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Gramatica inglesa gratis, ejercicios de ingles gratuitos

Gramatica inglesa gratis, ejercicios de ingles gratuitos
Resumen de Gramática Inglesa. (Incluye gratis versión en PDF) Artículo Indeterminado (a / an) Artículo Determinado(the) Ejercicios Artículos Clases de nombres (paper, a piece of paper) Género (he, she, it) Formación del Plural (car, cars) Sustantivos Compuestos (Racing-car, Classroom) Los Sustantivos derivados de verbos (To paint, painter) La Posesión. Clases de Adjetivos (what? Género y número (He is good, She is good, We are good...) Posición (A beautiful house, the house is beautiful) Adjetivos sustantivados y compuestos (Dark-blue) El comparativo y el Superlativo(Tall, taller, the tallest) Adjetivos demostrativos (This, that, these, those) Adjetivos distributivos (Each, every, either...) Adjetivos de cantidad (Some, any, much, many...) Adjetivos interrogativos (What? Adjetivos posesivos (My, your, his, her...) Adjetivos gentilicios (America, American, the Americans...) Adjetivos Numerales (One, two, three...) Clases de Pronombres (I, this, who, which, mine...) Pronombres interrogativos(Who? Related:  Geography and social studies.

Awesome Lesson Ideas to Integrate Science Across the Curriculum “On Wednesday in science class, Mr. Newton says, ‘You know if you listen closely enough, you can hear the poetry of science in everything.’ I listen closely. On Thursday, I start hearing the poetry. In fact, I start hearing everything as a science poem. Mr. It's easy to feel as if there aren’t enough hours in the school day to properly address all the curriculum expectations that we must teach our students. The best websites to help you with classroom activities that commemorate Earth... 10 reasons why your students may be unhappy, and some classroom management... Our exciting summer break learning ideas. We offer up some school safety ideas for teachers when confronted with... A few creative teaching strategies to make math a little more interesting. By developing cross-curricular activities that are both fun and motivating, teachers can easily integrate science into different subject areas—it only requires a bit of planning and creativity! Teaching Science with English / Language Arts

Digital Storytelling Subjects: Art, Computers & Internet, Language Arts, Social Studies Grades: Title – Digital Storytelling By – Jennifer Henson Primary Subject – Language Arts Secondary Subjects – Computers / Internet, Social Studies, Art Grade Level – 9-12 NCTE/IRA English Lanuage Arts Standards Addressed: 4. 5. 8. 12. General Goal(s): To encourage students to use electronic media to tell a personal story in a creative way. Time Required: One class period to define digital storytelling and show examplesOne week out of class for students to gather materialsOne week in and/or out of class for students to prepare final reports Specific Outcomes: Required Materials: Mac or PC with appropriate digital storytelling program, such as Photo Story 3 for Windows or iPhoto for MacPersonal collection of digital photographs or digital cameraAccess to public domain or personally created music Anticipatory Set/Lead-In: Procedure: Plan for Independent Practice: Closure: Reflection Assessment: Adaptations: E-Mail Jennifer Henson !

World History Activities What’s Here The number of hands-on projects you can do for world history studies is limited only by your imagination. See how you can easily make ancient civilizations come alive for young students! How I Designed Our Ancient Civilizations Unit The world history information in our third grade social studies text left much to be desired: there were too many details and a lack of comprehensive focus. The unit is comprised of a variety of activities: reading the textbook and trade books, internet research, Discovery Channel videos downloaded from United Streaming, web quests, hands-on activities, reenactments, worksheets, skits, home research projects, and more. We spent a week each on Prehistoric Times, Ancient Mesopotamia, Ancient Egypt, Ancient China, Ancient Greece, Middle Ages, and the Renaissance/Age of Exploration. When we started the world history unit, I created a bulletin board with a section for each time/setting we would study. Activities and Bulletin Board Recommended Resources

History Facts for Kids - History for Kids Free Middle School Social Studies Lesson Plans Kidipede - History for Kids home page NEW! Kidipede's pages organized according to California state standards Teachers' guides for what to do in class (religion, philosophy, environment...) Scavenger hunt through the site for certain information (lists of things to search for here) Have the students put together questions for their peers to answer. Create a History Museum with each kid making an artifact; invite their parents for museum night. Put together a class newspaper about China (for instance), with creative sports pages, food pages, political news and religious news. Put together what was happening all over Europe, Asia and Africa in a particular time period (use the maps section). Have students take different sides of a war (the Crusades, the Punic Wars, the American Revolutionary War, the Persian Wars, the Peloponnesian War, the Hundred Years' War) and hold peace talks to try to settle their differences. Do hands-on craft projects like spinning or and weaving a piece of cloth.

Sample unit plan for Part 1 - World History & Geography Sample unit plan This sample plan includes suggestions for introducing the course and covering Unit 1, Part 1 of the Student's Friend. The lesson plan may be adapted for use with later units by incorporating alternate activities such as those found in Teacher's Aids. Unit 1 - Origins of the Earth and Humans: the stage and the actors 1. 2. 3. 4. - Review class information and policies. - Complete course pre-test - Select a subject for research paper. - Begin library research and complete five research notecards including bibliography card. - Read pages 1 and 2 in the Student's Friend. - Identify key points from topics on pages 1 and 2. - Participate in class discussions regarding key points and the content of Unit 1. -View and discuss video materials relating to the content of Unit 1. -Complete unit exam. 5. a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l. m. n. o. p. q. r. s. t. u. 6. a. 7. a.

