Knots-guide 20 Things I’ve Learned From Traveling Around the World for Three Years Gary Arndt is the man behind Everything Everywhere, one of the most popular travel blogs in the world, and one of Time Magazine’s “Top 25 Best Blogs of 2010.” Since March 2007, Gary has been traveling around the globe, having visited more than 70 countries and territories, and gaining worldly wisdom in the process. Today, I’ve asked him to share some of that wisdom. Enter Gary On March 13, 2007, I handed over the keys to my house, put my possessions in storage and headed out to travel around the world with nothing but a backpack, my laptop and a camera. Three and a half years and 70 countries later, I’ve gotten the equivalent of a Ph.D in general knowledge about the people and places of Planet Earth. Here are some of the things I’ve learned… 1) People are generally good. Many people are afraid of the world beyond their door, yet the vast majority of humans are not thieves, murderers or rapists. 2) The media lies. 3) The world is boring. 4) People don’t hate Americans. 6) Americans don’t travel.
Waterproof Fire Starter I have seen many examples of fire starters, but I wanted to try and make one that was made out of only primitive materials. I wanted to make sure that it was small and waterproof. Also, it could be used with any primitive coal producing method of fire making, like the hand drill or bow drill, as well as more modern methods, like steel and flint, Ferrocerium Rods, matches and lighters. Here is what I did . . . . Supplies: 1. Bees wax melted in a double boiler 2. Begin by placing the char cloth into the center of the jute tinder nest. Next begin wrapping the tinder with thin strips of birch bark. Carefully dip half of the wrapped bundle into the wax to seal the bark in place. When you are ready to use your fire starter (this was done on a rainy day, on cold wet pavement, in late October, in Northeast Wisconsin), simply cut it in half, pull out the tinder nest from the inside, expose the char cloth and you are ready to go. PrimitiveWays Home Page © PrimitiveWays 2013
Storm The Castle -Creativity, Epic Fantasy, Classical Guitar, video game making, writing, dioramas, terrariums, and more How to Get Cheap Flights ( 8 pgs. 3 illus.) - Art of Travel - European and World Backpacking Chapter 4 Booking Strategies Large Internet Sites Student and Budget Specialists Domestic Bucket Shops Ethnic and Foreign Bucket Shops Courier Flying Round-the-World Tickets Charters Bumping To Gateways Glossary TWO HUNDRED YEARS ago the cost was seven years to a lifetime of servitude for average people making a one-way crossing of the Atlantic. Now it can be funded by a few days of waiting tables. When booking through an agent, always specify you want the "lowest possible fare," as there may be specials which do not fall under "economy" or "APEX." Often the best deals are offered directly by airline websites. Large Internet Travel Sites All listings are the result of experience, general budget travel knowledge, or research. Student and Budget Specialists While a few tickets require student or youth status, most do not. Domestic Bucket Shops Air Brokers International 323 Geary, Suite 411, San Francisco, CA 94102 tel. 800-883-3273 fax: 415-397-4767. Ethnic Bucket Shops Foreign Bucket Shops
Animated Knots by Grog | How to Tie Knots | Fishing, Boating, Climbing, Scouting, Search and Rescue, Household, Decorative, Rope Care, Muovin uusiokäyttö 01.03.08 | | Arkistoitu Aija Rouhiainen risainasi kotiin kertyvästä jätemuovista käyttötavaroita. Hedelmien ja kasvisten punnituspussi Tarvikkeet: -valmiiksi pakattujen sitrushedelmien putkimaista muoviverkkoa -puuvillakangasta -kengännauhat -stoppari -pala kartonkia -kontaktimuovia -pieni sirkkarengas ja avainrengas 1.Puuvillakankaasta leikattiin kaitale pussin yläreunaa varten: kaiteleen leveys sama kuin verkkoputken ympärysmitta ja korkeus 7 cm. Kaitaleen sivut huoliteltiin saumurilla. 2.Kengännauha pujotettiin kujaan ja stoppari laitettiin paikoilleen. 3. Aarrelaukku lapselle. Tarvikkeet: -kaksi jauhelihapakkausta -muovinen serviettirengas -pala valoverhokangasta -puuhelmiä -rautalankaa -kaksi nappia -papiljotti ja papiljottipiikki -kolme messinkistä haaranastaa -askartelumaalia -talouspaperirulla -maalarinteippiä Kansikappaleeseen merkattiin serviettirenkaan halkaisijan mitta. 1. 2. 3. Pesupallolokerikko 1.Pesupallojen pohjaan porattiin popniitin mentävät reiät.
How to See the World: Art of Travel; European and World Backpacking; On $25 a Day or Less Welcome to the BMC - The British Mountaineering Council Bottle Reworking Link to Bottle Labels I consider bottle slumping to be one of the really boring activities in the world, but I will share some information about it since everyone who gets anywhere near a kiln seems to be interested in it for a while. The problem from my point of view is that unless one gets really creative, there are only a limited number of things one can do: stretch the bottle, flatten the bottle, make a spoon holder, make an ashtray. [Some people have made societal comment by arranging slumped bottle shapes in ways that suggest comment on mechanical and tired society - "Preacher and Choir", "Exhaustion", but that is more art than slumping, I think, and not me. 2002-07.] To change the form of a bottle all you need is an oven that can reach about 1400°F, which all pottery kilns and most glass annealers can do easily. If the kiln is tall enough, it is easy to stretch a bottle. The bottles at the right show the three styles of labels.
Martial Arts Information -