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Education Software for Schools: Free Software, Open Source

Education Software for Schools: Free Software, Open Source

Find Open Source Alternatives to commercial software The Venus Project Home - Pencil Project Flash Classroom Welcome to the Flash Classroom. There are heaps of great flash sites on the web but this is the one that's devoted to using Flash in P-12 classrooms. Our goal is to provide educators and students with the support, resouces and inspiration they need to exploit the full potential of Flash in the classroom. On this site you'll find a large collection of learning materials covering how to create animations, games and learning objects using Adobe Flash. Flash Classroom Offline from June 2012 The Flash Classroom will be undergoing changes and maintenance from mid June 2012.

HippoCampus - Homework and Study Help - Free help with your algebra, biology, environmental science, American government, US history, physics and religion homework k12opensource - home Open Source Education Center - kim jesteśmy O firmie Firma OSEC powstała w 2009 roku w odpowiedzi na potrzeby naszych obecnych klientów, obejmujące profesjonalne szkolenia dostosowane do potrzeb branży informatycznej, powtarzalną jakość oraz pomiar wyników procesu szkolenia. Kim jesteśmy? Do tworzenia naszej oferty zaprosiliśmy zespół doświadczonych trenerów i konsultantów wyspecjalizowanych w realizacji wdrożeń, szkoleń i usług związanych z branżą IT. Nasza oferta Jesteśmy skupieni na dostarczaniu rzetelnej wiedzy i rozwijaniu umiejętności w dziedzinach: Administracji systemami informatycznymi i utrzymania ruchu Programowania i procesów wytwórczych Analityki systemowej i projektowania architektury złożonych systemów Obróbki danych i zarządzania usługami bazodanowymi Przygotowania do pracy biurowej z użyciem narzędzi na licencjach wolnych Kładziemy nacisk na diagnozę trendów rynku i oferowanie z wyprzedzeniem nowości w warstwie technologii, standardów oraz dobrych praktyk wytwórczych. Kogo szkoliliśmy?

elRTE - open source WYSIWYG editor for Web The 9th Annual Independent Games Festival DEVICE 6 Simogo (iOS) Finalist: Excellence in Audio, Excellence in Narrative, Excellence in Visual Arts, and Seumas McNally Grand Prize Honorable mention: Excellence in Design and Nuovo Award A surreal thriller in which the written word is your map, as well as your narrator. DEVICE 6 plays with the conventions of games and literature, entwines story with geography, and blends puzzle and novella, to draw players into an intriguing mystery of technology and neuroscience. Anna wakes up in a castle on a remote island, with little recollection of how she got there. All she remembers is an unusually unpleasant doll. Why are there two identical castles on the island? Read, listen and peek into three-dimensional photographs to solve the strange riddles of DEVICE 6. DEVICE 6 WebsiteIGF Info PageYouTube VideoTwitter @simogo Game download (full paid version) available

OER Commons Opinion Editorials (Op-Eds) | Talking About… | Frequently Asked Questions | Brochures and Explainers Opinion Editorials (Op-Eds) The following op-eds appeared in newspapers and on websites across northern New England. They cover a wide range of issues but all of them incorporate the framed story of education and learning. Champlain Valley Union High School: an op-ed about the school’s re-design efforts by Andre LaChance, English teacher and school advisor. Theordora J. David Theoharides, Superintendent, Sanford School Department in Maine shares his thoughts on proficiency-based graduation requirements. Talking About… Tammy Davis, Superintendent, Winnisquam Regional School District in New Hampshire, talks about systemic reform in the first in a series of newspaper columns. The following documents and links reflect recommendations based on the results of research on how Americans think about education and learning. Frequently Asked Questions Brochures & Explainers

The KDE Education Project Government Are we on the cusp of seeing dramatic changes in the way governments operate by publishing and consuming open data? Mark Headd, Developer Evangelism at Accela seems to think so. Earlier this year, Croatian political party ORaH published a new policy that relies heavily on open source solutions, addresses the dangers off vendor lock-in, and insists on open document standards. The Open Election Data Initiative wants to give access to election data for a true picture of an election process, including how candidates are certified, how and which voters are registered, what happens on election day, whether results are accurate, and how complaints are resolved. The Government of India (GOI) has adopted a comprehensive and supportive open source policy. The impact of technology on society and the economy continues to excite and challenge government. The history of creativity and how the rise of it has propelled open data forward today. I’ve lived in many cities during my military career.

Open source projects list. Might be useful if i had more programming knowledge. I could download programs and try them out. by dwryu72 Nov 29
