Reading and Wriitng Notebook FAQ I just started reading The Cafe Book yesterday by The Sisters and I am already so excited to make some changes in my classroom because of it. You can bet that I will be doing some serious posting about it during the next month as I begin to launch it in my classroom. I got a really great email from Lindsay today and thought I would answer her questions on the blog about my reading and writing notebooks. I thought that some of you might have the same questions yourself. The first question she asked was, "Do your kids have both reading and writing notebooks?" The notebook that I use in my classroom is a combined reading and writing notebook. The second question was, "Are they responsible for bringing the notebooks to class each day or do you house them in your room? I am lucky enough to have the capabilities to store the notebooks in my classroom. I do a mixture of both. As we rebuild our notebooks, I am planning on sharing more details about them with you all.
Literature Circle Models After experimenting for many years, I discovered an approach that's easy, fun, and effective. I refer to it as Classroom Book Clubs because it's a more relaxed method of doing Literature Circles that doesn't involve roles. You can view a narrated slidecast to this model by scrolling down to the Classroom Book Clubs section. On this page you can also learn about different types of Literature Circles. Ways to Structure Literature Circles Classroom Book Clubs - My favorite method at the moment is a flexible approach to Literature Circles that does not require the use of extensive handouts and assignment booklets. Classroom Book Clubs I love this model because it's a very flexible and fun approach. Mini Literature Circles (Using Leveled Readers) Are you required to use a basal reading program in your classroom? Assign 3 or 4 students to a leveled reader based on their reading level. Literature Circles with Roles Some students enjoy having roles within their Literature Circles.
Collaborative Literature Circles Using edModo and iChat to jazz up Lit Circles into the 21st Century Welcome to our collaborate literature circles website. We used our cool new technology to twist literature circles into a new tech-ridden beast. Our goal was to create a platform for literature circles that uses blogging, movie making, an online dictionary, and PowerPoint. We wanted to find out whether student engagement is heightened when they collaborate in literature circle with students they have yet to meet using these tools. Our objectives were to engage students in collaborative literature circles using sets of "Award Books", and engaging in high level investigation of these books using these tech tools. We are so excited about the project, that we are sharing all of it with you on this site. Contact info: