti-nuclear movements of the 1980s.
Alexander Street | Publisher of streaming video, audio, and text library databases in music, counseling, history, business, and more A Brief History of Jim Crow “I can ride in first-class cars on the railroads and in the streets,” wrote journalist T. McCants Stewart. “I can stop in and drink a glass of soda and be more politely waited upon than in some parts of New England.” Stewart had decided to tour the South because he feared for freedmen’s liberties. After a few weeks on the road, Stewart decided they would. Stewart was wrong. “Jim Crow” was a derisive slang term for a black man. In 1890, in spite of its 16 black members, the Louisiana General Assembly passed a law to prevent black and white people from riding together on railroads. Two years later, the court seemed to seal the fate of black Americans when it upheld a Mississippi law designed to deny black men the vote. Jim Crow laws touched every part of life. In Richmond, one could not live on a street unless most of the residents were people one could marry. Prisons, hospitals, and orphanages were segregated as were schools and colleges. For Discussion and Writing For Further Reading
Educational Resources | United States Courts Main content Get informed. Get involved. Get inspired. Find realistic simulations and memorable, interactive approaches to court basics that include comparing federal and state courts. Educational Activities Work with federal judges in their courtrooms or team up with students in classrooms to apply Supreme Court precedents to realistic, teen situations. Supreme Court Landmarks Participate in interactive landmark Supreme Court cases that have shaped history and have an impact on law-abiding citizens today. Annual Observances Throughout the year, federal courts open their doors to provide experiential learning, mark legal milestones, and celebrate heritage months with ready-to-use activities and multi-media resources. About Educational Outreach Trust resources and activities that meet best practices and academic standards.
The Black Past: Remembered and Reclaimed