Related: Wolf Activism
Study: Alberta wolf cull stabilizes caribou numbers, but only buying time | CTV News EDMONTON -- New research shows that killing hundreds of wolves has barely managed to stabilize the numbers of a threatened Alberta caribou herd in a region increasingly impacted by industry. The study, conducted by some of the province's top caribou scientists and published online late last week, suggests that Albertans face a stark choice as their government prepares legally required plans to restore the herds. "One hopes that it's not just some window dressing that's going on," said Stan Boutin, a University of Alberta biologist and one of the co-authors. "If ... the plan is one that tries to satisfy all the players in the game, it becomes a thing where each of the players at the table are in there primarily to ensure they don't lose too much, as opposed to the overall objective. In an attempt to keep caribou from disappearing, Alberta began an annual cull of about 45 per cent of the wolves on that range in 2005. The study compares caribou numbers before and after the cull.
Evolution: Education and Outreach - Free Access Available As of January 2013 Evolution: Education & Outreach is a peer-reviewed open access journal published under the brand SpringerOpen. From 2013 onward all new articles published in the journal are freely and permanently available online for anyone, anywhere and at any time. This journal promotes accurate understanding and comprehensive teaching of evolutionary theory for a wide audience. Evolution: Education and Outreach addresses the question of why we should care about evolution by exploring the practical applications of evolutionary principles in daily life and the impact of evolutionary theory on culture and society throughout history. Targeting K-16 students, teachers and scientists alike, the journal presents articles to aid members of these communities in the teaching of evolutionary theory. It connects teachers with scientists by adapting cutting-edge, peer reviewed articles for classroom use on varied instructional levels.
CO2 : la menace des zones mortes en expansion > Environnement Les océanologues s'inquiètent depuis plusieurs décennies de l'expansion des zones mortes, ces immenses nappes d'eau dépourvues d'oxygène où les espèces supérieures ne peuvent pas survivre. Les principaux responsables de ces désastres écologiques sont les engrais agricoles drainés aux embouchures des fleuves. Ainsi, toutes les formes de vie supérieure ont disparu en quelques dizaines d'années autour du delta du Mississipi et dans plus d'un quart de la mer Baltique. Les bactéries qui occupaient ces espaces avant l'apparition de la première forme de vie terrestre ont repris le contrôle de ces mers, annihilant plusieurs milliards d'années d'évolution. Une équipe de chercheurs danois vient de dresser un constat encore plus alarmant de la situation, en interprétant une dramatique expansion de ces zones comme un effet secondaire du réchauffement qui touche notre planète.
Yellowstone wolf pack encircles two photographers . . . . ."wild and beautiful" Paradise Valley wildlife photographer Alan Sachanowski has written a very interesting and timely story about a recent experience he and another photographer had in Hayden Valley close up with the Gibbon wolf pack . . . Ralph Maughan ————————– By Alan Sachanowski.I have read with interest stories recently about individuals who have felt threatened by wolves in the back country. Forest Service employees being evacuated from a wilderness area because of a perceived threat, an armed bow hunter claiming to have been trapped in his tent for hours, and of course the hunter who inadvertently shot his guide a couple years ago in Paradise Valley Montana, because he mistook him for wolves that were “coming to get him”. The list of stories goes on. I thought that, perhaps, your readers might be interested in reading another “close encounter” type story. Copyright Alan Sacharnowski
Evolver Zone Le développement des zones mortes (privées d’oxygène) dans le milie... Report finds flaws in red wolf restoration effort RALEIGH, N.C. An independent review released Thursday found flaws in a 27-year program to restore the endangered red wolf, including the size of the habitat, inadequate understanding of population trends and poor coordination with local program managers. The review by the nonprofit Wildlife Management Institute was commissioned by federal wildlife officials as they consider whether to continue maintaining the world's only wild red wolf population in eastern North Carolina. A decision on how to proceed is expected in early 2015, and officials are also considering nearly 48,000 comments submitted during a period for the public to weigh in. Once common in the Southeast, the red wolf had been considered extinct in the wild as of 1980 due to factors including hunting and loss of habitat. The new 171-page report said the U.S. "There is no theoretical or practical reason to believe that red wolves will constrain their activities or movements to a jurisdictional boundary," the report said.
Abstract search | Walcott 2009 Zone morte aquatique dans les rivières et les océans Une zone morte est une zone aquatique avec une très faible teneur en oxygène dissous (hypoxie), qui provoque l'asphyxie de la faune et de la flore, et donc la mort de toute la biodiversité marine présente dans cette zone. Elles peuvent être présentes dans les mers et les océans, mais aussi dans les estuaires, les rivières, les lacs, les mares... La zone morte est la dernière phase de l'eutrophisation de l'eau, provoquée par le rejet de substances nutritives trop riches, provenant notamment des phosphates contenus dans les lessives, ainsi que l'azote et les nitrates, contenus dans les engrais utilisés dans l'agriculture intensive. La pollution de l'eau est provoquée également par les nombreux rejets industriels. L'étendue des zones mortes ne cesse de s'accroître : en 2008, environ 245 000 km² sont concernés. Plus de 400 zones mortes sont recensées sur la planète, la plus grande étant située dans la mer Baltique. Réduire l'hypoxie d'un littoral est un processus long et complexe.
