8 Snippets That Show the Power of CSS Grid By now, we’ve seen some impressive examples of what CSS Grid can do. But it seems like we’re just starting to scratch the surface of what this newfangled way of creating layouts is capable of. As designers continue to experiment, they’re not only finding ways to solve common roadblocks that were faced before CSS Grid was around, they’re also taking things a step further. We’re beginning to see the potential for implementing unique layouts that were perhaps darn-near impossible using other methods. Let’s explore some CSS Grid examples that go well beyond the ordinary: The Virtual Shoe Rack This stunning snippet is reminiscent of a shoe display you may see in a retail store – only much more fun. Vertically Responsive Poster Here’s an example of a piece of artwork done completely with a CSS Grid layout and HTML – no images needed. Fitting In Who doesn’t love a good game of Tetris? Mondrian Compositions Apple Keyboard Responsive Photo Gallery A New Navigation Monopolizing the Grid
30 Pure CSS Animation Snippets & Demos Open source code has ushered in a new era of front-end web development. Beginners and experts alike can save time and stress by working with pre-built code snippets. The following gallery consists of 30 different snippets for creating animated effects with pure CSS. All of these code snippets can be found in online cloud IDE platforms. These are like webapps that behave as code editors where frontend developers can practice concepts and unique ideas from any web browser. Lots of talented developers enjoy testing their ideas in a cloud platform while pushing the current boundaries of CSS. Also be sure to check if there are any libraries included with each snippet, or if any CSS code has been compiled using SASS or LESS. You could also read about the latest CSS Animation trends in web design or you could grab some tools and resources that will help you create your own CSS animations. Gooey Menu by Lucas Bebber Toggle a circular animated menu with icons using pure CSS animation.
Transit - CSS transitions and transformations for jQuery What about older browsers? Transit degrades older browsers by simply not doing the transformations (rotate, scale, etc) while still doing standard CSS (opacity, marginLeft, etc) without any animation. Delays and durations will be ignored. // Delegate .transition() calls to .animate()// if the browser can't do CSS transitions.if (!$.support.transition) $.fn.transition = $.fn.animate; Fallback to frame-based animation If you would like to fallback to classic animation when transitions aren't supported, just manually redefine .transitition to .animate. (Note: if you're using custom easing, you may need to also use jQuery Easing, and restrict your use of easing options to the ones defined there.) $.fx.speeds. Default duration Transit honors jQuery's default speed, $.fx.speeds. Custom easing Define custom easing aliases in $.cssEase. Webkit: prevent flickers Having flickering problems in Webkit? Antialias problems in Webkit? Force hardware-acceleration in Webkits to prevent text flickering.
14 CSS Flat Buttons Collection of hand-picked free HTML and CSS flat button code examples. Author Andrej January 25, 2018 Made with About the code Pure CSS Flipping Button This is a flatt button, which has a 3-dimensional flipping effect on hover. Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari Dependencies: - Antonio August 9, 2017 HTML / CSS (Sass) Shiny Button Shiny captivating and flat button for call to action, with only CSS. Allison Skinner June 23, 2017 Animated Flat Design Button A button that follows the flat design trend but still has some 3D animation on hover. lemmin June 5, 2017 Animated Rainbow Button Andrew February 24, 2017 Material Design Flat Button Hacky CSS way for flat Material Design shadows for text. Daniel Powell August 30, 2016 Flat Buttons Psuedo Striped Shadows Flat buttons are all the rage. Dronca Raul August 16, 2016 Flat Layered Button Josh Shor June 06, 2016 HTML (Pug) / CSS (SCSS) Pure CSS 3D Flip Buttons Sazzad April 29, 2015 Animated CSS3 Buttons Benjamin Vilina January 19, 2015 Flat Buttons
WAIT! Animate Créez vos animations CSS3 avec l'interface de bounce.js Vous avez toujours eu envie de faire des animations CSS mais, avouons le, la complexité du code nécessaire vous rebute ? Je vous propose de découvrir Bounce.js, une interface graphique el ligue qui vous permettra de créer vos animations sans toucher à la moindre keyframe ! Bounce est une création de @JoelBesada qui je pense vas faire des heureux parmi vous. Comme son nom ne l'indique pas, cette petite application web vous propose de créer des animations web. Pour cela, rien de plus simple: choisissez dans le menu à gauche un modèle prédéfini à modifier, ou bien créez votre animation from scratch en ajoutant votre premier "component". La suite passe par l'édition des components en question. De nouveaux effets sont prévus, comme par exemple l'opacité. Pour enrichir votre animation, il ne vous reste plus qu'à ajouter de nouveaux components et à les personnaliser. N'hésitez pas à partager vos expériences en commentaires !
