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Netflix Search Code Directory

One of the biggest Netflix complaints is that you spend more time browsing than you do watching. Netflix curates its homepage based on your preference but sometimes you just want to dive into a movie genre of your own accord. Below, we’ve got the Netflix ID Bible where we list all of the Netflix category codes or as they’re sometimes referred to, the Netflix secret codes! How this works is you grab the URL from the Netflix search page: The new URL for Netflix Genres is Simply insert the number of the specific category you want to view. Below, we’ve made a list of the most active and requested ID’s on Netflix right now. 1365 = Action & Adventure 77232 = Asian Action Movies 46576 = Classic Action & Adventure 43040 = Action Comedies 43048 = Action Thrillers 8985 = Martial Arts Movies 2125 = Military Action & Adventure 7442 = Adventures 10118 = Comic Book and Superhero Movies 7700 = Westerns 7424 = Anime Related:  Websites useful or funReferencediasdemar

Public Domain Collections: Free to Share & Reuse That means everyone has the freedom to enjoy and reuse these materials in almost limitless ways. The Library now makes it possible to download such items in the highest resolution available directly from the Digital Collections website. Search Digital Collections No permission required. Below you'll find tools, projects, and explorations designed to inspire your own creations—go forth and reuse! Visualize the Public Domain An experiment by NYPL Labs to help patrons understand and explore what is contained in this release. Discover the Collections Learn more about our public domain release. Apply for the Remix Residency To promote transformative, interesting, and creative new uses of our Digital Collections and data, NYPL is now accepting applications for a Remix Residency program. Use Our Data and Utilities Our digitized collections are available as machine-readable data: over one million records for you to search, crawl and compute. Navigating the Green Books

Get Your Grok On | Curious Squid A tool-strand post in an ongoing 2-strand series about Information Literacy How can we foster a “slow search” approach that maximizes what we don’t know through discovery? How can we take advantage of what we don’t know and use it more effectively in developing a search strategy? How can the quest for quality also be built into the quest for information? Fact or Fiction? Kids like to search Google—and they think they are pretty good at it.Kids like to search Google using questions instead of keywords, terms or concepts.Kids expect to get acceptable answers to their questions—and tend to accept what they get. When it comes to searching online, this skill is probably the one students feel the most confident about simply because they do it practically everyday for one reason or another. Searching well is not just an essential 21st Century survival skill, but a must-have thrive skill. Well, if you think about how we think, it really is all about questions versus concepts, at least initially.

Privacy Tools - Encryption Against Global Mass Surveillance You are being watched. Private and state-sponsored organizations are monitoring and recording your online activities. provides knowledge and tools to protect your privacy against global mass surveillance. Language: 繁體中文 Español Deutsch Darknet: Tor, I2P, ZeroNet Over the last 16 months, as I've debated this issue around the world, every single time somebody has said to me, "I don't really worry about invasions of privacy because I don't have anything to hide." Read also: The UKUSA Agreement is an agreement between the United Kingdom, United States, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand to cooperatively collect, analyze, and share intelligence. Five Eyes 1. Nine Eyes 6. Fourteen Eyes 10. Why is it not recommended to choose a US based service? Services based in the United States are not recommended because of the country’s surveillance programs, use of National Security Letters (NSLs) and accompanying gag orders, which forbid the recipient from talking about the request. Brave Qwant

The ultimate anime recommendation flowchart Los días más baratos para volar en avión en 2019 | ¿Tu propósito de Año Nuevo es viajar más? Puedes recurrir a muchas estrategias para lograrlo. Una de ellas es intentar ahorrar lo más posible durante el año, pero también durante el viaje. FareCompare publicó la lista de los días más baratos para viajar en avión durante 2019. Según el analista Rick Seaney, el 29 de enero será el día con vuelos más baratos a nivel mundial, pues la mayoría de turistas ya viajó en diciembre. Para volar a Europa, encontrarás vuelos más económicos el 30 de enero. Recomendamos Los días más baratos para volar en invierno, varían según el mes y la región. Si viajarás en febrero, te conviene comprar tus tickets en las dos últimas semanas del mes. Si quieres ahorrar dinero, evita comprar boletos de avión durante los fines de semana de abril; las tarifas pueden aumentar hasta 40%, según FareCompare. Encontrarás vuelos más baratos durante las dos primeras semanas de mayo y junio, y de lunes a jueves. Encontrarás vuelos más económicos a partir del 20 de agosto.

