Correcteur d’orthographe et de grammaire – Reverso Ce module de correction a été conçu pour éliminer automatiquement les fautes les plus évidentes et les plus gênantes pour permettre une traduction plus précise. Lorsque plusieurs corrections sont possibles, il vous indique que c’est à vous de choisir. Pour ne pas rajouter trop d’avertissements, ce correcteur peut laisser passer quelques fautes, il vous faut donc toujours relire pour choisir la bonne proposition et vous servir des outils complémentaires comme la grammaire, la conjugaison ou le dictionnaire pour éliminer les erreurs qui n’ont pas été détectées. Notre analyse a montré que plus de 30% des textes français soumis à notre outil de traduction en ligne contiennent des erreurs significatives qui peuvent être corrigées automatiquement. Vous pouvez donner votre avis sur la correction, indiquer des fausses corrections ou des erreurs non détectées et ainsi nous aider à fournir un outil encore plus performant à l’ensemble des utilisateurs.
Unusual Writing Ideas for Extraordinary Writers Unusual writing ideas for extraordinary writers When we think about writing ideas, what usually comes to mind are characters, plots, scenes, language, and images. Ideas almost always have to do with concepts and matters of the mind, but what about the physical act of writing? Most of us write at our computers, and many of us still use good old-fashioned pen and paper.
Grammar Check, Spell Check & Proofreading for Android – Ginger Ginger Software has created a brand new app for Android. Building on our uniquely powerful grammar and spell checker, we have expanded our Android app to include a standalone area for composition. This enables us to bring the full potential of Ginger directly into the hands of our users, wherever they are, whenever they need us. The new features available are all in addition to our integrated keyboard that lets your texts, mobile emails and social media be powered by Ginger on the go. Ginger’s correction, text-to-speech and dictionary can be used as a personal English tutor wherever you are. FutureMe: Write a Letter to your Future Self Misused English Words and Expressions in EU publications Over the years, the European institutions have developed a vocabulary that differs from that of any recognised form of English. It includes words that do not exist or are relatively unknown to native English speakers outside the EU institutions and often even to standard spellcheckers/grammar checkers (‘planification’, ‘to precise’ or ‘telematics’ for example) and words that are used with a meaning, often derived from other languages, that is not usually found in English dictionaries (‘coherent’ being a case in point). Some words are used with more or less the correct meaning, but in contexts where they would not be used by native speakers (‘homogenise’, for example).
Cliche Finder Have you been searching for just the right cliché to use? Are you searching for a cliché using the word "cat" or "day" but haven't been able to come up with one? Just enter any words in the form below, and this search engine will return any clichés which use that phrase...
Elementary Computer Activities & Games - Mobile App Support Frequently asked questions about apps: Q: What does the small "i" button on the main title screen of apps do? A: The small "i" information button takes you to advanced settings such as sound mute, letter case, and other controls for parents and teachers. Q: The sound stopped working on the app. What should I do? A: Follow the steps below: Joomla! Glossaires bilingues et multilingues Je vous propose un répertoire de glossaires bilingues et multilingues en ligne, qui peuvent être consultés gratuitement sur Internet. TERMCAT Très bon. Glossaire Général.MYMEMORY Très bon Glossaire Général.WORDREFERENCEGlossaire Général.REVERSO Glossaire Général.IATE.EUROPA Glossaire Général.SENSAGENT Bon. Glossaire Général.BAB.LA Très complet. Glossaire Général.LAROUSSE Glossaire Général.INTERGLOT Glossaire Général.DICTIONARIST Glossaire Général.WOXIKON Très bon.
100 Useful Web Tools for Writers All kinds of writers, including poets, biographers, journalists, biz tech writers, students, bloggers and technical writers, take a unique approach to their jobs, mixing creativity with sustainability. Whether you’re a freelance writer just scraping by or someone with a solid job and more regular hours, the Internet can provide you with unending support for your practical duties like billing, scheduling appointments, and of course getting paid; as well as for your more creative pursuits, like developing a plot, finding inspiration and playing around with words. Turn to this list for 100 useful Web tools that will help you with your career, your sanity and your creativity whenever your write. Getting Organized
About WordSift was created to help teachers manage the demands of vocabulary and academic language in their text materials. We especially hope that this tool is helpful in supporting English Language Learners. We want WordSift to be a useful tool, but we also want it to be fun and visually pleasing. Online Image Editor CNRTL - Centre National de Ressources Textuelles et Lexicales Le portail lexical fonctionne avec un système d'onglets. Un clic sur un onglet (exemple Lexicographie) affiche une interface permettant de saisir une forme (lemme ou flexion) pour en afficher le contenu dans la catégorie linguistique sélectionnée. Un système de navigation vous permet également grâce à un double-clic d'effectuer une recherche sur n'importe quel mot dans la catégorie linguistique désirée. Pour assurer la pérennisation et faciliter le référencement des ressources du portail lexical sur le Web, un système simple de lien Internet (URL) a été mis en place pour pointer sur les ressources du portail.
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