Shakespeare - Romeo and Juliet The story of Romeo and Juliet takes place in Verona in Italy. Two families, the Montagues and the Capulets, hate each other so much that they fight on the street whenever they meet. One of these families, the Capulets, organises a big party so that they can introduce their daughter Juliet to a rich nobleman, Count Paris, who has asked to marry her. Juliet is nearly 14, and her parents are keen for her to marry soon. Romeo is the son of the Montague family, and is also about 14. That night, at the party, Romeo meets Juliet, and they fall in love at first sight. Juliet’s cousin, Tybalt, gets angry very easily. Meanwhile, the Capulets decide that Juliet must marry Count Paris immediately. When the guests arrive for Juliet’s wedding the next day, Juliet’s lifeless body is discovered. When the Capulets and Montagues discover both their children dead, they are united in their sadness.
SHAKESPEARE theatre Séance 1 : A. Anticipation avec une image non légendée de Shakespeare: Who is it ? B. 1. a. b. c. 2. 1 ads intro shakespeare 3. 1 homeless takes on shakespeare Ce document va lui aussi permettre de lutter contre l'idée que Shakespeare ne peut avoir de lien avec notre monde moderne. C. 1 the Globe Les élèves vont ainsi constater que les pièces de Shakespeare n'étaient pas réservées aux intellectuels de l'époque et ils vont ainsi pouvoir se dire que son théâtre est à leur portée. Le travail sur 'Used to' avait été fait lors de la séquence sur New York ici : teachers-zone-3eme/used-to D. HMW: possibilité pour les élèves de travailler ces applis sur le Globe Theatre ici : 3emes applis/the-globe-theatre Séance 2 : SHAKESPEARE'S LIFE and QUIZ A. Shakespeare's life ) constitué à partir de la page : B. C. D. 2 poi bio shakespeare Chaque bonne réponse rapporte 2 points. E. Séance 3 : QUIZ (THE END) A. B. C. Questions ). D. A. B. C. D. E. A. B.
Engelska åk 9 - Nationella prov i främmande språk, Göteborgs universitet Här ges exempel på olika typer av uppgifter som har förekommit och kan förekomma i nationella prov i årskurs 9. Provuppgifterna kommer framför allt från utprövningsmaterial som inte använts i prov, men också från tidigare givna prov, som inte längre omfattas av sekretess. Observera att dessa uppgifter främst avser att exemplifiera olika typer av uppgifter som kan förekomma i proven, så elever inte ska känna sig främmande för hur de ska genomföra en uppgift i provsituationen alla typer av uppgifter inte förekommer varje gång och att nya format kan komma att introduceras exempeluppgifterna inte sammantaget utgör hela, representativa prov - vare sig när det gäller omfång, svårighetsgrad eller autenticitet Lgr11 (i A3 format) Speaking The World Around Us (Elevblad)Blå kortRöda kort Bedömningsanvisningar Reading Welcome to Wales Bedömningsanvisningar A Multicultural CityBedömningsanvisningar Young and FreeBedömningsanvisningar Native LanguagesBedömningsanvisningar Odd NewsBedömningsanvisningar Listening
11 Essay Phrases to Outlaw - WeAreTeachers - WriteToLearn Classroom Poster: Phrases to Outlaw in Students' Writing Ask any teacher who has ever spent every single minute of a beautiful weekend grading student essays and he or she will tell you this: In the garden that is student writing, certain “weeds” pop up again and again, and yes, again. Every year, teachers work hard to eradicate these should-be-outlawed phrases, yet still they persist. So we decided to make a list of the worst offenders. Download it now, and put to use with your students. Editing Guide: Print or photocopy individual 8 1/2” x 11” copies for your students to place in their writing notebooks or binders. Hör vi ihop?: Engelska – Kooperativt Lärande Strukturen Hör vi ihop? är väldigt populär i min klass i engelskundervisningen. Det är ett enkelt och tacksamt sätt att få alla elever aktiva och att få alla elever att TALA engelska. De tycker att det är väldigt roligt och alla vågar vara med. På korten finns en fråga och ett svar. Eleverna går runt och ställer frågan till varandra. What’s your name? What time is it? What are you wearing? What’s the weather like? Numbers MALL What day is it? Hör vi ihop? Idag har vi provat strukturen Hör vi ihop? I "Allmänt" Skrivtrappan Så här i början av höstterminen i åk 2 satsar vi lite extra på att komma igång med skrivandet. SFI: Att skriva en innehållsrik och strukturerad text Skrivuppgifter är en av de svåraste uppgifterna på SFI.
