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Rituals & Spells

Rituals & Spells

Related:  Wiccan/PaganEsotericismMagickal

How To Read the Runes How to Read the Runes There are as many different ways to read the runes as there are ways to cast and read any divinatory system. Any of the books you can get on the market will provide you with several different ways to read runes, including complicated, multirune castings. But here we'll start with three easy castings that will allow you to begin working the stones immediately and getting used to their energies and how they operate. First, a word about casting methods. It's not necessary to come up with a huge elaborate ritual that includes casting a circle, calling quarters, invoking deity, etc., every time you want to do a reading. Seeing the Light © By Gary Vey Seeing the light. Until quite recently, I thought that the term "enlightenment" was a metaphor. But I met an individual who suggested that the word accurately describes the sensation when one remembers that they are something other than their human body.

Tarot Birth Cards Over the next year I am going to be writing about Tarot Birth Cards, what they mean and how we can work with them. I use the system of Tarot Birth Cards developed by Ruth Ann and Wald Amberstone of the Tarot School ( Using the Seeker’s birth data (month, day and year), pairs of birth cards are defined. (For more information, and to calculate your own Birth Cards, go to Please note: I have a book being published by Schiffer Books in fall of 2011 – , “Keys To Empowerment”, incorporating images from Karyn’s Easton’s “Tarot Lovers Tarot”. This was to have been a joint project (book and deck published together), but the decision was made to publish both separately, which I find very exciting!

Wiccan History Anon Wicca is a relatively modern attempt (approximately 50 years old) at reviving and reconstructing the old pre-Christian religions of Europe. In a mythopoetic sense it is many centuries old. However, the Witch of 200 years ago would not recognize what is called "witchcraft" today. Science of the Heart - Head-Heart Interactions Traditionally, the study of communication pathways between the "head" and heart has been approached from a rather one-sided perspective, with scientists focusing primarily on the heart’s responses to the brain’s commands. However, we have now learned that communication between the heart and brain is actually a dynamic, ongoing, two-way dialogue, with each organ continuously influencing the other’s function. Research has shown that the heart communicates to the brain in four major ways: neurologically (through the transmission of nerve impulses), biochemically (via hormones and neurotransmitters), biophysically (through pressure waves) and energetically (through electromagnetic field interactions). Communication along all these conduits significantly affects the brain’s activity.

Astrology Insights Current Transits As the planets of our solar system orbit around the Sun, they move into mathematical relationships with one another. These relationships are called "transits." Transits operate like a pen highlighting words on a page - they draw our attention to a particular area. Wiccan Spells That Work! 4.9 out of 5 based on 29 user reviews. (Click on a Spell to see its reviews) The power of Wicca is in the very earth beneath your feet. The vital forces of nature are ever present, and can be used to great positive effect in your life. The life force of the world cannot be resisted.

7 Secrets of Spectacular Sex By Marcia Sirota MD Everyone wants better sex, but many of us have the wrong idea about how to make it happen. Here are the seven secrets to achieving a spectacular sex life. One, the first thing we need to understand is that, despite what television, movies and videos say, sex is an experience, not a performance. When we’re too self-conscious about how we’re doing it, we can’t enjoy what we’re doing or who we’re doing it with. How to Read Your Astrological Natal Horoscope March 2014 If you’re a 1.d4 player, then this book might well be for you A new edition of Dvoretsky’s magnificent work This book, the first of 3, covers the super complex Winawer Variation (sans 7.Qg4)

wicca.gif As of July 1, 2013 ThinkQuest has been discontinued. We would like to thank everyone for being a part of the ThinkQuest global community: Students - For your limitless creativity and innovation, which inspires us all. Getting Through the Dark Night of the Soul Last updated on April 26, 2011 at 12:00 am EDT by in5d Alternative News * Visit in5D Connection where you can find your soul mate or join one of our amazing groups. EVERYONE is welcome! The dark night of the soul is a process many spiritual seekers go through at some point in their lives, I being one of them.
