How to Create Your Own Successful Podcast | PCMag My favorite podcast, Fresh Air with Terry Gross, from National Public Radio's WHYY in Philadelphia, has featured many well-known guests, from Hillary Clinton to comedy legend Mel Brooks. But what draws me in is Gross's warm rapport with her guests. It reminds me, as a journalist, to listen closely to those I interview and ask intelligent, relevant questions. It's a great time to experiment with this medium, since podcasts are drawing increasing attention from media companies. Looking to get into this expanding and potentially lucrative medium? What Is a Podcast? At its most basic, a podcast is a digital audio program or recording, similar to a radio or television show, that can be downloaded from the internet or made available to and accessed from various mobile devices. There are important distinctions, though. Types of Podcasts There are a number of formats you can choose for your podcast. Interview: Like the Fresh Air podcast, this is the most common format. How to Tell It's a Podcast
10 Ways to Use Poetry in Your Classroom Often when I mention poetry during a workshop, at least one teacher laments, "I would love to do more poetry with students, but there's so much else to teach in my curriculum!" What I try to encourage (and I'm often helped big time by the workshop participants) is for this teacher to consider using poetry within her curriculum, as an integral part of her language, reading, and writing lessons, rather than as an add-on. In other words, I ask her to find a purpose for poetry. Now, before you poetry purists flame me and cry out, "Poetry is in itself worth reading!" But at the same time, I'm a realist. So increasingly it seems that while teachers can name lots of good reasons for using poetry with children at an early age, they still wonder how they can continue to integrate poetry in later grade levels. 1. Students are most receptive to new learning when they can connect it to what they already know. Recommended texts 2. Recommended sites and texts for theme 3. Recommended sites 4. 5. 6. 7.
Over 1,000 Writing Prompts for Students Note: We have 300 new argumentative writing prompts to add to this list. Sign up for our free Learning Network newsletter. Receive new writing prompts in your inbox every week. Of all the resources we publish on The Learning Network, perhaps it’s our vast collection of writing prompts that is our most widely used resource for teaching and learning with The Times. We’ve published iterations of this post in the past — 200, 401 and even 650 prompts — but never before have we gathered all our prompts, for both personal and argument writing, into one categorized list. Admittedly, the list is huge.
"Pecha What?" Exploring Pecha Kucha as Formative Assessment - Royal Holloway Staff Intranet I designed and delivered a 3rd year undergraduate module titled Global Marketing that ran at the School of Management for the first time in the spring term 2016. The course hosted 206 students and comprised 2 consecutive lectures and 10 workshops each week. Two coursework assignments contributed to the final mark of a student. Pecha Kucha as Formative Assessment: I decided to use Pecha Kucha student presentations as an innovative and technology-enabled technique of providing students with formative assessment. Pecha Kucha (Japanese for “chit chat”) is a highly visual and fast paced presentation format that uses Power Point as a facilitating software (Klentzin et al. 2010; Beyer et al. 2012). The Brief: The actual implementation of this teaching activity can be divided into 4 learning phases. 1. 2. 3. 4. Feedback: The analysis reveals six “learnings” that students achieved by preparing, giving, and receiving feedback on their Pecha Kucha presentation before handing in their written reports.
Teaching intelligence: how to take your classes online When the novel coronavirus first hit Singapore in January, universities were two to three weeks into a new semester. As the number of cases climbed, university administrators grappled with challenging questions of protocol and pedagogy. Today Covid-19 knocks on doors worldwide, and universities everywhere face unprecedented challenges. One of the strategies embraced by many universities has been to migrate classes online. For those of us who are accustomed to teaching face-to-face, this idea is unsettling, and I have had many email enquiries about how to make a swift transition to online teaching. Promote peer-to-peer learningMigrating lectures and even faculty-student interaction online is not that challenging. Fortunately, online platforms such as Zoom and the Minerva Project’s Forum offer mechanisms for small group conversation and student-to-student verbal and visual collaboration in addition to facilitating teacher-student dialogue. Can we design cheat-proof assessment?
How To Start A Podcast: A Complete Step-By-Step Tutorial (2020 Guide) If you’re looking for a guide that walks you through how to start a podcast, you’re absolutely in the right place… Starting a podcast isn’t difficult, but there are a number of steps you’ll need to go through in order to get it launched. In this podcasting tutorial, we’ll walk you through every step of the process: Choosing a topic & nameShow and episode formatCover art creationIntro & outro musicEquipment selectionAudio recording & editingSubmission to Apple Podcasts (iTunes)Promotion tips And much more… Bonus: Free 10-Day “How To Start A Podcast” Email CourseJust click the link and enter your email to get the first lesson: Click Here To Get The Free “How To Start A Podcast” Email Course Just a few of the things you’ll learn: What to podcast aboutEquipment you’ll needHow to record & editHow to promote your podcast Get started today! Podcasting is a much less crowded and competitive space than blogging, making now the perfect time to get started. Looking to start a podcast quickly? Planning Length
Music as a Teaching Tool Many teachers shy away from including music in their classrooms because they presume they need musical training to use music as a teaching tool. However, there are multiple ways to implement music in the classroom that don’t require any training. Classroom Strategies In the early grades, transitions are a little harder to set because the students are still learning what the concept of a minute is and what one feels like. A song can improve transitions because it becomes a behavior cue: Students grow accustomed to the length of the song or part of a song and internalize the time they have to move on to the next task, which helps them begin to take responsibility for their own learning. Many of us know that music will get you up and moving. Students with physical impairments can benefit from listening to music because doing so helps with concentration and/or influences their movements. Social and emotional skills are learned everyday by students as new scenarios present themselves.
Do Laws That Ban Offensive Words Make the World a Better Place? Lawmakers in South Africa want to make hate speech a crime. Backers of the draft law say racist language can violate human rights and is not compatible with the nation’s values. Opponents say that criminalizing hate speech will erode freedom of expression and do little to heal the country’s racial wounds. Do laws that ban offensive words make the world a better place? In “Jail Time for Using South Africa’s Worst Racial Slur?” JOHANNESBURG — After thieves broke into her car, a white South African motorist lashed out at the responding black police officers. Students: Read the entire article, then tell us: — Do laws that ban offensive words make the world a better place? — Or, should the right to free speech trump our desire to end the use of hateful words? — South Africans aren’t the only ones who have considered banning an offensive word. — Which do you think is more effective in combating offensive language: government censorship or public education, or both?