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The 35 Most Amazing Libraries In The World

The 35 Most Amazing Libraries In The World
With education as our focus here at The Best Colleges, we obviously love libraries. College libraries, public libraries, private libraries, it doesn’t matter, we think they are all awesome. With that in mind we’ve done hours of research trying to find the most interesting libraries in the world, and come up with these 35 that we thought were especially noteworthy. We’ve tried to balance our list between architecturally interesting libraries and libraries with interesting collections, but most of these libraries are actually fascinating in both respects. We’d love to spend a day in any of these libraries, and we hope you’ll agree. 35. One of the most distinctive libraries on our list, the National Library of Belarus is shaped like a Rhombicuboctahedron (here’s what a rhombicuboctahedron is, just in case you’re not a mathematician.) 34. The University of Coimbra General Library has been in operation since the early 16th century. 33. 32. 31. 30. 29. 28. 27. 26. 25. 24. 23. 22. 21. 20. 19.

Banco de textos para el aula Parece que en los últimos días ha habido una explosión de iniciativas web relacionadas con la enseñanza de la lengua y la literatura y las tic. Creo que es una de las áreas o competencias educativas que más se prestan a trabajarlas mediante la utilización de las herramientas que proporciona la web. En esta ocasión traigo a este blog una iniciativa de un profesor muy inquieto y que ya nos "ha regalado" otros proyectos de enorme interés ( Dicta2.0, gooodrae o generador de fichas para imprimir). Se llama Sergio Abad (@sabad) en twitter. Su última aportación se denomina Banco de textos . "Todos leemos en clase con nuestros alumnos: lecturas del libro de texto, del libro de lecturas, periódicos, revistas, páginas webs, blogs, etc. En el Banco de Textos se ha puesto especial interés en facilitar la lectura de sus textos en distitntos formatos: todos disponen de un modo de lectura a pantalla completa pensada para leer los textos en pantalla (netbooks, tabletas, smartphones, etc.)

Inicio Biblioteca Digital Mundial “El poeta asesinado”, de Guillaume Apollinaire El poeta asesinado. Guillaume Apollinaire Traducción de Manuel Hortoneda Barataria (Barcelona, 2012) Siempre he querido imaginar cómo algunos hombres nacidos a finales del siglo XIX sintieron el cambio que se avecinaba. La tecnología debe estar siempre presente en las revoluciones artísticas, pues la creación no puede desligarse de las transformaciones que afectan a toda la sociedad. Esa época canceló un mundo lento y propició un universo veloz que sólo unos pocos elegidos supieron captar porque sus condiciones así lo propiciaron. Entre ellos, inevitablemente, destaca la figura de Guillaume Apollinaire, ayudado por su azarosa vida que tanto difundió con invenciones de gran calado para agrandar su leyenda. Por circunstancias que no vienen al caso tuve la suerte de mamar desde bien pequeño el impacto de la bande à Picasso en la cultura mundial. Vayamos al grano. La primera parte del volumen es un ajuste de cuentas con la infancia y sus desgracias.

Literature | Video Courses on Academic Earth The Epic of Gilgamesh. The Kojiki and Nihon Shoki. The Kumulipo. These are just some of the timeless creation stories from around the world that students of literature can explore. These tales help us unravel the cultural practices, art forms, values and ideas of various societies throughout history. Literature majors delve into historical and contemporary works, learning about major eras of creative thought and civilization development. Sample Courses Undergraduate students exploring literature will typically begin their studies with composition classes, which help them learn how to accurately convey their thoughts, criticisms, and analysis in essay form. Possible Specializations In some ways, literature and history students face similar challenges – there are so many eras, regions and cultures to cover, that these fields can seem too expansive. Degree Types Associate Some colleges offer an Associate of Arts Degree in English Literature. Bachelor’s Master’s Ph.D. Career Pathways

Anne Frank: Diary of a Young Girl Discussion Guide WWII & Holocaust Resource Poptropica Teaching GuidesPoptropica is one of the Internet's most popular sites for kids—and now it's available as an app for the iPad! It's not just a place to play games; each of the islands featured on the site provides a learning opportunity. Check out our teaching guides to four of Poptropica's islands: 24 Carrot Island, Time Tangled Island, Mystery Train Island, and Mythology Island. May Calendar of Events May is full of holidays and events that you can incorporate into your standard curriculum. Our Educators' Calendar outlines activities for each event, including: National Music Week (5/4-11), Cinco de Mayo (5/5), Teacher Appreciation Week (5/5-9), School Nurse Day (5/7), Mother's Day (5/11), National Police Week (5/11-17), Transportation Week (5/11-17), Children's Book Week (5/12-18), International Museum Day (5/18), and Memorial Day (5/26). Common Core Lessons & Resources Is your school district adopting the Common Core?

Lengüetazos Literarios Sketches from the Spanish Mustang Blog Tour There’s been some confusion as to what I’m asking of people when I say “can you host a day for the Blog Tour?” To be more specific, all I’m asking (and this is not new to those who have hosted other tours or guest posts before) is that you post a topic (which I will write) from the list below on the day specified. I, in turn, will make sure to drive traffic to your site and you, in turn, will get a copy of in whatever electronic format you prefer. Pretty simple? Here’s the list (those topics that are bolded and italicized are those days already spoken for). 6/27/2012 Book Covers and the Perfectionist 6/30/2012 And the Winner Is… If you’re interested in hosting one of these topics, please let me know . The idea behind a Blog Tour is to generate interest in wide field. Again, this is a call for help and, in turn, a call .

Peregrinaje a la tumba de Luis Cernuda Esta mañana he visitado el lugar donde está enterrado Luis Cernuda. Para llegar hasta allí desde el centro de Ciudad de México hay un largo trayecto, que he querido hacer en metro y microbús: varios transbordos hasta llegar a la estación de Viveros, y desde allí un microbús que tiene parada junto a Panteón Jardín, el cementerio donde está la tumba de Cernuda. Hay que subir una cuesta pronunciada y prolongada, hasta llegar a la sección C, fila 4, tumba 48. Conocía estos datos por un artículo de Antonio Rivero Taravillo, biógrafo de Cernuda, publicado en El Universal, de México, hace casi tres años. Peregrino¿Volver? Carlos Marzal ha dicho a propósito de este poema: Pocas veces un escritor ha enseñado, con tanta verdad, el orgullo necesario para un alto destino trágico.
