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Notre-Dame de Paris

Notre-Dame de Paris
Hours Reception, information, treasury, audioguides, visits organised by the cathedral... Mass and Service times First Friday of the month and every Friday during Lent at 3 pm, on Good Friday from 10 am to 5 pm. 850 years All informations about the 850 years... The Organs contribute to the beauty of the services and to Notre-Dame de Paris’s spiritual and artistic influence. Next concerts... The mini site to allow the children to discover the cathedral and to send their drawing to publish it on-line ! Hymns, prayers and the other specific meditations to Notre-Dame de Paris accompanied with audios extracts.

Arc de Triomphe Paris Museum Official Website The Palace - Palace of Versailles The Hall of Mirrors, the King’s Grand Apartments, the Museum of the History of France. The Château de Versailles, the seat of power until 1789, has continued to unfurl its splendour over the course of centuries. At first it was just a humble hunting lodge built by Louis XIII. But Louis XIV chose the site to build the palace we know today, the symbol of royal absolutism and embodiment of classical French art. In the 1670s Louis XIV built the Grand Apartments of the King and Queen, whose most emblematic achievement is the Hall of Mirrors designed by Mansart, where the king put on his most ostentatious display of royal power in order to impress visitors. The château lost its standing as the official seat of power in 1789 but acquired a new role in the 19th century as the Museum of the History of France, which was founded at the behest of Louis-Philippe, who ascended to the throne in 1830.

Pantheon Paris Presentation Property of the Crown, then royal residence, Chenonceau Castle is an exceptional site not only because of its original design, the richness of its collections, its furniture and its decorations, but also because of its destiny, since it was loved, administrated and protected by women, who were all extraordinary and who, for the most part have marked history. For the historical background, the “Château des Dames” was built in 1513 by Katherine Briçonnet, and successively embellished by Diane de Poitiers then Catherine de Medici. Chenonceau was protected from the hardship of the revolution by Madame Dupin. The iron, but very feminine, fist in the velvet glove has always preserved Chenonceau during times of conflict and war in order to make it forever a place of peace. Throughout its history, this emblematic Castle has always attracted talent and inspired great artists. Conveying beauty and combining the elegance of architecture with that of the spirit is also sharing an elegant way of life.

50 incontournables parisiens en un week-end - Office de Tourisme de Paris Paris, la ville la plus touristique au monde, mérite plus qu’un week-end pour l’explorer, chacun en conviendra. Mais pour beaucoup de visiteurs, le temps est hélas limité et les jours passés à découvrir la capitale se comptent souvent sur les doigts d’une seule main. Alors, comment voir le plus de lieux incontournables sans avoir l’impression de chercher à battre des records de vitesse ou de passer à côté de l’essentiel ? La première bonne nouvelle C’est que Paris n’est pas si grand ! Seconde bonne nouvelle La plupart des sites les plus remarquables sont concentrés sur des zones assez restreintes et au cœur de Paris. A la belle-saison Louer un vélib’ peut vous permettre de vous déplacer entre certains sites, tout en profitant de l’ambiance de la capitale. Un autre conseil Ne cherchez pas à tout voir ! 50 sites en un week-end C’est donc possible ! Cliquez sur la carte de Paris pour découvrir nos 50 lieux incontournables à visiter. Plus d'infos sur les Monuments à Paris

Paris Metro - Paris by Train Paris Metro maps, schedules, tickets, passes, helpful travel tips. The Paris Metro consists of 300 stations on 16 lines covering the 10x10km area of central Paris. [1][2] Metro lines are numbered from 1 to 14 with two “bis” or secondary lines 3b and 7b. Paris Metro Maps The public transit authority of Paris (RATP) offers three Metro system maps that can be downloaded together at : a basic Paris Metro map of lines with stations and interchanges a condensed small format Paris Metro map a Paris Metro map with city streets Other Metro maps such as individual line maps can be downloaded directly from (in french). Back to Top Paris Metro Schedules The Paris Metro runs from roughly 05:30 till 00:40 (5:30am – 12:40am) Sunday thru Thursday and 05:30 – 01:40 on Fridays, Saturdays and on days before a holiday. Download a schedule/timetable of first and last Paris Metro trains. Back to Top Route Planning Tickets & Passes Single Use Tickets Day tickets Price schedule courtesy of RATP
