Portugal : un redressement économique et social qui prend Bruxelles à contre-pied Il y a un an, en juillet 2016, la Commission européenne entamait une procédure pour "déficit excessif" contre le gouvernement de Lisbonne. Le Portugal risquait une amende, selon Bruxelles, puisque il était censé ramener son déficit à 2,5 % de son PIB en 2015 au lieu des 4,4 % annoncés. La procédure a été abandonnée un mois plus tard. Etonnement, la France n'était pas soumise à la même pression, alors qu'elle n'avait pas — elle non plus — tenu ses engagements : 3,4% de déficit au lieu des 3% requis. Mais l'économie portugaise n'a pas réussi à réduire ses déficits par la baisse des dépenses publiques, des réformes structurelles du travail visant à "assouplir" les droits des salariés, ou en abaissant les protections sociales, comme le préconise la Commission européenne. > Portugal : les audaces de la gauche irritent à Bruxelles Mesures socio-économiques > Ni austérité, ni populisme : le Portugal suit sa voie de gauche Politique anti-austéritaire de relance par la demande
Personal Finance for Beginners I - Retire Japan This is the start of a new series here at RetireJapan. Over the next four weeks we'll be looking at personal finance for people in their twenties, their thirties, their forties, and their fifties.If you're too old for today's post feel free to read along anyway -you can think of what might have been or take notes for when your kids grow up :)So you're in your 20s and you want to get started with personal finance? Not only have you come to the right place, I am really jealous of you.The sooner you start building good financial habits, the better off you will end up. Warren Buffett started investing when he was 11 -and look at him now, with his $71.8 billion.As a young adult, you have some huge advantages. Being aware of them and working on a few basic financial habits will put you in a very favourable position going forwards.1. First of all, you have huge amounts of human capital.
DNA tests for IQ are coming, but it might not be smart to take one Ready for a world in which a $50 DNA test can predict your odds of earning a PhD or forecast which toddler gets into a selective preschool? Robert Plomin, a behavioral geneticist, says that’s exactly what’s coming. For decades genetic researchers have sought the hereditary factors behind intelligence, with little luck. But now gene studies have finally gotten big enough—and hence powerful enough—to zero in on genetic differences linked to IQ. A year ago, no gene had ever been tied to performance on an IQ test. Since then, more than 500 have, thanks to gene studies involving more than 200,000 test takers. The discoveries mean we can now read the DNA of a young child and get a notion of how intelligent he or she will be, says Plomin, an American based at King’s College London, where he leads a long-term study of 13,000 pairs of British twins. As of now, the predictions are not highly accurate. Others are holding back. Finding the genes And that’s not all. It’s also highly heritable.
Unique neuronal firing patterns in our "second brain" observed for the first time Using a newly developed imaging technique, a team of researchers in Australia has directly observed a unique neural motor firing pattern outside of the brain or central nervous system. The pattern of neuronal firing, in the intestine, showed exactly how our enteric nervous system coordinates contractions in our gastrointestinal tract. The enteric nervous system (ENS) is a massive mesh of neurons located in our gastrointestinal tract. It's the largest collection of neurons found in the body outside of the brain, and because of its ability to operate entirely independently it has often been referred to as our "second brain." It is only recently that science has begun to seriously look at how this so-called second brain actually functions. The new research outlines the development of a new, high resolution neuronal imaging method designed to expressly examine neuronal firing in the ENS. A new field of science, neurogastroenterology, has arisen to study this complicated mass of neurons.
Foster families who ignore race are participating in a pernicious form of racism Derek Owusu draws on personal experiences to argue that there needs to be more education about the needs of black children when being fostered I was eight years old when I first realised I was black. Before that, all I saw myself as was a ‘different kind of person’. No colour attached, but of course, visibly different to my peers. I was in foster care for the first eight years of my life–the formative years that, according to the Jesuit maxim, make you the man you will grow into. Late discoveries about identity are very common among black children raised in foster care by white families. When I arrived in London, one of my first experiences was getting a proper haircut. This disgust continued back home, where I was scolded for looking permanently “ashy”, and not knowing how to moisturise myself properly. It took some time for my head to heal and for me to learn to take care of my skin; to allow my darkness to develop a healthy glow. Like this: Like Loading...