Just Delete Me | A directory of direct links to delete your account from web services. Can't find what you're looking for? Help make better. easy No Info Available Login to your account, go to parameters, click Delete my account. show info... hard You have to call them in order to delete your account. Log in to your account and click the top-left link to 'Member Preferences'. Despite what it says in their FAQ there is actually no automatic way to delete your account. Follow the link to edit your profile and click cancel account at bottom. Just head to the account page and click the red button 'Delete your account' at the bottom left of the page. To close your account, contact Amazon by email (via this contact form) and request that your account be closed. You must login before visiting the link. impossible We do not 'delete' or 'terminate' accounts on ACC. Remove all applications and services from your account, then request deletion by emailing customer services. Response from We really don't have a way to delete accounts entirely. medium

NowComment Free, Cheap, and Affordable Travel Resources Affordable Travel Everyone should be able to travel. We don’t all have budgets for an around-the-world ticket, or 4 months in Japan, but if you’re willing to sacrifice immediacy, you can still experience great adventures. I’m defining this category as approximately $500 for an epic travel adventure. All you need is time, and if you’re not making any of that, that’s really nobody’s problem but your own. The internet caters beautifully to this idea, providing us with avenues to connect with our peers, share knowledge and rooms, cars and workspaces. Below I’ve outlined some of my personal go-to services for affordable accommodation and transportation. • Secret Flying can find you a $200 ticket out of the country (almost any country). • With HitchPlanet, you can get across the country (Canada or USA) for around $200. Free Travel Now, anyone truly can travel, regardless of budget. These are some of GoHobo’s top choices for free travel, so dig in and enjoy. Work Exchange Cheap Travel

Bauman: "En el mundo actual todas las ideas de felicidad acaban en una tienda" | Papel Visitamos al último gran pensador europeo en su guarida de Leeds. Allí habla de su última obsesión: cómo los políticos usan a los refugiados en beneficio propio. Cuando escucha la primera pregunta, Zygmunt Bauman se endereza levemente sobre el estampado floral de su butaca. Luego arquea sus cejas, con pelos largos como meñiques. Y, tras una interminable calada a su pipa, masculla una respuesta: «Por favor, come un poco... El sociólogo señala el bufé que ha preparado en la mesita de su salón: fresas con nata, bizcocho casero, frutos secos y zumo de pera. La excusa de la visita a su hogar esta mañana de otoño es Extraños llamando a la puerta (Paidós). «Los europeos -truena la voz del precariado con su inglés de fuerte acento polaco- nos encontramos con la llegada repentina de millones de personas que, hasta hace unos años, tenían vidas muy parecidas a las nuestras: trabajos de calidad, casas propias, ambiciones profesionales... Tras su arenga inicial, Bauman está exhausto. Dígame. ¡Ja!

How to Use Firefox Addons Even though Firefox usage has been on the decline over the last few years, it’s still in second place behind Google Chrome in terms of usage. The main reason behind that is add-ons. Firefox can be customized in a million different ways, something no other browser can replicate to that level. In Firefox lingo, add-ons can consist of a number of things: extensions, themes, plugins, services, search providers, language packs, etc. Add-ons allow you to change how Firefox works, extend its functionality or customize the appearance of the browser. In the latest version of Firefox, add-ons are updated automatically, though this can be changed in the settings. Finding Add-ons Let’s start by finding some add-ons to install in Firefox. This will open another tab where you can find and manage add-ons, extensions, themes, plugins, etc. To install an add-on, just click the Install button. The second way to find add-ons is to visit the Mozilla add-ons website. Managing Add-ons

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