CSS Selectors Cheatsheet - FrontEnd30 selectors cheatsheet ID Selector: #a { } * ID is not recommended as a selector Child Selector: a > b { } Descendant Selector: a b { } Combine Descendant & ID Selector: #a b { } Combine the Class Selector: b.x { } Comma Combinator Selector: a, c { } Universal Selector: * { } Combine Universal Selector: a * { } Adjacent Sibling Selector: a + b { } General Sibling Selector: a ~ b { } First Child Pseudo Selector: b:first-child { } or first-child * In the second diagram, first-child is 'a' element, not 'b' element. Only Child Pseudo Selector: b:only-child { } or a :only-child { } Last Child Pseudo Selector: b:last-child { } * In the second diagram, last-child is 'c' element, not 'b' element. Nth Child Pseudo Selector: b:nth-child(2) { } * In the third diagram, nth-child(2) is 'a' element, not 'b' element. a :nth-child(2) { } Nth Last Child Selector: a :nth-last-child(2) { } or c:nth-last-child(2) { } a:nth-last-child(2) { } or b:nth-last-child(2) { } or d:nth-last-child(2) { } Nth of Type Selector: a:nth-of-type(2) { }
Creating 3D worlds with HTML and CSS by Keith Clark Last year I created a demo showing how CSS 3D transforms could be used to create 3D environments. The demo was a technical showcase of what could be achieved with CSS at the time but I wanted to see how far I could push things, so over the past few months I’ve been working on a new version with more complex models, realistic lighting, shadows and collision detection. This post documents how I did it and the techniques I used. View the demo(best experienced in Safari) Creating 3D objects In today’s 3D engines an objects geometry is stored as a collection of points (or vertices) each having an x, y and z property that defines its position in 3D space. With CSS transforms this is turned on its head. Creating objects from rectangles seems limiting at first but you can do a surprising amount with them, especially when you start playing with PNG alpha channels. All objects are created in JavaScript using a small set functions for creating primitive geometry. Lighting A second stab at lighting
Pleeease · Process CSS with ease CSS: Grid Layout in alternativa a FlexBox Grid Layout rappresenta una soluzione alternativa rispetto a FlexBox e diversi layout possono essere definiti privilegiando uno di questi due approcci ottenendo il medesimo risultato; dal punto di vista dei progetti basati sui layout grid-based entrambi i due moduli presentano dei costrutti simili, ma Grid Layout offre interessanti opportunità per esplicitare la collocazione degli elementi in una griglia e consente di apportare modifiche sostanziali alla struttura di un layout senza richiedere cambiamenti rilevati a livello di markup. Sostanzialmente Grid Layout prevede la realizzazione di una griglia formata da un contenitore principale (o Grid Container), da definire tramite display: grid, e da dei componenti figli ("children" detti Grid Items); lo sviluppatore può organizzare il posizionamento e l'ordine di questi ultimi indipendentemente dalla loro collocazione nel markup di pagina. Per approfondire Bitsofco
The following are the possible ways to create professional animations in SVG: – Medium Export your SMIL animations from a graphics application. The standard way to produce SVG animations with SMIL is to create them in applications like Adobe Animate CC and similar others (see the section below for a list), and then using plugins like Flash2svg to export them in SVG. The Flash2svg add-on, created by the very talented Tom Byrne, is a marvel. With it you can export from Adobe Animate CC almost all animations+sound as a single self-contained SVG file. Even entire cartoon episodes like this one: If you need to use the SVG animation for cartoon editing or video production, you can then import the resulting SVG file in your editing software, for example Adobe After Effects. If you need to use SVG animations on the web, being SMIL not supported by all browsers, you should add a polyfill to your web page. Demo page without the smil polyfill: And the same page with the smil polyfill:
CSS3 Create - Démos, tutoriels et expériences CSS : menus, galerie photos, interfaces web. Visual design con WordPress per creare Oggi è lei la protagonista del visual design con WordPress. Sto parlando di Licia Pelliconi, visual designer professionista che si racconta in questa piccola intervista. Licia, ti vuole spiegare come anche con WordPress è possibile essere dei veri creativi. A di spetto di tutti quelli che pensano che basti acquistare un template… Visual design: l’arte di creare… online Il visual design, è un linguaggio di comunicazione attraverso l’uso di immagini, colori, forme, tipografia, sapientemente dosate per migliorare l’usabilità e l’esperienza dell’utente. Licia Pelliconi Classe: 1979 – Profilo Facebook: Licia.Pelliconi Ciao Licia, benvenuta sul Blog di Gestione WP e naturalmente sul gruppo Facebook WordPress facile! Sei una visual designer, di cosa ti occupi precisamente? Sono una persona curiosa di natura e affamata di conoscenza. Quali sono le influenze artistiche che ti hanno guidato? Quando hai iniziato con il web? Mio padre era diffidente verso questo mondo oscuro. Fantastico!