Related: Productivity
9 Law Of Attraction Manifestation Techniques You Should Be Using If you’re interested in the power of the LOA, you will probably know all the best Law of Attraction manifestation techniques… Visualizations and affirmations are the most popular, and for good reason! They’re straightforward for beginners and powerful for the more experienced. However, there are other manifestation techniques that you should be using if you want to learn how to really use the Law of Attraction effectively. Being mediocre is the most valuable thing you can do in life There are currently 579,701 self-help books in Amazon telling you how to live a better life. Hustle more. Be a badass. Think more creatively.
The 80/20 and 95/5 Rules of Change – The Foresight Guide The 80/20 and 95/5 Rules of Change Power law distribution. Here the “fat head” is in green, and “long tail” in yellow. How to do the most work in the shortest time We are designed by evolution to be busy. That’s OK for the caveman, who needs to feed himself; not OK for you in the 21st-century when you have to deal with an ever-growing range of tempting distractions. Which is why it is so baffling that Paris has been identified as the city with the shortest working week, when France is renowned for having higher productivity than the UK. As a coach who specialises in enabling people to get more done more quickly, I notice that those who get the most worthwhile work done in the smallest amount of time follow a set of rules.
How to Set up Your Desk to Increase Productivity at Work No matter how you want to approach the math, adults spend nearly 40% of their day at work according to a recent American Time Use Survey. While many of you have “hands on” jobs requiring physical labor, the majority spend our day plopped, posted, and perched at a desk staring at numbers or figures on a computer screen. So why is it that, even given the knowledge of our time commitment, that many people still overlook the significance of your desk? Here’s some essential tips, tricks, and tidbits on how to effectively utilize your desk space to maximize productivity, output, and, most importantly, your happiness while at work. Surround yourself with things that make you happy Some argue that a clean desk results in an unobstructed mind.
A daily routine supercharged my work life. Here's how to build one that works for you - ABC News Routines sometimes get a bad rap as being mundane and limiting creativity — but I feel like the opposite can be true. In fact, building a morning routine saved my work life. In 2012, I was in an exec in Hong Kong, with a calendar full of back-to-back meetings and an overflowing inbox. When I went on holiday in the middle of the year, my body slowed down a little — and then completely crashed. I got shingles, which can be a horrible, debilitating illness. We've Broken Down Your Entire Life Into Years Spent Doing Tasks When you're young the life that lays before you has seemingly endless possibilities. You don't yet know what you'll do, who you'll be, where life will take you. Though, thanks to statistics, we can roughly predict how it will play out.
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from Trello: Trello is a collaboration tool that organizes your projects into boards. In one glance, Trello tells you what's being worked on, who's working on what, and where something is in a process. by kbpc172 Feb 26