A teaching philosophy - World History & Geography How to teach: toward a philosophy of meaning Missing the point Over the past hundred years or so, educators have proposed a number of different approaches to teaching history to our children, and other educators have come along to say that these ideas were wrong. Such debates may be missing the point; perhaps we should focus first on the meaningful understandings students need in order to live effectively in the world, and then we can try to figure out the best methods for teaching them. At the beginning of the twentieth century, humanities schooling in America emphasized knowledge of the Greek and Roman classics, but it wasn't long before advocates of "progressive" education proposed that public schooling for the masses should be more practical and readily applicable to the workplace. In recent years, the battle between traditional and progressive teaching philosophies has been fought on several additional fronts: It's all about meaning Getting specific about meaning How humans behave:

Links and Resources - Ministry Curriculum Documents Ministry Support Documents Third-Party Links and Resources Financial Literacy Online Educator Blogs Geographic Resources & Ideas On this blog you will find archived resources that have been put forward by interested Geographic educators including members of the Toronto Geography Teachers Association (TGTA) ,the Ontario Association for Geographic and Environmental Education(OAGEE) the Ontario Geography Consultants Association(OGCA) and other International Geographers. Print Bahbahani, Kamilla and Niem Tu Huynh (2008).

What Is the Future of Earth's Climate? unidad didáctica. 1. Activate students' prior knowledge about carbon dioxide in the Earth system. Tell students that matter cycles throughout Earth's system and that matter is not destroyed as it moves throughout the system. Ask: What are some sources of carbon dioxide? 2. Let students know that in this activity they will be asked questions about the certainty of their predictions. Explain that science is a process of learning how the world works and that scientists do not know the “right” answers when they start to investigate a question. Show the Global Temperature Change Graph from the 1995 IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) report. Tell students that the ability to better predict near-term events occurs in hurricane and tropical storm forecasting as well. Tell students they will be asked questions about the certainty of their predictions and that they should think about what scientific and model-based data are available as they assess their certainty with their answers. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Lesson Index Best For 6-8 Subjects Science, Cross-Disciplinary, Geography, Educational Technology Duration 5 hours, 40 minutes Appropriate For Educators Students investigate water quality concerns in the Chesapeake Bay watershed. GLOBE Across the Curriculum - GLOBE provides students with a more integrated view of the various subjects they study and supports curricula interconnections in all areas. Interdisciplinary GLOBE projects have included science, mathematics, technology, geography, social studies, language, culture, art, music, physical education, cross-age collaborations, service learning projects, life-long learning opportunities and community involvement. Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) Students use scientific protocols and Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) when learning scientific research methodologies and analyzing data sets. Students build weather stations in industrial technology classes, and agricultural education students can actively assist scientists and farmers in the field to better track environmental events affecting crop production. Geography and Social Studies Language, Culture and Art

Integrating History and Geography Social Education 58(2), 1994, pp. 114-116 1994 National Council for the Social Studies Al M. Rocca Integrating history and geography is not a new idea. Immanuel Kant (in Hartshorne 1961, 135) wrote that "geography and history &Mac222;ll up the entire circumference of our perceptions: geography that of space, history that of time." Kant's synthesis probably reformulated the writings of early geographers such as Eratosthenes and Ptolemy. The California History-Social Science Framework (1988) places great emphasis on integrating history and geography in social studies. Integrating the Five Themes of Geography An effective approach to designing integrated history and geography curricula and teaching strategies is to place a history unit in the context of the five themes of geography. Developing an awareness of place Historical and contemporary events have occurred in specific places, and often we can find geographic reasons for the way those episodes have unfolded. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Vídeos Detalles Visitas: 1997 La erupción del Vesubio en el año 79 a. En ese sentido, el siguiente vídeo es una reconstrucción virtual realizada por el Museo Victoria de Australia, muy atractiva y de gran valor educativo, que nos ayudará a entender esos momentos de la tragedia y cómo ha llegado hasta nuestros días. Para evitar problemas de reproducción por los plugins de vídeo, hemos optado por apuntar al enlace del museo donde además del vídeo encontrarás otras actividades (en inglés) relacionadas con el estudio del Antiguo Imperio Romano. Geography for Ancient History (for kids & teachers) Ancient Mesopotamia Geography - This land between two rivers was filled with wildlife and edible vegetation making it an attractive area for early man to move in to. Once they figured out how to grow crops there, civilization soon followed. Ancient Egypt Geography - Ancient Egypt had many natural barriers. Ancient Greece Geography - The Greek city-states were located in southern Europe, grouped together on a large peninsula that juts into the Mediterranean Sea. Ancient Rome Geography - Ancient Rome began in the Seven Hills, on a peninsula, shaped like a boot, a peninsula that jutted out into the Mediterranean Sea. Rome did not spring into being as a power on the Italian peninsula. Ancient China Geography - The early Chinese people knew there were other tribes of people to the north. Ancient India Geography - India is a land of many varied geographical formations. Ancient Aztecs Geography - The Aztecs settled down in the Valley of Mexico.