Boy Scouts Personal Management Merit Badge and Worksheet Requirements for the Personal Management merit badge: Do the following: Choose an item that your family might want to purchase that is considered a major expense. Write a plan that tells how your family would save money for the purchase identified in requirement 1a. Discuss the plan with your merit badge counselor. Discuss the plan with your family. Comment about this page: Contest - Ask a Question - Add Content This site is not officially associated with the Boy Scouts of America Find more Scouting Resources at www.BoyScoutTrail.com
Humans produce new brain cells throughout their lives, say researchers | Science Humans continue to produce new neurons in a part of their brain involved in learning, memory and emotion throughout adulthood, scientists have revealed, countering previous theories that production stopped after adolescence. The findings could help in developing treatments for neurological conditions such as dementia. Many new neurons are produced in the hippocampus in babies, but it has been a matter of hot debate whether this continues into adulthood – and if so, whether this rate drops with age as seen in mice and nonhuman primates. Although some research had found new neurons in the hippocampus of older humans, a recent study scotched the idea, claiming that new neurons in the hippocampus were at undetectable levels by our late teens. Now another group of scientists have published research that pushes back, revealing the new neurons are produced in this brain region in human adults and does not drop off with age.
Does this image freak you out? Here's why Trypophobia, commonly known as “fear of holes,” is linked to a physiological response more associated with disgust than fear, a new study suggests. Trypophobia is not officially recognized in the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM). Many people, however, report feeling an aversion to clusters of holes—such as those of a honeycomb, a lotus seed pod, or even aerated chocolate. “Some people are so intensely bothered by the sight of these objects that they can’t stand to be around them,” says Stella Lourenco, a psychologist at Emory University. “The phenomenon, which likely has an evolutionary basis, may be more common than we realize.” Previous research linked trypophobic reactions to some of the same visual spectral properties shared by images of evolutionarily threatening animals, such as snakes and spiders. “Low-level visual properties can convey a lot of meaningful information. Neurotic? Source: Emory University
L’inquiétude monte face à l’impact des écrans sur les plus jeunes Les professionnels de l’enfance s’alarment des troubles du développement chez les plus exposés précocement. Bon nombre de professionnels de l’enfance s’inquiètent de la place des écrans et de leur impact, et ce dès le plus jeune âge. Elisabeth Baton-Hervé, chercheuse indépendante, formatrice à l’éducation à l’image et aux médias, a voulu en savoir plus et a mené depuis 2014 une cinquantaine d’entretiens avec ces professionnels de terrain sur cette question, dans douze départements. Elle a présenté des premiers résultats lors de la troisième édition du colloque « Les impacts des écrans sur la jeunesse : un enjeu majeur de santé publique », organisé par l’Association pour l’éducation à la réduction du temps écran (Alerte) et Edupax (une association québécoise qui organise les journées sans écran dans les écoles), qui s’est tenu samedi 5 mai à la mairie du 19e arrondissement, à Paris. Réalité et fiction confondues Les conséquences ?
Money saving tips Why we're psychologically hardwired to blame the victim “Why I stayed” is the title of the blog entry. In it, Jennifer Willoughby, the ex-wife of former White House staff secretary Rob Porter, lists abuses she says she endured, including being called a “fucking bitch”, and being physically prevented from leaving the house. But even in the face of clear evidence of guilt by perpetrators, victims of domestic violence feel compelled to justify their actions. This is the culture of victim-blaming in action. Rape and sexual assault survivors are asked about what they wore and how they fought back. Despite #MeToo and rising resistance to record inequality, victim-blaming remains a constant undercurrent. The “just-world bias” happens because our brains crave predictability, and as such, we tend to blame victims of unfairness rather than reject the comforting worldview suggesting that good will be rewarded and evil punished. Lerner’s original experiments involved women, who were asked to observe what appeared to be learning by punishment.