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DailyJS: A JavaScript Blog

impress Impressive totalitarian style Multipurpose Application Server for node.js. All decisions are made. Solutions are scaled. Tools are provided and optimized for high load. The main difference from others that Impress core is monolithic and its approach is to make all in one solution with high code coupling for obligatory things and leave not obligatory to be integrated by applied developers optionally. Installation $ npm install impress Features Configuration Install module using "npm install impress" in new directory. Handler examples and file system url mapping Example Following "server.js" is stating file. require('impress'); impress.server.on("start", function() { }); impress.server.start(); File "access.js" is something line ".htaccess", you can easily define access restrictions for each folder, placing "access.js" in it. File "request.js": place such file in folder to be executed on each request (GET, POST, PUT, etc.). <! Contributors Timur Shemsedinov (marcusaurelius)See github License

Web-Drawing Throwdown: Paper.js Vs. Processing.js Vs. Raphael Advertisement Before drawing anything in a browser, ask yourself three questions: Do you need to support older browsers?If the answer is yes, then your only choice is Raphaël. It handles browsers all the way back to IE 7 and Firefox 3. Raphaël even has some support for IE 6, although some of its underlying technology cannot be implemented there.Do you need to support Android? Paper.js, Processing.js and Raphaël are the leading libraries for drawing on the Web right now. Choosing the right framework will determine the success of your project. All of the code in this article is open source and can be run on the demo page that accompanies this article. Overview It’s all JavaScript once the page runs, but the frameworks take different paths to get there. PaperScript is a JavaScript extension that makes it possible to write scripts that don’t pollute the global namespace. Processing.js is based on a framework named Processing, which runs in the Java Virtual Machine. Getting Started Paper.js: (al)

inorganik/countUp.js Treehouse Blog | Learn skills to change the world today! Best Open Source Resources for Web Developers | WebAppers Полезные инструменты, туториалы и ресурсы Созданый Райаном Далем в 2009 году, Node.js — относительно новая технология, завоевавшая в последнее время большую популярность среди веб-разработчиков. Однако, до сих пор не каждый знает, что на самом деле Node.js это серверная JavaScript среда, использующая асинхронную событийную модель. Что это означает? Все просто: это среда, которая предназначена для написания масштабируемых, высокопроизводительных приложений. И это еще не все: то, что действительно круто в Node.js — это тысячи модулей, доступных для любых целей, а также активниешее сообщество этого молодого проекта. Полезные инструменты Node.js Node Express Boilerplate Node Express Boilerplate позволяет начать проект с чистого листа, но при этом сразу же обеспечивает решение всех тех рутинных задач, которые зачастую могут сорвать проект еще до того, как он начат. Socket.IO Mastering Node Ваша инфраструктура имеет сотни логов, распределенных по десяткам машин? Formaline LDAPjs Node Supervisor Stylus: Расширеный CSS для Node.js Jade

Tutorial: Controlling Processing.js with jQuery UI « Joseph Harrington Years ago when I was first learning to code, I stumbled upon Processing and we quickly became great friends. As it often goes though, the years went by and I started hanging out with bigger and more dangerous languages, and Processing and I drifted apart. Every so often I would think back on the good times we had and wonder what he was up to. But recently we bumped into each other on the street! Gladly those days are over with the Javascript- and HTML5-based port of the original language. “But wait!” And the answer is yes. Check out this demo in which I may or may not have gone a bit overboard with sliders… I hope you wasted as much time playing with that as I have. Anyway, enough gushing. Let’s try something a bit simpler and more focused than that kaleidoscopic nonsense up there. Let’s say you want to create some kind of dynamic text visualization. The UI components that will interact with the sketch will be a textbox and a slider. We can break this down into three parts: Alright!

JavaScript Implementation of SHA-256 Cryptographic Hash Algorithm | Movable Type Scripts A cryptographic hash (sometimes called ‘digest’) is a kind of ‘signature’ for a text or a data file. SHA-256 generates an almost-unique 256-bit (32-byte) signature for a text. See below for the source code. A hash is not ‘encryption’ – it cannot be decrypted back to the original text (it is a ‘one-way’ cryptographic function, and is a fixed size for any size of source text). SHA-256 is one of the successor hash functions to SHA-1 (collectively referred to as SHA-2), and is one of the strongest hash functions available. In this JavaScript implementation, I have tried to make the script as clear and concise as possible, and equally as close as possible to the NIST specification, to make the operation of the script readily understandable. This script is oriented toward hashing text messages rather than binary data. Notes on the implementation of the preprocessing stage: Note that what is returned is the textual hexadecimal representation of the binary hash.

Echo JS - JavaScript News SIGMOD Blog - ACM Chapter Site Impress: многоцелевой сервер приложений для Node.js Несмотря на заметные успехи, Node.js все еще остается специализированной технологией, которой преимущественно закрывают узкие места в системах, написанных в другом стеке технологий. Причина такого положения кроется в том, что сама по себе нода не имеет многих библиотек, к которым мы привыкли на других языках и которые обеспечивают быструю разработку именно прикладного ПО. Например, для того, чтобы разделить в коде обработчики разных URL, отдавать статические файлы, организовывать сессии, запускать нескольких потоков, иметь доступа к БД, кешировать данные в памяти, разграничивать права пользователей, иметь логи и ротировать их, создавать сетевое API, рендерить шаблоны, настраивать URL-реврайтинг, обеспечивать быструю доставку событий с сервера на клиенты, для всего этого, и многих других задач, используются отдельные библиотеки (модули). Разные модули написаны разными разработчиками, сложно стыкуются, конфликтуют. Немного метрик кода Возможности и сферы применения Примеры 3.

Loosely Coupled, Reusable UI Components in Backbone.js | Azavea Labs This article assumes a fairly good understanding of the Backbone.js MV* library. There is a lot of good material on the web for learning Backbone, including the Backbone home page at Intro One of the things that differentiates Backbone from other frameworks is that it is extremely lightweight. A typical pattern, tight view and model binding: In a recent application, I added UI to modify the opacity and color ramp palette in a map raster layer. I am wary of trivial Backbone examples, but a simplified example is an opacity control in some sort of image editing app: When the user slides the slider in the opacity view, it sets the opacity attribute of the image model. The problem with this structure is that what is basically a generic control, used for controlling the level of any numerical attribute, has been tightly couple to an image model, where it only controls opacity. The implementation of this LevelControlView could look like this: The Solution So what you end up with is

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