Nine Things Successful People Do Differently - Heidi Grant Halvorson Learn more about the science of success with Heidi Grant Halvorson’s HBR Single, based on this blog post. Why have you been so successful in reaching some of your goals, but not others? If you aren’t sure, you are far from alone in your confusion. It turns out that even brilliant, highly accomplished people are pretty lousy when it comes to understanding why they succeed or fail. The intuitive answer — that you are born predisposed to certain talents and lacking in others — is really just one small piece of the puzzle.
Great Resume Designs that Catch Attention–and Got People Hired Inspiration June 21, 2011 When applying for a job, you have no choice but to do your best to outshine competition. Even before winning an interview, your qualifications (or in some instance, your character) are already judged by the resume you’ve submitted. It is then important to make your resume or CV as honest, concise, and striking as possible. If you are looking forward to a creative position, you will be expected to come up with something grand and extra creative as well. The Power Of The Mind: How To Train Yourself To Be More Successful :... How can you use the latest discoveries in brain science to improve your life? Here are some techniques. November 02, 2011 The Freelancer's Toolset: 100 Web Apps for Everything You Will Possibly Need : Codswallop Posted by nitzan on Thursday, May 10th, 2007 Running a business for yourself means you have to be inventive and always on the lookout for a new and better way to get things done. Innovation junkies, take note: the Internet has a lot to offer.
stories, analogies and fables for business, training and public speaking, wedding speeches, best man speeches home » amusement/stress relief » stories and analogies illustrations and analogies for motivation, inspiration, learning and training Here are stories, analogies, research findings and other examples that provide wonderful illustrations for learning, and inspiration for self-development. Read about the travellers and the monk, tickle me elmo, get in the wheelbarrow, the shoe box story, the scorpion and the frog, murphy's plough, Pavlov's dogs, the monkeys and the stairs, and more. Look at the stories index for stories listed by subject. Or go straight to the stories.
The Dalai Lama’s 18 Rules For Living May 6, 2011 | 42 Comments » | Topics: Life, List At the start of the new millennium the Dalai Lama apparently issued eighteen rules for living. Since word travels slowly in the digital age these have only just reached me. Here they are. Take into account that great love and great achievements involve great risk. 5 Things Your Business Can Learn From A Rapper Professional inspiration can come from anywhere--here's some from a rapper with eye toward startups. December 04, 2011 Professional inspiration can come from anywhere, even the unlikeliest of places. This month, I was inspired by a rapper imparting business advice to startups. Hip-hop historian, music technologist and founder of hip-hop band Stetsasonic, Glenn K. Bolton—also known as Daddy-O—recently spoke about the parallels between budding hip-hop artists and startups during his presentation at Geekend 2011, a techie conference presented by BFG Communications.
Is Starting A Business Safer Than Your Job? [Infographic] What's Better - Getting a Job or Starting a Business? With a slow economy, many people have turned to entrepreneurship as a means to pay the bills. Which begs the question, what’s better today — getting a job or starting a business? We dug deep to find out the numbers and have compared the risk of starting a business to keeping a job. AW Extra - Mobile Miter Saw Stand - Projects This stand has everything you could want. With the wings up, it can handle 8-ft.-long boards on either side. Easy Answers to Tough Interview Questions If you were invited for an interview, you’ve conquered half the battle; the recruiter already thinks you can do the job based on your resume. The next half, though, is about proving them right. Things like body language or your outfit play a part, but only a supporting role to what really gets the spotlight: how you answer those tough questions. Here are some tips on how to deliver. Q: “Tell me a little about yourself.”
Thinking like a genius: overview Thinking and recall series Problem solving: creative solutions "Even if you're not a genius, you can use the same strategies as Aristotle and Einstein to harness the power of your creative mind and better manage your future." The following strategies encourage you to think productively, rather than reproductively, in order to arrive at solutions to problems. "These strategies are common to the thinking styles of creative geniuses in science, art, and industry throughout history." Nine approaches to creative problem solving: 6 Ways to Increase Your Chances of an IRS Tax Audit The deadline for filing your income tax return is rapidly approaching. Filers are often tempted to fudge the facts on their tax returns in an effort to get a bigger refund. But that tactic can backfire on you, resulting in an Internal Revenue Service Audit. Here are six of the more common ways of increasing your chances of an audit.
Raising money is a black swan &045; Venture Hacks Nivi · December 9th, 2008 Raising money is like finding a black swan. It seems like you will forever keep hearing “no”, “let’s keep talking”, or “find a lead.” Or worse, you sign a term sheet and it blows up before you can close it. It seems like you’ll never raise money, until one day—boom—you meet the right investor, he says yes, you negotiate a deal, and suddenly there’s money in your bank account.