Merriam-Webster's Word Central The Quotations Home Page WELCOME to the Quotations Home Page, one of the largest and longest-lived text collections on the Web. The associated poetry site may be the largest private archive of its kind on the Web. For information on updates to the collection, check the Blog or the new Facebook fan site.. The intent of a quotation is to capture something - some thought, some moment in history, the essence of someone's viewpoint - clearly and concisely. They can be humorous, ironic, exasperating, or profound. The collections presented here contain thousands of quotations drawn from hundreds of sources. This site has been designed and written without any flashy bells or whistles, assuming that visitors will be primarily interested in the text content, not things that flash or blink. While the material on the site is reasonably accurate, those researching citations for a doctoral thesis should use due diligence and go consult an actual 'book' in an actual 'library' with plenty of ibids and idems. --Steve
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