Culture - If Jane Austen characters used dating apps In light of a very important anniversary this year – 200 years since the death of Jane Austen – we had a think about how we could honour one of Britain’s most famous authors. What better way could there be to pay homage to the wittiest appraiser of Regency England’s marriage market than to think about what Jane Austen would make of love in 2017? Austen lived in a world where eligible bachelors boasted vast estates, Oxbridge educations and possibly a stint in the Navy or the chambers; single ladies were expected to speak several languages, sing and play piano, and be capable of running the home and raising children of equally excellent breeding. Dating apps such as Tinder (which now has over 50 million users) opaquely outline the demands of today’s relationship market; users ruminate long and hard over their choice of pictures and what they write in their biographies to hook in potential lovers, and that’s just your own profile.
The Globe theatre Welcome to ThingLink! This quick tutorial will show you how to create wonderfully engaging experiences with ThingLink. Create Simply click the Create button and select the type of project you want to create. Upload Select a file from your device to be your base image or video. Edit Watch this short video to learn about tag types, basic customization options and the simple publishing process - a perfect intro to editing your thinglinks! Share When you’re ready to share your thinglink, click the blue Share button in the top right corner of the page. Track Statistics help you understand how many people have seen your content, and what part was most engaging. The Globe theatre Arielle Calipel A year ago 891 views Do you want to create similar content? Start now Learn more Inspiration from ThingLink users Explore more Diputats per Barcelona al Congrés 10-N NacióDigital La gouvernance climatique mondiale face à de nombreux défis jean-luc chiavarino Notre-Dame Cathedral The National UAE Guadeloupe.1 SverigeKort
Warmers, fillers & coolers Warmers, Fillers & Coolers Below is a list of warmer/cooler/filler/game activities in no particular order. If you have any warmers you'd like to add to the list then please send them to via the Contact page Aims: - to introduce a theme - to relax stds after a hard day's work - to wake stds up after a hard night - to wait for late arrivals - to provide a break in the lesson - to provide humour - to provide oral fluency practice - to finish the lesson on a light note 1. 2.Spot the difference. 2 pictures - the same but with a few differences. 3 Find someone who. 4.Word association. 5.Word disassociation. 6.Mini-role plays. 7.Correct the mistakes. 8. 9.Collocations. 10.Cut up story/conversation - put in order. 11.Match headlines and articles. 12.Find connections between words e.g. television, lake and pen. 13.Call my bluff - give three definitions of a word & guess which is right. 14.Brainstorm all words connected with area. 16.What's my line -guess the job & can only answer Yes or No. 36.Anagrams.
Frågesport, allmänbildning och tävling - Engelskalek med siffror Shakespeare's Globe Theatre Video This lesson is part of the following series: Travel - London (7 lessons, $3.96) Learn about the history of Shakespeare's Globe Theatre in London with iMinds Travel's insightful audio knowledge series. The roar of the crowd. The Globe Theatre that visitors flock to today is actually a replica of the original. iMinds will tell you the story behind the place with its innovative travel series, transporting the armchair traveller or getting you in the mood for discover on route to your destination. *Please note this is an audio only mp4 lesson. iMinds offers 8-minute audio books that deliver bursts of knowledge on an array of topics through iPods and other MP3 devices. More..
English Commas in English, English comma rules - Writing English The main rule for the use of commas in English is: Keep your sentences clear. Too many commas might be distracting; too few might make the text difficult to read and understand. Always check your texts on readability. This requires some practice, however, as first you must know which commas are necessary and which are optional. The following chapters contain explanations on English comma rules. Comma Rules Commas with Numbers Commas with Salutations Commas with Geographic Places Commas with “please” Commas with Affirmatives, Negatives and Question Tags Commas with Adjectives Commas with Adverbs Commas with Enumerations Commas between Main Clauses Commas with Conditional Sentences Commas with Direct Speech Commas with Introductory Clauses Commas with Additional Information Commas with Opposites Commas as Means of Readability
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