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7BD, le blog vidéo de la bande dessinée!!! Plan Your Free Online Education at Lifehacker U: Summer Semester 2013 Natural Born Learners : A tribute to Roland Meighan: Contributor to the Natural Born Learners reader. It is with great sadness that we learned about the passing of Personalized Education Now, founder and autonomy in education advocate, Dr. Roland Meighan. I had the honour of interviewing this inspiring gentleman and was thrilled that he consented to be included in the reader Natural Born Learners: Unschooling and Autonomy in Education. He did not live to see it in print. Here, in his honour I have included that chapter so that readers of this blog will see how visionary his message continues to be. For many years, I was a double-agent in education. Democracy and Learning Systems One has to say quite a few things about democracy, because it is much more complicated than meets the eye. Then, in democratic education, you operate some form of power sharing rather than having things imposed on learners from above. This extends to parenting. I am a great fan of John Holt, and met him over here in England and we became good friends. Recycling Schools References Fortune-Wood, J. (2002).

Brüno - What's goin' on samedi 22 octobre 2005 - duke ellington - Par Brüno, samedi 22 octobre 2005 à 00:50 :: Zik aucun commentaire :: aucun trackback jeudi 20 octobre 2005 - blaxploitation - Par Brüno, jeudi 20 octobre 2005 à 23:31 :: Artwork 2 commentaires :: aucun trackback vendredi 14 octobre 2005 - whats new ? Par Brüno, vendredi 14 octobre 2005 à 00:49 :: Zik aucun commentaire :: aucun trackback jeudi 13 octobre 2005 - stand up - Par Brüno, jeudi 13 octobre 2005 à 00:48 :: Zik aucun commentaire :: aucun trackback mercredi 12 octobre 2005 - marvin gaye - Par Brüno, mercredi 12 octobre 2005 à 00:47 :: Zik aucun commentaire :: aucun trackback mardi 11 octobre 2005 - philadelphia experiment - Par Brüno, mardi 11 octobre 2005 à 00:46 :: Zik aucun commentaire :: aucun trackback lundi 10 octobre 2005 - oscar brown jr - Par Brüno, lundi 10 octobre 2005 à 00:45 :: Zik aucun commentaire :: aucun trackback

Автосервис SRT на варшавке :: Social Interaction Design Primer II: 2. Action Systems We need an action system for our content/information system. Action systems traditionally belong to interaction designers, and they tend to describe actions that are constrained and enabled by the user interface, as well as back-end architecture, features, and functionality. Action systems conventionally hew pretty closely to visual design languages, and there are many standard and conventional systems (including pattern languages) around for user behavior around UI elements, such as pulldowns, lists, multiple selection windows, form pages, wizards, and so on. Attention: this article is part of a series. Action systems are particularly important because they shape and constrain user participation. The discrete sequences and steps involved in web 1.0 interactions are basic transactions: the user does X and the software/site verifies that X has been done. In social media, for example, the “call to action” is often a “call to interaction.” We use sociology to describe social encounters.

De retour! - Festiblog 2011 = Festival des Blogs BD et du Webcomics -> Festival de la BD numérique et de la BD du web C'est l'heure de la paie. On vous le dit tous les ans, le festival est entièrement gratuit, mais notre récompense, la cerise sur le gateau, le cadeau bonus, notre salaire en somme, ce sont tous vos retours, vos mercis bloguesques, vos bisous électroniques, vos compte-rendus, tout simplement. Et cette année, vous avez été très rapides à dégainer. Alors on ne perd pas de temps pour tout partager avec vous. 2d, Akicraveri (Part 1, Part 2), Amélie, Antigone, Blagui Blago, Caille99, Chapeau Péruvien, Cyber Céline, David Gilson, Dubatov, Gary Mael, Hibi, Jeromeuh, Jo l'indien, Lady O, Lili Bé, Lilith, Linkin, Mariko (Part 1, Part 2), Marlène, Martin Vidberg, Misté, Mlle Taga Dah, Mogmi, Moino, Moo, Msieu Sylvain, Ours polaire, Patate masquée, Punko, Red Marion, Salune, Soph', Sporadik, Stein, Stoon, Thomas Mathieu, Tim, Tinky, Tokyobanhbao, Totoche, TyKayn, WacsiM, Wayne, Zenith the neet et la Zouave. C'est déjà la foule et ce n'est que le début!

