Latest news: International Council for Science — ICSU
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United Nations University
Call for expression of interest to host permanent secretariat of Future Earth - IHDP
Interested parties are invited in this first stage of a three-step process to express their interest in hosting the permanent secretariat for Future Earth by 23 September. The Science and Technology Alliance for Global Sustainability is launching an open competitive process for the selection of a permanent secretariat for Future Earth, a 10-year international research programme dedicated to generating new knowledge for challenges posed by global environmental change and transitions towards global sustainability. The call is being managed by the International Council for Science (ICSU). The successful bid will host a permanent secretariat – which should comprise a headquarters and regional nodes – for the 10-year research programme. Interested parties (whether individual organisations or consortia of organisations) are invited at this stage to express their interest by reviewing the briefing document and completing a template.
Future Earth announces its Science Committee - IHDP
The new Future Earth initiative has just announced its Science Committee, comprising of 16 members and two co-chairs. The group represents the full spectrum of global environmental change science from natural science to social sciences, humanities, and engineering. As one of two advisory bodies to the Governing Council, the committee will provide scientific guidance, ensure scientific quality, and guide the development of new projects. It will oversee the transition of IGBP, IHDP and Diversitas activities into Future Earth, secure strong partnership with the WCRP community. Chair of the Science Committee is Dr Mark Stafford Smith who holds the post of Science Director of CSIRO’s Climate Adaptation Flagship in Canberra, Australia, where he oversees a highly interdisciplinary programme of research on many aspects of adapting to climate change. Further members of the Science Committee: Eduardo S. Jane Lubchenco, Valley Professor of Marine Biology at Oregon State University, United States