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Institut de Coopération Internationale - Newsletter nº4 - Octobre 2012 Appui au programme de coopération décentralisée de Goussainville La ville de Goussainville a choisi l'Institut de Coopération Internationale pour proposer une mission internationale « construction d'un Centre local d'éducation francophone » à Madagascar. Il s'agit pour la Ville de favoriser les échanges d'expériences entre acteurs et d'œuvrer ainsi à des rapports de solidarité et à une meilleure connaissance mutuelle. Lire la suite Chaque mois, l'Institut sélectionne 3 sites d'offres d'emplois qui proposent des postes salariés ou volontaires dans l'action humanitaire et la coopération internationale. Asmae - Association Sœur Emmanuelle, ONG laïque de solidarité internationale spécialisée dans le développement de l'enfant recherche un(e) « Coordinateur (trice) Egypte ». Pour postuler à cette offre, il suffit de nous transmettre vos CV et lettre de motivation aux références indiquées à Sophie de Monès au ou consulter les autres postes ici

¿Cómo caracterizo mi práctica? Construcción del objeto de estudio. ¿Cómo construyo la Caracterización de la práctica profesional como docente frente a grupo? Este curso permitirá a los docentes estudiantes de Maestría describir las características de su práctica educativa desde: A) La metodología etnográfica, puesto que se retomarán elementos propios de la etnografía para dar cuenta de lo que sucede en la práctica desde la información arrojada a través de la aplicación de dichos instrumentos. B) Le metodología autobiográfica, porque también se analizarán y describirán las dimensiones de la práctica desde la perspectiva del mismo autor de la investigación. C) La teoría fundamentada, ya que se compararán los datos obtenidos mediante la aplicación de instrumentos de corte cualitativo con las distintas teorías psicopedagógicas que permitirán un acercamiento más profundo a la caracterización de la práctica docente. Para el trayecto o avance de este curso se deberán desarrollar los siguientes temas y cumplir con las actividades sugeridas. a. b. c. d. e. f. g. a.

Education in Northern Ireland Coordinates: Education in Northern Ireland differs from systems used elsewhere in the United Kingdom, though it is more similar to that used in Wales than it is to Scotland. A child's age on 1 July determines the point of entry into the relevant stage of education unlike England and Wales where it is 1 September. Northern Ireland's results at GCSE and A-Level are consistently top in the UK. At A-Level, one third of students in Northern Ireland achieved A grades in 2007, which is a higher proportion than in England and Wales.[2][3] Central administration[edit] The Department of Education's main areas of responsibility cover pre-school, primary, post-primary and special education; the youth service; the promotion of community relations within and between schools; and teacher education and salaries. Local administration[edit] Education at a local level in Northern Ireland is administered by five education and library boards covering different geographical areas. These boards are as follows:

SAPEA - IUFM Grenoble - Ressources Responsable éditorial : Philippe Dessus, Espé & LSE, Univ. Grenoble Alpes. Résumé : Cette page indexe les différents documents de cours de la base SAPP (Séminaires d’analyse de pratiques pédagogiques). Dernière mise à jour : 09 mai 2017. Nombre de documents dans la base : 110. Note : La réalisation de ce site a été en partie financée par le projet ANR-IDEFI numérique ReflexPro. Licence : Sauf mention contraire spécifiée sur le document, tous les documents de ce site sont placés sous licence Creative Commons : BY-NC-SA. Emploi des jeunes - Emploi, affaires sociales et inclusion - Commission européenne L'Union européenne œuvre à réduire le chômage des jeunes et à augmenter leur taux d'emploi, conformément à son objectif global de parvenir à un taux d'emploi de 75 % de la population en âge de travailler (les 20-64 ans). Fiche d'information: mesures prises par l’UE pour lutter contre le chômage des jeunes (en anglais) Principales actions Les raisons d'agir Plus de 4,5 millions de jeunes (15-24 ans) sont sans emploi aujourd'hui dans l'UE.

Part 1: Flipping The Classroom? … 12 Resources To Keep You On Your Feet Welcome to another post rich in resources. If you have come here looking for links that will guide you to videos and multimedia to use in a Flipped Classroom that is coming in a future post. Perhaps you have tried a little Flip of your own and want to learn more. If you are beginning to investigate what a Flipped Classroom is, with the thought of possibly trying some kind of Flip yourself… then this is also the right place. Many educators are beginning to become aware of the growing teaching method referred to as “Flipping The Classroom”. You see, at first this definition does make a lot of sense, and like so many “best practices” I see great value in the idea. Yes, I am a proponent of incorporating various multimedia and online learning in a blended environment. The Twelve Resources To Better Understand Flipping the Classroom Learning About The Khan Academy - You have heard about Khan and have possible even used the tutorials. Like this: Like Loading...

Education in Scotland Traditionally, the Scottish system at secondary school level has emphasised breadth across a range of subjects, while the English, Welsh and Northern Irish systems have emphasised greater depth of education over a smaller range of subjects. State schools are owned and operated by the local authorities which act as Education Authorities, and the compulsory phase is divided into primary school and secondary school (often called high school). Schools are supported in delivering learning and teaching by Education Scotland (formerly Learning and Teaching Scotland). There are also private schools across the country, although the distribution is uneven with such schools in 22 of the 32 Local Authority areas. Qualifications at the secondary school and post-secondary (further education) level are provided by the Scottish Qualifications Authority, which is the national awarding and accrediting body in Scotland, and delivered through various schools, colleges and other centres. School years[edit]

Site de l'Institut Français de l'Education » Los 7 roles del profesor en el aprendizaje en red A través del blog de Celes Arteta, que a su vez lo toma prestado del blog Nodos ELE, nos llega un artículo de George Siemens sobre los 7 roles que un profesor podría desempeñar en un entorno de aprendizaje en red. La traducción es de Emilio Quintana, de Nodos ELE, y la tenéis aquí. Nos ha parecido muy relevante para clarificar la figura de ese profesor 2.0 tan cacareado. Resumimos el resumen a continuación, y transcribimos en cursiva las citas literales y traducciones. El cuadro es de Claudio Clarenc, de Humano Digital. Un nuevo modelo Para contextualizar, diremos que las nuevas tecnologías 2.0 han puesto en entredicho (una vez más, todo hay que decirlo) la metodología tradicional de aprendizaje: la clase magistral, el profesor experto y el alumno que escucha y toma notas, para después estudiarse al dedillo el contenido impartido y repetirlo en un examen. Los 7 roles del profesor en un entorno semejante, por tanto, serían los siguientes: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Más información:

Education in Wales Education in Wales differs in certain respects from education elsewhere in the United Kingdom. For example, a significant minority of students all over Wales are educated either wholly or largely through the medium of Welsh: in 2008/09, 22 per cent of classes in maintained primary schools used Welsh as the sole or main medium of instruction.[2] Welsh medium education is available to all age groups through nurseries, schools, colleges and universities and in adult education; lessons in the language itself are compulsory for all pupils until the age of 16. Since devolution, education policy in the four constituent countries of the UK has diverged: for example, England has pursued reforms based on diversity of school types and parental choice; Wales (and Scotland) remain more committed to the concept of the community-based comprehensive school. The structure of the Welsh educational system[edit] Compulsory schooling[edit] Primary education[edit] Secondary education[edit] Higher education[edit]

La vie moderne