Enhanced Enemy AI at Skyrim Nexus All enemies (humans, humanoids, animals, undeads and monsters - except for Dragons) have an enhanced AI. Now your enemies are smart and dangerous, for a funnier and challenging game. Feel new game experiences and exciting duels and battles! This mod doesn't use scripts, and may be installed/uninstalled easily and without dangers for your saves . This mod is really light and non-intrusive, but his effects are visible and dangerous... I've only changed all the vanilla "combat styles", nothing more . Enemies will use more often and better spells, bashing, wards, strikes and so on... Try it and have fun! This mod is compatible with most of other combat mods, as: Ace - Combat Skills Dragon Combat Overhaul Dual Wield Parrying Duel - Combat Realism Deadly Combat Skyrim Redone (SkyRe) Tk Hitstop Ultimate Combat Locational Damage and a lot of others... if you load it after the other combat mod/s you are using

Attribution Theory Attribution theory provides an important method for examining and understanding motivation in academic settings. It examines individuals' beliefs about why certain events occur and correlates those beliefs to subsequent motivation. The basic premise of this theory is that people want to understand their environments and, therefore, strive to understand why certain events happen. In the classroom, the understanding students have about the causes of past events influences their ability to control what happens to them in the future. The study of attribution was initially associated with Fritz Heider (1896–1988) (1958). Attribution diagram based on the work of Bernard Weiner. When an achievement-related event occurs (e.g., a student fails an examination), especially if the outcome was unexpected, Weiner proposes that learners undertake an attributional search, trying to understand what happened. Attributional information is communicated to learners in a variety of ways. Covington, M.

Orbital Self-Portrait Show and other stuff | David O'Connell I’m honoured to say that I’ve been included in an exhibition of self-portraits by comic artists, curated by Camila Barboza, that’s taking place at the wonderful Orbital Comics in London. There are pics by a number of small-, medium- and large-press favourites such as Joe Decie, Adam Cadwell, Ellen Lindner and Gary Erskine, as well as me on a giant blue chicken. Here are some photos from the launch, but do take a look in person if you’re in the area. The (free) show runs until the 15th October. Speaking of comics shops being wonderful, the amazing GOSH!

Клуб любителей Nissan Almera и Almera Classic • Просмотр темы - Каталожные номера расходников(Classic) От тут нарыл у хохлов некоторые каталожные номера расходников(колодки,фильтры и т.д.)... может кому пригодится, если будете через екзист заказывать. Проверенное Колодки тормозные передние 41060-95F0B Колодки тормозные задние 44060-95F0A Свечи зажигания 4шт. B2401-95F0A Кольцо маслосливной пробки 11026-01M02 Фильтр масляный 15208-95F0A(15208-65F00 - см. комментарий artem ) Салонный фильтр (оригинал) 27891-BM401-KE 80100-95F0B Дверь пер. прав.B10RS 63112-95F0B Крыло пер. прав. B10R 80300-95F0A Стекло передней правой двери 72752-95F0A Молдинг лобового стекла верхний Непроверенная инфа: 8502295F0B Бампер зад. B10R 6265195F0A Бампер пер. 40089-95F0A ПЫЛЬНИК ШРУСА 62090-95F0A АБСОРБЕР БАМПЕРА 54302-95F0B АМОРТИЗАТОР 54303-95F0B АМОРТИЗАТОР 11240-95F0A БАЛКА ПЕРЕДНЯЯ 43200-95F0A БАРАБАН ТОРМОЗНОЙ 27480-95F0A БАЧОК ОМЫВАТЕЛЯ 27640-95F0A БАЧОК РАСШИРИТЕЛЬНЫЙ 76011-95F0B БОКОВИНА 11928-95F0A БОЛТ 78818-95F0A БРЫЗГОВИК ВНУТ.

Visible Thinking Purpose and Goals Visible Thinking is a flexible and systematic research-based approach to integrating the development of students' thinking with content learning across subject matters. An extensive and adaptable collection of practices, Visible Thinking has a double goal: on the one hand, to cultivate students' thinking skills and dispositions, and, on the other, to deepen content learning. By thinking dispositions, we mean curiosity, concern for truth and understanding, a creative mindset, not just being skilled but also alert to thinking and learning opportunities and eager to take them Who is it for? Key Features and Practices At the core of Visible Thinking are practices that help make thinking visible: Thinking Routines loosely guide learners' thought processes and encourage active processing. A key feature of the Visible Thinking approach is the Teacher Study Group as described in the School-Wide Culture of Thinking section. License

Hark! A Vagrant: Kate Beaton's Witty Comics about Historical & Literary Figures by Maria Popova Training for presidents, Victorian dude-spotting, and what the Brontë Sisters have to do with Jules Verne. From New Yorker cartoonist Kate Beaton comes Hark! A Vagrant — a witty and wonderful collection of comics about historical and literary figures and events, based on her popular web comic of the same name. Scientists and artists, revolutionaries and superheroes, suffragists and presidents — they’re all there, as antique hipsters, and they’re all skewered with equal parts comedic and cerebral prod. Beaton, whose background is in history and anthropology, has a remarkable penchant for conveying the momentous through the inane, aided by a truly special gift for simple, subtle, incredibly expressive caricature. I think comics about topics like history or literature can be amazing educational tools, even at their silliest. Beaton is also a masterful writer, her dialogue and captions adding depth to what’s already an absolute delight. Donating = Loving Share on Tumblr
