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Control your printer's ATX PSU through a RAMPS board using OctoPrint · foosel/OctoPrint Wiki Introduction Step by step instructions References and notes Introduction The idea Basically, if you are using the ubiquitous Arduino Mega 2560 + RAMPS 1.4 combo to interface with your printer hardware, and powering your setup with an ATX power supply, there is a simple way to switch on/off your printer with OctoPrint, without the need for any extra relays or electronic circuits. The theory One of the motherboard connector pins of the ATX power supply is a power-on input (PS_ON#, green wire) which must be driven low to switch on (soft-start) the power supply. The RAMPS 1.4 board provides a PS-ON pin which is controlled by one of the Arduino Mega 2560 pins. In this HOWTO, I'll provide the instructions to properly connect the ATX power supply to the RAMPS 1.4 board and configure the Arduino firmware and OctoPrint so that it's easy (and safe) to switch on/off your printer with OctoPrint. Step by step instructions Before you start What you want to check here: ATX PSU to RAMPS 1.4 wiring

L’AltroWeb - Web e tanto altro... | di Salvatore Noschese Les fonctions techniques d'une habitation Objectif : A quelles fonctions doit répondre une habitation ? A quoi servent les différents éléments d’une habitation ? Tout objet technique répond au besoin d’un utilisateur (fonction d’usage). Activité : les fonctions de la maison Reproduire et compléter l’organigramme des fonctions-solutions : Compléter avec les fonctions suivantes : Supporter du poids Se protéger du bruit Se protéger des autres Se protéger des variations thermiques Séparer les pièces Eclairer artificiellement (nuit) Connecter la maison à différents réseaux Eclairer naturellement (jour) Se protéger des intempéries Ressource : Les solutions techniques Télécharger la maquette virtuelle et l’ouvrir avec Edrawing v10. maison virtuelle Tutoriel pour le logiciel E-drawing Tutoriel simplifié Différentes techniques permettent d’assurer ces services (fonction technique) : méthode FAST. La station Concordia Survol de la station Vue de la base Concordia (Antarctique) par Concordia09 Présentation de la station structure de la station video cnrs

Fusion 360 | 3D CAD, CAM, CAE & PCB Cloud-Based Software Autodesk online store promotion: This promotion offers a 20% discount off the Suggested Retail Price (SRP) for purchases of a 1- or 3-year subscription to Fusion 360, HSMWorks, EAGLE and a 30% discount off the Suggested Retail Price (SRP) for a 1-year subscription to the following products (excluding taxes): Fusion 360 Machining Extension Fusion 360 Nesting & Fabrication Extension Fusion 360 Manage Extension Fusion 360 Generative Design Extension, Fusion 360 Product Design Extension Fusion 360 Simulation Extension Fusion 360 Additive Build Extension This offer is available from 6/28/22 through 7/22/22 in the 50 United States and Canada and may not be combined with other rebates or promotions and is void where prohibited or restricted by law. Products must be purchased from the Autodesk online store and the applicable discount will automatically be applied to your purchase. Autodesk online store promotion:

Driving 28BYJ-48 step motor with Pololu A4988 drivers | ElectronicsMayhem I have always liked the 28BYJ-48 motor because of its power and price, it also supposed to very reliable since it is used in different types of air conditioners. Some information about the motor: This motor is very small but has enough power for most of the projects because it has a built-in 1/64 reduction gear. The result is a very small step of the motor which is 0,087890625 degrees per step. The reduction gear of course has its downiside which is the speed – you can typically drive this motor with maximum frequency of 100Hz which result in 100 steps per second which is 8,7890625 degrees per second. That is 41 seconds per revolution – Not very speedy but for the price of under 2$ it still is a very good motor. The main issue about driving this motor with a pololu a4988 driver is that this is an unipolar motor and the pololu driver is designed to work with bipolar motors. Ok, so straight to the point. This is however not that simple. Congratulations!

How to Hack Wi-Fi: Creating an Evil Twin Wireless Access Point to Eavesdrop on Data « Null Byte How to Hack Wi-Fi: Creating an Evil Twin Wireless Access Point to Eavesdrop on Data Welcome back, my greenhorn hackers! Now that we're familiar with the technologies, terminology, and the aircrack-ng suite, we can finally start hacking Wi-Fi. Our first task will be to creating an evil twin access point. Many new hackers are anxious to crack Wi-Fi passwords to gain some free bandwidth (don't worry, we'll get to that), but there are so many other Wi-Fi hacks that are far more powerful and put so much more at risk than a bit of bandwidth. What's an Evil Twin AP? The evil twin AP is an access point that looks and acts just like a legitimate AP and entices the end-user to connect to our access point. What We'll Be Doing In this scenario, we are a private investigator. Step 1Start Airmon-Ng First , we need to check whether our wireless card is operational. bt > iwconfig As we can see, our wireless card is operational and has been assigned wlan0. bt >airmon-ng start wlan0 Step 2Start Airdump-Ng iwconfig

Le calendrier numérique hivernal 58 Le calendrier numérique hivernal Découvrez chaque jour de décembre avant Noël, un service, un outil, un usage numérique, utile et pratique ! Calendrier élaboré par Valérie Perreaut, enseignante référente pour les usages du numérique (58). Twitter : @ValeriePerreaut Facebook : Alveria NE Groupe FB « Enseigner et former avec Genially » Groupe FB « Enseigner et former avec Canva-Education » Groupe FB « Les trouvailles numériques d’Alv et BenJ » Épurer une vidéo Videolink Videolink (qui remplace SafeYoutube) est un service éliminant les publicités et suggestions de vidéos Youtube. L’action principale consiste à renseigner l’adresse de la vidéo à partager. Videolink propose en outre de ne partager qu’un extrait précis. Videolink est un service gratuit, sans publicité et ne nécessitant aucune inscription. Pas de téléchargement Service en ligne introductiOn 2 alternatives... ViewPure Digiplay Flouter un visage Facepixelizer Une alternative... Redacted Créer un Qrcode Qrcode Article descriptif Digicode filesender PDFsam

Swift What’s new Swift 6 makes it easier to write concurrent code correctly with a new, optional language mode that analyzes your code at compile-time and diagnoses possible data races. This release also brings other enhancements to concurrency and generics, as well as improved support for source editors that use the Language Server Protocol. Watch the latest video Download the Swift one-sheet Modern Swift is the result of the latest research on programming languages, combined with decades of experience building software that runs on billions of devices. Declare new types with modern, straightforward syntax. Add functionality to existing types using extensions, and cut down on boilerplate code with custom string interpolations. extension Player: Codable, Equatable {} import Foundation let encoder = JSONEncoder() try encoder.encode(player) print(player) Quickly extend your custom types to take advantage of powerful language features, such as automatic JSON encoding and decoding. Designed for safety

3D printer improvements: Rollerstruder: a filament feeder / driver / extruder Almost one year ago I got rid of the plywood Ultimaker filament drive mechanism. It is an extremely important part of the FDM process as it pushes the (cold) filament towards the (hot) end. Any malfunction at this stage systematically leads to a bad print. So when not reliable, you have to stay close and react quickly to fix troubles, for example by feeding the filament further manually (btw check this if you are still doing it on an Ultimaker). As for me, most of the trouble came from the old bolt that was shipped with my printer: it was grinding my filaments a lot, sometimes to the point it would stop moving completely and ruin the hour-long printable kalashnikov. It also lacked Bertho's addition of a ball bearing on the "idler arm", which soon became part of the official design. So: filament feeder, filament extruder, drive mechanism? There is a common and somehow accepted confusion here. As for me the "filament extruder" means the entire "filament drive mechanism". Expected features
