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Software: Text Analysis, Text Mining and Information Retrieval

Software: Text Analysis, Text Mining and Information Retrieval
Commercial | online | free Text Analytics Platform: WordStat, ProSuite, QDA Miner - Free Trial On-line Text Mining / Text Analytics Tools, keyword analysis and webmaster tools. Vivisimo/Clusty web search and text clustering engine. Wordle, a tool for generating "word clouds" from text that you provide. Commercial Text Mining / Text Analytics Software ActivePoint, offering natural language processing and smart online catalogues, based contextual search and ActivePoint's TX5(TM) Discovery Engine. Many packages above offer free or limited trial versions. Free and Open-Source Text Mining / Text Analytics Software Data Science Toolkit, includes geo, text, NLP, and sentiment analysis tools. Related Text-Mining sites

Kurrently - real-time social media search engine (Twitter, Facebook, Google+) Extensible Metadata Platform XMP logo The Extensible Metadata Platform (XMP) is an ISO standard, originally created by Adobe Systems Inc., for the creation, processing and interchange of standardized and custom metadata for all kinds of resources. XMP standardizes a data model, a serialization format and core properties for the definition and processing of extensible metadata. It also provides guidelines on how XMP should be embedded into a number of popular image, video and document file formats (e.g. JPEG and PDF) without breaking their readability by applications that aren't aware of XMP. The XMP data model, serialization format and core properties have been published by the International Organization for Standardization as ISO 16684-1:2012 standard.[1] XMP data model[edit] The defined XMP data model can be used to store any set of metadata properties. An instance of the XMP data model is called an XMP packet. Serialization of XMP[edit] Example[edit] This is an example XML for serialized XMP metadata in JPEG photo: <?