WODCW FAQ Sheet on Wolf Hound Hunting | Wolves of Douglas County Wisconsin By Wolves of Douglas County Wisconsin (WODCW) A Grassroots Organization started to remove the dogs from the wolf hunt. 1. Out of all the states that hunt wolves, only Wisconsin allows hound hunters to use unleashed packs of dogs to hunt wolves. Wisconsin, quite literally, throws “dogs to the wolves.” 2. Hound hunters traditionally train their dogs to focus on specific prey by releasing their dogs to surround, attack and terrorize a prey animal (e.g. a bear cub or fox) for hours on end (up to 16 hours/day) enclosed in a small, open barrel or “roll cage.” 3. 4. 5. *These may not be reproduced or edited without permission from wolves of Douglas County Wisconsin. (Image is of hound Hunting dogs attacking a coyote) For how to get involved: Email: wolvesdouglasco@gmail.com Facebook: Blog: wolvesofdouglascountywisconsin.com Like this: Like Loading...
Free conservation biology textbook: Conservation Biology for All Oxford University Press makes conservation biology textbook by some of the world's most prominent ecologists and conservation biologists available as free download Conservation Biology for All provides cutting-edge but basic conservation science to a global readership. A series of authoritative chapters have been written by the top names in conservation biology with the principal aim of disseminating cutting-edge conservation knowledge as widely as possible. The global biodiversity crisis is now unstoppable; what can be saved in the developing world will require an educated constituency in both the developing and developed world. Features "If a book could receive a standing ovation - this one is a candidate. Conservation Biology for All is a textbook that aims to be a one-stop shop for conservation education. About the Editors Navjot S. Paul R. Other authors Andrew F. Free Access See the box on the right to freely download chapters, or the entire text, of the book.
Au fil de l’eau…vergnat Ecrit par la buveuse d'eau le 13 juillet 2012 Une zone morte est une nappe d’eau dépourvue d’oxygène où la diversité des espèces supérieures (graines, végétaux et animaux non humains) est fortement réduite. Ces zones se sont développées suite aux pollutions causées par les engrais chimiques qui arrivent dans l’océan par les grands embouchures fluviales. La mer baltique a ainsi perdu le quart de ces formes de vie supérieures aquatiques. Ce sont des bactéries qui repeuplent ces zones ramenant la vie océanique quelques milliards d’années en arrière. Les zones dépourvues d’oxygène se trouvent en principe plutôt en profondeur, mais le golfe du Mexique est gravement menacé car la zone morte de plusieurs milliers de km² qui s’est créée à l’embouchure du Mississipi est moins profonde que ce qui était imaginé et entraine l’extinction des poissons abrités auparant dans ces eaux. Le réchauffement climatique pourrait également être un facteur aggravant, aidant à la propagation de ces zones mortes.
Park’s hunt under attack - Environmental - JHN&G Mobile 9 Remaining Thanks for visiting Jackson Hole News&Guide online - a benefit of your subscription. If you are not a current subscriber, you will be asked to register and you're welcome to view Jackson Hole News&Guide free articles every 30 days. Then, if you enjoy the site and want full access, you will see our subscription options. 9 Remaining Thanks for visiting Jackson Hole News&Guide. 9 Remaining Thanks for visiting Jackson Hole News&Guide. 9 Remaining Thanks for reading the Jackson Hole News&Guide online. 9 Remaining Thanks for reading Jackson Hole News&Guide. 9 Remaining Thanks for registering on Jackson Hole News&Guide. 9 Remaining Thanks for reading Jackson Hole News&Guide. 9 Remaining Thanks for reading Jackson Hole News&Guide online - a benefit of your subscription. 9 Remaining Thanks for reading Jackson Hole News&Guide online - a benefit of your subscription. 9 Remaining Thank you for reading 10 free articles on our site. Disgust for roadside shooting sparked debate.
Timeline: The evolution of life - life - 14 July 2009 Read full article Continue reading page |1|2|3|4 There are all sorts of ways to reconstruct the history of life on Earth. Pinning down when specific events occurred is often tricky, though. For this, biologists depend mainly on dating the rocks in which fossils are found, and by looking at the "molecular clocks" in the DNA of living organisms. There are problems with each of these methods. Modern genetics allows scientists to measure how different species are from each other at a molecular level, and thus to estimate how much time has passed since a single lineage split into different species. These difficulties mean that the dates in the timeline should be taken as approximate. 3.8 billion years ago? This is our current "best guess" for the beginning of life on Earth. , and was probably based on RNA rather than DNA. At some point far back in time, a common ancestor gave rise to two main groups of life: bacteria and archaea. 3.5 billion years ago 3.46 billion years ago 3.4 billion years ago